"\"%{name}\" is already the group name" = "\"%{name}\" is already the group name";
"A collection or an edition from this publisher is missing in the common database?" = "A collection or an edition from this publisher is missing in the common database?";
"A series or a work by this author is missing in the common database?" = "A series or a work by this author is missing in the common database?";
"A shelf name is required" = "A shelf name is required";
"A work of this series is missing in the common database?" = "A work of this series is missing in the common database?";
"API" = "API";
"Active filters" = "Actieve filters";
"Add a work to this list" = "Add a work to this list";
"Add an edition by its ISBN" = "voeg een editie toe via ISBN";
"Add this work to your inventory or to a list" = "Add this work to your inventory or to a list";
"Add to…" = "Add to…";
"Advanced options" = "Advanced options";
"Already have an account?" = "Already have an account?";
"Always dreamed of a collaborative library for your coworking / association / book club? Here it is!" = "Altijd gedroomd van een gedeelde bibliotheek voor je collega's/vereniging/boekenclub? Hier is het!";
"Are you sure you want to delete this statement?" = "Are you sure you want to delete this statement?";
"Articles & videos" = "Articles & videos";
"Biblographic data" = "Biblographic data";
"Can't find what you are searching?" = "Can't find what you are searching?";
"Change author role" = "Change author role";
"Checking for existing items…" = "Checking for existing items…";
"Close map" = "Close map";
"Connect Wikidata account" = "Verbind Wikidata account";
"Create a new list" = "Create a new list";
"Create account" = "Create account";
"Create list" = "Create list";
"Ctrl+Enter to send" = "Ctrl+Enter om te versturen";
"Customize which links should be displayed" = "Customize which links should be displayed";
"Data common to all editions of this book" = "Data common to all editions of this book";
"Data specific to that particular edition" = "Data specific to that particular edition";
"Deduplicate sub-entities" = "Deduplicate sub-entities";
"Displayed links" = "Displayed links";
"Edit bibliographical info" = "Edit bibliographical info";
"Edit items shelves" = "Edit items shelves";
"Edit items transaction" = "Edit items transaction";
"Edit items visibility" = "Edit items visibility";
"Edit list" = "Edit list";
"Edit list info" = "Edit list info";
"Edit your item \"%{title}\"" = "Edit your item \"%{title}\"";
"Editions needing additional information:" = "Editions needing additional information:";
"Enter a list of ISBNs or any text containing ISBNs here" = "Enter a list of ISBNs or any text containing ISBNs here";
"Enter the email address you used to sign up to get a link to reset your password" = "Enter the email address you used to sign up to get a link to reset your password";
"Entities can be merged when one is a duplicate of the other." = "Entities can be merged when one is a duplicate of the other.";
"FAQ" = "FAQ";
"Failed to reset password. You can retry below." = "Failed to reset password. You can retry below.";
"Fediverse integration" = "Fediverse integration";
"Fetch more" = "Fetch more";
"Filter by" = "Filter by";
"Filter by editions" = "Filter by editions";
"Filter by transaction" = "Filter by transaction";
"Filter…" = "Filter…";
"Friends & Groups" = "Vrienden en Groepen";
"Geolocate" = "Geolocate";
"Go to the author's page" = "Go to the author's page";
"Go to the collection's page" = "Go to the collection's page";
"Go to the edition's page" = "Go to the edition's page";
"Go to the publisher's page" = "Go to the publisher's page";
"Go to the series' page" = "Go to the series' page";
"Go to the work's page" = "Go to the work's page";
"Group picture" = "Group picture";
"Hide non-selected shelves" = "Hide non-selected shelves";
"I can lend it" = "ik kan het uitlenen";
"I have it and it's available for:" = "ik heb het en het is beschikbaar om:";
"I'm giving it" = "ik geef het weg";
"I'm selling it" = "ik verkoop het";
"ISBNs list" = "ISBNs list";
"Image preview" = "Image preview";
"Include all your present and future groups" = "Include all your present and future groups";
"Inventaire - your friends and communities are your best library" = "Inventaire - your friends and communities are your best library";
"Inventories" = "Inventories";
"Inventory" = "Inventory";
"Items without shelf" = "Items without shelf";
"Latest created users" = "Latest created users";
"Learn more about %{username}'s item \"%{title}\"" = "Learn more about %{username}'s item \"%{title}\"";
"Learn more about Wikidata" = "leer meer over Wikidata";
"List creator" = "List creator";
"List name" = "List name";
"Lists" = "Lists";
"Lists containing this work" = "Lists containing this work";
"Loading %{count} entities: this may take a while" = "Loading %{count} entities: this may take a while";
"Loading map…" = "Loading map…";
"Login & connect your Wikidata account" = "Login & connect your Wikidata account";
"Look who was already there!" = "Kijk eens wie al aanwezig was!";
"Looking for duplicates…" = "Looking for duplicates…";
"Looking for editions…" = "Looking for editions…";
"Make the inventory of your books, share it with your friends and communities into an infinite library!" = "Make the inventory of your books, share it with your friends and communities into an infinite library!";
"Merge entities" = "Merge entities";
"Merge history" = "Merge history";
"Merge on Wikdiata" = "Merge on Wikdiata";
"New list name" = "New list name";
"No data could be found for that ISBN." = "No data could be found for that ISBN.";
"Number of books found" = "Number of books found";
"Number of books you selected to import" = "Number of books you selected to import";
"Only the entity history for claims stored directly in Inventaire database can be found here. For the rest:" = "Only the entity history for claims stored directly in Inventaire database can be found here. For the rest:";
"Open in advanced list browser" = "Open in advanced list browser";
"Open this link outside" = "Open this link outside";
"Other languages" = "Other languages";
"Other users' inventories" = "Other users' inventories";
"P123" = "uitgever";
"P136" = "genre";
"P1476" = "oorspronkelijke titel";
"P2002" = "P2002";
"P2635" = "Aantal volumes";
"P407" = "taal";
"P571" = "oprichtingsdatum";
"P576" = "opheffingsdatum";
"P577" = "publicatiedatum";
"P629" = "editie van";
"P921" = "belangrijk thema";
"P98" = "P98";
"PgDn" = "PgDn";
"PgUp" = "PgUp";
"Precise the date to the day" = "Precise the date to the day";
"Precise the date to the month" = "Precise the date to the month";
"Recover previous value:" = "Recover previous value:";
"References" = "References";
"Remember the books you lend or borrow" = "Onthou de boeken die je uitleent";
"Reset" = "Reset";
"Reset image to it's initial state" = "Reset image to it's initial state";
"Rotate left" = "Rotate left";
"Rotate right" = "Rotate right";
"Search by title, author, ISBN, series, publisher, collection…" = "Search by title, author, ISBN, series, publisher, collection…";
"Search for a location" = "Search for a location";
"Search for works or series" = "Search for works or series";
"Search possible duplicates" = "Search possible duplicates";
"Searching is not possible for this section yet" = "Searching is not possible for this section yet";
"See entity history on Wikidata" = "See entity history on Wikidata";
"See less editions" = "See less editions";
"See more editions" = "See more editions";
"Select all filters" = "Select all filters";
"Select an edition" = "Select an edition";
"Select the books you want to add" = "Select the books you want to add";
"Select transaction mode" = "Select transaction mode";
"Select who can see this item" = "Select who can see this item";
"Show actions" = "Show actions";
"Show books on a map" = "Show books on a map";
"Show every books on map" = "Show every books on map";
"Show other shelves" = "Show other shelves";
"Show password" = "Show password";
"Show user on map" = "Show user on map";
"Show users who have these editions" = "Show users who have these editions";
"Show users who have these editions on a map" = "Show users who have these editions on a map";
"Show who has this book" = "Show who has this book";
"Sort by" = "Sort by";
"Source:" = "Source:";
"Summary" = "Summary";
"Thank you for your message! Coming back to you shortly" = "Bedankt voor je bericht! We antwoorden zo snel mogelijk";
"The books you lend might actually come back now!" = "Je zou de boeken die je uitleent nu wel eens kunnen terugkrijgen!";
"The entity in which it should be merged" = "The entity in which it should be merged";
"The entity that should be merged" = "The entity that should be merged";
"The following data is missing on the Wikidata entity, which of those should be imported to Wikidata?" = "The following data is missing on the Wikidata entity, which of those should be imported to Wikidata?";
"The group description can not be longer than 5000 characters" = "The group description can not be longer than 5000 characters";
"The group name can not be longer than 80 characters" = "The group name can not be longer than 80 characters";
"There is nothing here" = "There is nothing here";
"There should be at least one label" = "There should be at least one label";
"This collection can not be moved to Wikidata as it lacks a language claim" = "This collection can not be moved to Wikidata as it lacks a language claim";
"This person already has that role" = "This person already has that role";
"Too many entities requested (%{entitiesCount}). Only %{limit} are displayed." = "Too many entities requested (%{entitiesCount}). Only %{limit} are displayed.";
"Unselect all filters" = "Unselect all filters";
"View book" = "View book";
"View result" = "View result";
"Visible by" = "Visible by";
"We could not identify this entry in the common bibliographic database. A new entry will be created" = "We could not identify this entry in the common bibliographic database. A new entry will be created";
"Welcome to Inventaire" = "Welcome to Inventaire";
"What's the nearest city?" = "What's the nearest city?";
"Which links would you like to see by default?" = "Which links would you like to see by default?";
"Who can see it?" = "wie kan dit zien?";
"Who should be allowed to see it?" = "Who should be allowed to see it?";
"Wikipedia" = "Wikipedia";
"You already have this book in your inventory:" = "You already have this book in your inventory:";
"You need to select items to be able to edit the selection" = "You need to select items to be able to edit the selection";
"Your inventory" = "Your inventory";
"Zoom-in to display more" = "Zoom-in to display more";
"a few words on you?" = "een paar woorden over jezelf?";
"a title is required" = "a title is required";
"accept" = "accepteer";
"accept friend request" = "vriendschapsverzoek aanvaarden";
"accept invitation" = "uitnodiging aanvaarden";
"accept_request" = "accepteer de aanvraag van %{username}";
"access your email address" = "toegang tot je e-mailadres";
"access your username" = "toegang tot je gebruikersnaam";
"account" = "account";
"actions" = "acties";
"activity" = "activiteit";
"activity_summary_periodicity_tip" = "het aantal **dagen** tussen e-mails met een activiteitssamenvatting";
"add" = "toevoegen";
"add a book" = "een boek toevoegen";
"add a collection from this publisher" = "voeg een collectie toe van deze uitgever";
"add a missing edition" = "voeg een ontbrekende editie toe";
"add a new book to this shelf" = "voeg een nieuw boek toe aan deze boekenplank";
"add a picture" = "een foto toevoegen";
"add a position" = "voeg een positie toe";
"add a series from this author" = "voeg een serie toe van deze auteur";
"add a work from this author" = "voeg een werk toe van deze auteur";
"add a work to this series" = "voeg een werk toe aan deze serie";
"add a work with this subject" = "voeg een werk toe met dit onderwerp";
"add an edition from this publisher" = "voeg een editie toe van deze uitgever";
"add an edition to this collection" = "voeg een editie toe aan deze collectie";
"add an edition without an ISBN" = "editie zonder ISBN toevoegen";
"add books" = "voeg boeken toe";
"add books to this shelf" = "voeg boeken toe aan deze boekenplank";
"add friend" = "vriend toevoegen";
"add group" = "voeg een groep toe";
"add more details" = "voeg meer detail toe";
"add new books" = "voeg boeken toe";
"add to my inventory" = "voeg toe aan mijn inventaris";
"add to the series" = "voeg toe aan de serie";
"add_by_barcode_scan" = "scan de barcode van je boek";
"add_item_text" = "**%{label}** aan je inventaris aan het toevoegen";
"added" = "toegevoegd";
"added:" = "toegevoegd:";
"admin" = "admin";
"admin section" = "admin sectie";
"admins have to accept or refuse requests to join the group" = "beheerders moeten het verzoek om bij de groep te komen accepteren of afwijzen";
"advice:" = "advies:";
"all" = "allemaal";
"all languages" = "alle talen";
"all publishers" = "alle uitgevers";
"all_editions_count" = "all_editions_count";
"allow" = "toestaan";
"alphabetically" = "alfabetisch";
"and of what can be done with them:" = "en wat ermee kan gedaan worden:";
"anonymized" = "geanoniemiseerd";
"any year" = "elk jaar";
"any_isbn_text_file" = "elk tekstbestand met [ISBN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISBN)s";
"anyone can join the group, no admin validation is required." = "iedereen kan bij de groep, geen beheerdertoestemming nodig.";
"appear in search results" = "verschijn in zoekresultaten";
"archive" = "archief";
"archived" = "gearchiveerd";
"article" = "artike";
"article_limitation" = "Dit is een artikel en geen boek: het kan niet aan je inventaris worden toegevoegd";
"articles" = "artikels";
"as you are not a member of the group, you can only see members' public books" = "sinds je geen lid bent van de groep kan je enkel de publieke boeken van de leden zien";
"associated_with_this_movement" = " ";
"author" = "auteur";
"author picture" = "author picture";
"authorization_request_context" = "authorization_request_context";
"authors" = "auteurs";
"authors_influenced_by" = "authors_influenced_by";
"authors_or_works_influencing_author" = "authors_or_works_influencing_author";
"available for" = "beschikbaar om";
"back" = "terug";
"back to your inventory" = "terug naar je inventaris";
"be careful, those actions might not be reversible" = "be careful, those actions might not be reversible";
"before_accepting_general" = "Voor je accepteert wil je waarschijnlijk de volgende punten bespreken:";
"before_accepting_lending_advice" = "Leen geen boeken uit die je koste wat kost wil terug zien als je niet zeker bent dat je deze persoon kan vertrouwen.";
"bibliographic databases" = "bibliographic databases";
"blog" = "blog";
"book" = "boek";
"book series" = "boekenseries";
"book_displayed_unavailable" = "Het boek staat staat nu op onbeschikbaar";
"books" = "boeken";
"books successfully added to your inventory" = "boek met succes aan je inventaris toegevoegd";
"books_by_author" = "%{author} - boeken";
"bot" = "bot";
"browse" = "doorbladeren";
"call_to_connect_welcome_message" = "de oneindige inventaris van de boeken van je vrienden en communities!";
"call_to_connect_welcome_title" = "welkom op Inventaris";
"can you tell us more about this work and this particular edition?" = "can you tell us more about this work and this particular edition?";
"can't delete Wikidata entity" = "can't delete Wikidata entity";
"can't find anyone with that name" = "niemand gevonden met die naam";
"can't reach the server" = "kan de server niet bereiken";
"cancel" = "annuleer";
"cancel friend request" = "vriendschapsverzoek annuleren";
"cancel request" = "annuleer aanvraag";
"cant_undo_warning" = "Deze actie kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden";
"cascade" = "cascade";
"change edition's work" = "change edition's work";
"change email" = "verander emailadres";
"change password" = "wachtwoord veranderen";
"change picture" = "verander foto";
"change position" = "change position";
"change username" = "verander gebruikersnaam";
"change visibility:" = "verander zichtbaarheid:";
"character_in" = "character_in";
"chat" = "chat";
"check the documentation" = "check the documentation";
"cites articles" = "cites articles";
"cleanup" = "cleanup";
"cleanup entity" = "cleanup entity";
"clear" = "clear";
"clear history" = "geschiedenis wissen";
"clear text" = "clear text";
"close" = "sluit";
"clue" = "clue";
"coauthors" = "coauthors";
"code" = "code";
"collection" = "collection";
"collection editor" = "collection editor";
"collection title" = "collection title";
"collections" = "collections";
"color" = "color";
"colorist" = "colorist";
"colorists" = "colorists";
"comic book" = "comic book";
"comic book series" = "stripserie";
"comment" = "reactie";
"compact" = "compact";
"confirm" = "bevestig";
"confirm_reception" = "bevestig dat je het boek ontving";
"confirm_reception_one_way" = "[Het boek](/items/%{itemId}) zal aan je inventaris worden toegevoegd.";
"confirm_returned" = "bevestig dat het boek werd teruggegeven";
"confirmation_password_reset_email_sent" = "Een e-mail werd verstuurd naar dit adres om je wachtwoord opnieuw te kunnen instellen: check je mailbox!";
"context" = "context";
"contribute" = "bijdragen";
"contribution_ideas" = "contribution_ideas";
"contributions" = "bijdragen";
"contributions_by" = "%{username}'s bijdragen";
"cookies are disabled" = "cookies zijn uitgeschakeld";
"cookies_are_required" = "cookies zijn vereist om de authentificatie te doen werken: gelieve de instellingen van je browser aan te passen en opnieuw te proberen";
"copy work label" = "copy work label";
"couldn't parse emails" = "couldn't parse emails";
"cover" = "omslag";
"create" = "creër";
"create a new author" = "create a new author";
"create a new collection" = "create a new collection";
"create a new edition" = "create a new edition";
"create a new entity" = "create a new entity";
"create a new group" = "create a new group";
"create a new publisher" = "create a new publisher";
"create a new serie" = "create a new serie";
"create a new shelf" = "create a new shelf";
"create a new work" = "create a new work";
"create a password" = "maak een wachtwoord aan";
"create all the missing parts" = "create all the missing parts";
"create an account" = "maak een account aan";
"create and add to your inventory" = "maak aan en voeg toe aan je inventaris";
"create and go to the author's page" = "create and go to the author's page";
"create and go to the collection's page" = "create and go to the collection's page";
"create and go to the edition's page" = "create and go to the edition's page";
"create and go to the publisher's page" = "create and go to the publisher's page";
"create and go to the series' page" = "create and go to the series' page";
"create and go to the work's page" = "create and go to the work's page";
"create group" = "groep creëren ";
"create selected books" = "create selected books";
"create shelf" = "create shelf";
"created" = "gecreëerd";
"created:" = "gecreeërd:";
"creating bibliographical data" = "creating bibliographical data";
"creating your books" = "creating your books";
"credit/debit card" = "creditcard";
"credits" = "credits";
"current password" = "huidig wachtwoord";
"current password and new password are the same, no need to update" = "current password and new password are the same, no need to update";
"customize editable properties" = "customize editable properties";
"danger zone" = "gevarenzone";
"data" = "data";
"data exports" = "data exports";
"data_loss_at_merge" = "labels en claims van eigenschappen die al op het doelobject werden gezet zullen verloren worden";
"data_mismatch" = "dit lijkt niet op %{source} data";
"date" = "date";
"date of dissolution" = "date of dissolution";
"date of foundation" = "date of foundation";
"day" = "dag";
"decline" = "weiger";
"decline_request" = "weiger";
"deduplicate" = "deduplicate";
"delete" = "verwijder";
"delete entity" = "delete entity";
"delete group" = "delete group";
"delete position" = "verwijder locatie";
"delete your account" = "verwijder je account";
"delete_account_confirmation" = "Ben je zeker dat je di account wil verwijderen, \"**%{username}**\"?";
"delete_entity_confirmation" = "Weet je zeker dat je de entiteit \"**%{label}**\" wilt verwijderen?";
"delete_group_confirmation" = "Weet je zeker dat je de groep \"**%{groupName}**\" wilt verwijderen?";
"delete_item_confirmation" = "delete_item_confirmation";
"delete_items_confirmation" = "delete_items_confirmation";
"delete_list_confirmation" = "Weet je zeker dat je de lijst \"**%{name}**\" wilt verwijderen?";
"delete_shelf_confirmation" = "Weet je zeker dat je de boekenplank \"**%{name}**\" wilt verwijderen?";
"deleted" = "deleted";
"deleted user" = "deleted user";
"description" = "beschrijving";
"details" = "details";
"details_placeholder" = "je zou wat meer details kunnen geven over het werk of de transactie";
"discard friend request" = "vriendschapsverzoek negeren";
"discard user's request to join the group" = "negeer aanvraag om lid te worden van de groep";
"discoverability" = "discoverability";
"dismiss" = "dismiss";
"display" = "tonen";
"display less" = "display less";
"display more" = "toon meer";
"display_mode" = "display_mode";
"display_name" = "display_name";
"display_x_links" = "display_x_links";
"display_x_more" = "display_x_more";
"distance:" = "afstand:";
"documentation" = "documentation";
"donate" = "bijdragen";
"done" = "done";
"down" = "down";
"download" = "downloaden";
"download CSV" = "download CSV";
"download JSON" = "download JSON";
"download your inventory and its associated data (authors, works, publishers, etc.)" = "download your inventory and its associated data (authors, works, publishers, etc.)";
"download your profile" = "download your profile";
"ebooks" = "e-boeken";
"edit" = "bewerk";
"edit data" = "bewerk data";
"edit notes" = "bewerk notities";
"edit on Wikidata" = "edit on Wikidata";
"edit profile" = "bewerk profiel";
"edit selection" = "edit selection";
"edit shelf" = "edit shelf";
"edit the group's position" = "edit the group's position";
"edit your position" = "werk je locatie bij";
"edit_entity" = "\"%{entity}\" bewerken";
"editing_selected_items" = "editing_selected_items";
"edition" = "editie";
"edition cover" = "edition cover";
"edition language" = "taal van de editie";
"edition subtitle" = "edition subtitle";
"edition title" = "titel van de editie";
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edition_(book)
"editions" = "edities";
"editions can't be moved to Wikidata for the moment" = "editions can't be moved to Wikidata for the moment";
"editions_prefaced_or_postfaced_by_author" = "editions_prefaced_or_postfaced_by_author";
"editions_translated_by_author" = "editions_translated_by_author";
"editor" = "editor";
"educated_at" = "educated_at";
"elsewhere" = "elsewhere";
"email" = "e-mail";
"email address" = "emailadres";
"email me when" = "email me when";
"email notifications settings" = "email notifications settings";
"email or password is incorrect" = "e-mailadres of wachtwoord is fout";
"email will not be publicly displayed." = "e-mailadres zal niet publiek zichtbaar zijn.";
"email_confirmation_error" = "aanvraag voor e-mailbevestigen was ongeldig of verlopen";
"email_confirmation_error_button" = "stuur een nieuwe bevestigings e-mail";
"email_confirmation_offline_error" = "inloggen om een nieuwe bevestigings e-mail aan te vragen";
"email_confirmation_success" = "e-mailadres succesvol bevestigd, bedankt!";
"email_invitation_sent" = "e-mailuitnodiging werd verstuurd naar %{email}";
"email_wasnt_verified" = "** je -email werd niet geverifieerd.** Als je de bevestigings e-mail niet in je mailbox kan vinden kan je een nieuwe aanvragen door op deze knop te drukken:";
"emails" = "e-mails";
"emails separated by a comma" = "e-mails gescheiden met een komma";
"empty the queue" = "wis de wachtrij";
"enter" = "enter";
"enter an image url" = "geef een foto-url in";
"entities lists" = "entities lists";
"entity history" = "entity history";
"entity type" = "entity type";
"error" = "error";
"ex:" = "bvb:";
"ex: \"Books for bird watchers\"" = "ex: \"Books for bird watchers\"";
"ex: the secret club of Proustian experts" = "bvb: de uiterst geheime Rowling fanclub";
"examples" = "voorbeelden";
"exchanges" = "transacties";
"exchanges_manager_welcome_text" = "Hier kan je de aanvragen die je verstuurd en gekregen hebt bekijken.
Om een aanvraag te versturen ga je naar de pagina van het boek en klik je op 'stuur een aanvraag'";
"exchanges_manager_welcome_title" = "Welkom op het transactieoverzicht!";
"existing_entity_items" = "Je hebt al [%{smart_count} in je inventaris](%{pathname})";
"external_shelves_importer" = "external_shelves_importer";
"external_shelves_importer_description" = "external_shelves_importer_description";
"failing_scan_tip" = "Als de scanner problemene heeft met het vinden van de barcode is het mogelijk dat er niet genoeg lichtinval is of de camera niet scherp genoeg is";
"fediversable_description" = "fediversable_description";
"feedback" = "feedback";
"feedback_intro" = "Heb je een bug te melden, een functie die je absoluut nodig hebt, of wil je gewoon iets liefs sturen? Dat kan hier!";
"feedback_title" = "stuur feedback";
"fetching available books…" = "fetching available books…";
"filter" = "filter";
"filters" = "filters";
"find ISBNs" = "vind ISBNs";
"find a group nearby" = "find a group nearby";
"find on map" = "find on map";
"first publication date" = "first publication date";
"forgot password" = "wachtwoord vergeten";
"forgot password?" = "je wachtwoord vergeten?";
"forgot your password?" = "je wachtwoord vergeten?";
"friend" = "vriend";
"friend request sent" = "friend request sent";
"friend_accepted_request" = "%{username} heeft je aanvraag aanvaard";
"friend_accepted_request_notification" = "een vriend heeft je aanvraag aanvraard";
"friends" = "vrienden";
"friends and groups" = "vrienden en groepen";
"friends and some groups" = "friends and some groups";
"friends requests" = "vriendschapsverzoeken";
"friendship_request_notification" = "friendship_request_notification";
"from" = "van";
"from a URL" = "van een URL";
"from a file" = "van een bestand";
"from:" = "van:";
"full-time team" = "full-time team";
"funding" = "funding";
"genre" = "genre";
"geolocation" = "geolocatie";
"get_involved" = "Denk je dat je een bijdrage kan leveren om inventaire beter te maken? Kom helpen!!";
"giving" = "te geven";
"giving_personalized" = "%{username} geeft het weg";
"giving_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** geeft het weg";
"global" = "globaal";
"global match score" = "global match score";
"global menu" = "global menu";
"global_email_toggle_warning" = "global_email_toggle_warning";
"global_notification" = "e-mailnotificaties krijgen";
"go get it!" = "Ga het halen!";
"go to result's page" = "go to result's page";
"go to the group's inventory" = "go to the group's inventory";
"grid" = "grid";
"group" = "groep";
"group URL:" = "group URL:";
"group admin" = "group admin";
"group name" = "groepsnaam";
"group settings" = "group settings";
"group_acceptRequest_notification" = "je aanvraag om lid te worden van een groep is aanvaard";
"group_default_description" = "Bekijk de boeken die leden van de groep %{groupName} willen geven, lenen of verkopen";
"group_invite_notification" = "je bent uitgenodigd tot een groep";
"group_invitor" = "%{username} heeft je uitgenodigd";
"group_join_request_notification" = "group_join_request_notification";
"group_kick_confirmation" = "Ben je zeker dat je **%{username}** wil verwijderen uit de groep?";
"group_make_admin_confirmation" = "Ben je zeker dat je **%{username}** groepsadministrator wil maken?";
"group_make_admin_warning" = "Dit kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden en een admin kan niet van een groep verwijderd worden, zelfs niet door een andere admin";
"group_position_context" = "Als je groep verbonden is aan een specifieke plaats (een universiteit, een bedrijf, etc.), kan het handig zijn om die plek aan te duiden zodat andere gebruikers je kunnen vinden";
"group_update_description" = "**%{username}**heeft de beschrijving van de groep veranderd naar **%{groupName}**";
"group_update_name" = "**%{username}** heeft de groep hernoemd van **%{previousValue}** naar **%{newValue}**";
"group_update_open_false" = "group_update_open_false";
"group_update_open_true" = "group_update_open_true";
"group_update_searchable_false" = "group_update_searchable_false";
"group_update_searchable_true" = "group_update_searchable_true";
"groups" = "groepen";
"has no homonym" = "has no homonym";
"help" = "hulp";
"help other users to understand what this group is about" = "help anderen begrijpen waar deze groep over gaat";
"help translate Inventaire" = "help translate Inventaire";
"hide" = "verberg";
"hide shelves" = "hide shelves";
"history" = "geschiedenis";
"homonyms_count" = "homonyms_count";
"how to contribute" = "hoe jij kan bijdragen";
"how_long" = "Hoe lang mag %{username} het boek houden?";
"how_much" = "Hebben jullie een prijs vastgelegd?";
"human" = "human";
"human image" = "human image";
"illustrator" = "illustrator";
"illustrators" = "illustrators";
"import" = "importeren";
"import a picture" = "importeer een foto";
"import from a list of ISBNs" = "import from a list of ISBNs";
"import from:" = "import from:";
"import the selection" = "import the selection";
"import this batch" = "importeer deze selectie";
"in my inventory" = "in mijn inventaris";
"in your friends' and groups' inventories" = "in de inventarissen van je vrienden en groepen";
"in your inventory" = "in je inventaris";
"info" = "info";
"inker" = "inker";
"invalid ISBN" = "ongeldig ISBN";
"invalid email" = "ongeldig e-mailadres";
"invalid property value" = "invalid property value";
"invalid url" = "ongeldige URL";
"invalid username" = "ongeldige gebruiksernaam";
"invalid_isbns_warning" = "invalid_isbns_warning";
"inventaire id" = "Inventaire identificatienummer";
"inventories_activity_summary_notification" = "ontvang de samenvatting van wat er in je netwerk is gebeurd";
"inventorize_it" = "voeg het gewoon toe aan mijn inventaris";
"inventory lists" = "inventory lists";
"inventorying" = "inventariseren";
"inventorying_personalized" = "%{username} heeft het";
"inventorying_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** heeft het";
"invitation sent" = "uitnodiging verstuurd";
"invitations" = "uitnodigingen";
"invite" = "uitnodigen";
"invite by email" = "uitnodigen per email";
"invite friends" = "vrienden uitnodigen";
"invite friends by email" = "invite friends by email";
"invite new members" = "invite new members";
"invited" = "uitgenodigd";
"invp:P2" = "invp:P2";
"isolated editions" = "isolated editions";
"isolated works" = "isolated works";
"it doesn't look like an email" = "dit ziet er niet uit als een e-mailadres";
"item_request_text_suggestion_giving" = "Hoi %{username}! Zou ik dit boek kunnen krijgen?";
"item_request_text_suggestion_lending" = "Hoi %{username}! Zou ik dit boek kunnen lenen?";
"item_request_text_suggestion_selling" = "Hoi %{username}! Zou ik dit boek kunnen kopen?";
"join group" = "join group";
"join the conversation" = "join the conversation";
"join_open_group_confirmation" = "join_open_group_confirmation";
"join_open_group_warning" = "join_open_group_warning";
"just now" = "just now";
"just_inventorize_it" = "geen (voeg het gewoon toe aan mijn inventaris)";
"keep an inventory of your books" = "bewaar een inventaris van je boeken";
"km_away" = "%{distance} km weg";
"km_away_from_you" = "km_away_from_you";
"labs" = "labs";
"language" = "taal";
"language selector" = "language selector";
"large" = "large";
"large mode" = "large mode";
"last 7 days" = "afgelopen 7 dagen";
"last day" = "laatste dag";
"learn more" = "meer leren";
"leave group" = "groep verlaten";
"leave_button_disabled" = "Als enige groepsadministrator kan je niet de groep verlaten zonder een ander lid tot administrator te promoten";
"leave_group_confirmation" = "Ben je zeker dat je de **groep %{groupName} wil verlaten**?";
"leave_group_warning" = "leave_group_warning";
"legal notice" = "legal notice";
"lending" = "uit te lenen";
"lending_personalized" = "%{username} kan het uitlenen";
"lending_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** kan het uitlenen";
"letterer" = "letterer";
"lexical score" = "lexical score";
"library_or_critic" = "library_or_critic";
"links" = "links";
"list" = "list";
"list_created_by" = "list_created_by";
"listing" = "listing";
"lists" = "lists";
"loading" = "laden";
"loading_facets_may_take_a_while" = "loading_facets_may_take_a_while";
"location" = "location";
"login" = "inloggen";
"login to your inventory" = "inloggen in je inventaris";
"login_verb" = "login_verb";
"logout" = "logout";
"main_user_accepted" = "je accepteerde de aanvraag van %{username}";
"main_user_cancelled" = "Je hebt de transactie geannuleerd";
"main_user_confirmed" = "je hebt bevestigd dat je het boek ontving";
"main_user_declined" = "je hebt de aanvraag geweigerd";
"main_user_giving" = "je geeft het weg";
"main_user_lending" = "jij kan het uitlenen";
"main_user_requested" = "jij maakte een aanvraag";
"main_user_returned" = "je hebt bevestigd dat je het boek terugkreeg";
"main_user_selling" = "jij verkoopt het";
"make admin" = "admin maken";
"make the book's barcode fit in the box" = "make the book's barcode fit in the box";
"make the inventory of your books and mutualize with your friends and communities into an infinite library!" = "Maak een inventaris van je boeken en integreer die met je vrienden en communities tot een eindeloze bibliotheek!";
"manga" = "manga";
"manga series" = "manga series";
"means \"inventory\" in French" = "betekent \"inventaris\" in het Frans";
"member" = "lid";
"members" = "leden";
"members:" = "leden:";
"merge" = "samenvoegen";
"merge & deduplicate works" = "merge & deduplicate works";
"merge homonyms" = "merge homonyms";
"merge selected suggestions" = "merge selected suggestions";
"merge suggestions" = "merge suggestions";
"merge with another entity" = "voeg samen met ander object";
"merge without importing data" = "merge without importing data";
"merged" = "merged";
"message" = "message";
"month" = "maand";
"more" = "meer";
"more details" = "meer details";
"move the series to Wikidata to be able to add this work" = "move the series to Wikidata to be able to add this work";
"move to Wikidata" = "move to Wikidata";
"multi_barcode_scan_tip" = "multi_barcode_scan_tip";
"my inventory" = "mijn inventaris";
"name" = "naam";
"narrative_set_in_this_location" = "narrative_set_in_this_location";
"nearby" = "nearby";
"need more information" = "need more information";
"network" = "netwerk";
"network_counter_label" = "in je netwerk";
"new entity" = "nieuw object";
"new password" = "nieuw wachtwoord";
"new_confirmation_email" = "een nieuwe bevestigings e-mail werd verstuurd:
nu moet je enkel nog je mailbox checken en de link in de e-mail aanklikken";
"news" = "nieuws";
"newsletters_notification" = "ontvang Inventaire's nieuwsbrieven";
"next" = "volgende";
"next action" = "volgende actie";
"next category" = "next category";
"next result" = "next result";
"no" = "nee";
"no ISBN found" = "geen ISBN gevonden";
"no book selected" = "geen boek geselecteerd";
"no editions found" = "no editions found";
"no homonym found" = "no homonym found";
"no more pending requests" = "geen openstaande aanvragen meer";
"no notification" = "geen notificaties";
"no pending requests" = "geen openstaande aanvragen";
"no position set" = "no position set";
"no result" = "geen resultaten";
"no suggestion found" = "geen suggestie gevonden";
"no user found" = "no user found";
"no value" = "geen waarde";
"no_transaction" = "niets in deze categorie";
"not found" = "niet gevonden";
"not_imported_books" = "not_imported_books";
"notes" = "notes";
"notes_placeholder" = "enkel jij zal dit zien";
"nothing here" = "nothing here";
"notifications" = "notificaties";
"notifications_description" = "notifications_description";
"num_books" = "%{smart_count} boek |||| %{smart_count} boeken";
"number" = "number";
"number of items in your network" = "number of items in your network";
"number of parts" = "number of parts";
"number of volumes" = "number of volumes";
"number_of_elements_in_the_list" = "number_of_elements_in_the_list";
"offline_help" = "offline_help";
"old_browser_message" = "Hallo, bedankt voor je interesse in Inventaire!
Helaas **blijkt jouw browser te oud om gebruik te kunnen maken van deze webapp**.
Misschien kan je [een modernere browser installeren](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox)?";
"on_website" = "over %{name}";
"on_wikipedia" = "%{label} op Wikipedia";
"ongoing" = "huidig";
"only those who get the link or are invited can find this group" = "enkel mensen met de link of een uitnodiging kunnen deze groep vinden";
"oops" = "oeps";
"open membership" = "open membership";
"operations" = "operations";
"optional" = "optional";
"or" = "of";
"or email address" = "of e-mailadres";
"order in the series" = "order in the series";
"ordinal" = "ordinal";
"original language" = "original language";
"other editions" = "other editions";
"other operations:" = "andere acties:";
"other_user_accepted" = "%{username} heeft geaccepteerd";
"other_user_cancelled" = "%{username} heeft de transactie geannuleerd";
"other_user_confirmed" = "%{username} bevestigde dat die het boek ontving";
"other_user_declined" = "%{username} heeft de aanvraag geweigerd";
"other_user_giving" = "**%{username}** geeft het weg";
"other_user_lending" = "**%{username}** kan het uitlenen";
"other_user_requested" = "**%{username}** deed een aanvraag";
"other_user_returned" = "%{username} bevestide dat die het boek terugkreeg";
"other_user_selling" = "**%{username}** verkoopt het";
"our love wasn't possible because" = "onze liefde was onmogelijk omdat";
"owner" = "eigenaar";
"pages" = "pagina's";
"parts suggestions" = "parts suggestions";
"parts with ordinal" = "parts with ordinal";
"parts with ordinal conflicts" = "parts with ordinal conflicts";
"parts without ordinal" = "parts without ordinal";
"password" = "wachtwoord";
"password should be 8 characters minimum" = "wachtwoord moet minimaal 8 tekens bevatten";
"paste any kind of text containing ISBNs here" = "paste any kind of text containing ISBNs here";
"patch" = "patch";
"penciller" = "penciller";
"pending" = "openstaand";
"pending friends requests" = "openstaande vriendschapsverzoeken";
"pending groups invitations" = "pending groups invitations";
"personalized message" = "persoonlijk bericht";
"photo credits:" = "foto:";
"popularity" = "popularity";
"position" = "locatie";
"position is set to" = "position is set to";
"position_privacy_context" = "Je locatie geven laat anderen rondom je toe om je te zien en een van je publieke boeken aan te vragen.";
"position_privacy_tip" = "Het is niet nodig om je exacte adres te geven, neem gewoon een positie dicht bij waar je werkt of woont, of simpelweg waar je je comfortabel genoeg voelt om je boekuitwisselingen te laten plaatsvinden.";
"position_settings_description" = "position_settings_description";
"precise the edition" = "specifieer de uitgave";
"presentation" = "presentation";
"previous" = "previous";
"previous category" = "previous category";
"previous result" = "previous result";
"previous searches" = "vorige zoektermen";
"private" = "privé";
"private notes" = "privénotities";
"profile" = "profiel";
"profile pic" = "profielfoto";
"profile picture" = "profile picture";
"public" = "publiek";
"publication date" = "publication date";
"publication year" = "publication year";
"published_in" = "published_in";
"publisher" = "uitgever";
"read online" = "lees online";
"read_more_on_wikipedia" = "lees meer of bewerk op Wikipedia";
"receive an email when" = "receive an email when";
"recent changes" = "recente veranderingen";
"refresh Wikidata data" = "werk Wikidata bij";
"refresh external databases data" = "refresh external databases data";
"refuse" = "weiger";
"remaing characters:" = "remaing characters:";
"remove" = "verwijderen";
"remove filter" = "remove filter";
"remove from group" = "uit groep verwijderen";
"removed" = "removed";
"report an error" = "rapporteer een fout";
"report_an_error_in_entity_data" = "Signaleer een fout in de data als je niet weet hoe het zelf op te lossen";
"reporter" = "reporter";
"request accepted" = "request accepted";
"request to join group" = "request to join group";
"request to join the group" = "Verzoek indienen om bij deze groep aan te sluiten";
"request you sent" = "verstuurde aanvraag";
"request_new_token" = "vraag een nieuwe kans aan om je wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen";
"requested" = "aangevraagd";
"requests" = "aanvragen";
"requests waiting your approval" = "aanvragen wachtend op je antwoord";
"required" = "required";
"required properties are missing" = "required properties are missing";
"requires an activated camera" = "requires an activated camera";
"reserved words can't be usernames" = "reserved words can't be usernames";
"reset filter" = "reset filter";
"reset password" = "wachtwoord opnieuw instellen";
"reset password token expired: request a new token" = "reset password token expired: request a new token";
"retry" = "opnieuw proberen";
"return to the author's page" = "keer terug naar de auteurspagina";
"return to the collection's page" = "return to the collection's page";
"return to the edition's page" = "keer terug naar de editiepagina";
"return to the publisher's page" = "terug naar de uitgeverij pagina";
"return to the series' page" = "keer terug naar de reekspagina";
"return to the work's page" = "return to the work's page";
"roadmap" = "roadmap";
"roles" = "roles";
"save" = "bewaar";
"save position" = "bewaar locatie";
"saved" = "saved";
"saving would create a new author" = "saving would create a new author";
"saving would create a new collection" = "saving would create a new collection";
"saving would create a new publisher" = "saving would create a new publisher";
"saving would create a new series" = "saving would create a new series";
"saving would create a new work" = "saving would create a new work";
"scan" = "scannen";
"scan a barcode" = "scan een barcode";
"scanner_disabled_tip_2" = "vereist een camera en een [moderne browser](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox)";
"scenarist" = "scenarist";
"scenarists" = "scenarists";
"search" = "zoeken";
"search by" = "search by";
"search for an entity" = "search for an entity";
"search for users" = "zoek naar gebruikers";
"search group" = "search group";
"search settings" = "search settings";
"search user" = "search user";
"search users" = "search users";
"search_verb" = "search_verb";
"see history on Wikidata" = "zie de geschiedenis op Wikidata";
"see more" = "meer zien";
"see on Wikidata" = "zie Wikidata";
"see profile" = "profiel bekijken";
"see_all_listings_by_user" = "see_all_listings_by_user";
"see_all_work_editions" = "zie alle edities van **%{label}**";
"see_on_website" = "bekijk op %{website}";
"select" = "selecteer";
"select a picture" = "selecteer een foto";
"select all" = "alles selecteer";
"select all local entities" = "select all local entities";
"select all local exact matches" = "select all local exact matches";
"select an edition" = "select an edition";
"select shelves to import" = "select shelves to import";
"select the books you want to add" = "selecteer de boeken die je wil toevoegen";
"select the edition to add to my inventory" = "select the edition to add to my inventory";
"select the settings to apply to the selected books" = "selecteer de instellingen om toe te passen op de geselecteerde boeken";
"select this edition" = "selecteer deze editie";
"select_book" = "select_book";
"select_shelf" = "select_shelf";
"selected" = "geselecteerd";
"selling" = "te verkopen";
"selling_personalized" = "%{username} verkoopt het";
"selling_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** verkoopt het";
"send" = "verstuur";
"send an email to reset my password" = "stuur een e-mail om mijn wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen";
"send email" = "e-mail versturen";
"send feedback" = "feedback sturen";
"send friend request" = "vriendschapsverzoek versturen";
"send invitations" = "uitnodigingen versturen";
"send request" = "aanvraag versturen";
"sent" = "verstuurd";
"separated by a comma" = "gescheiden met een komma";
"serie" = "serie";
"series" = "series";
"series_singular" = "serie";
"set the group's position" = "stel de locatie van de groep in";
"setting a position is required for this action" = "setting a position is required for this action";
"settings" = "instellingen";
"share" = "deel";
"share it with your friends and communities" = "deel het met je vrienden en communities";
"shelf" = "shelf";
"shelves" = "shelves";
"shelves_importer_description" = "shelves_importer_description";
"short story" = "short story";
"show" = "toon";
"show authors" = "show authors";
"show descriptions" = "show descriptions";
"show editions" = "show editions";
"show entity history" = "show entity history";
"show more properties" = "show more properties";
"show on map" = "show on map";
"show only main properties" = "show only main properties";
"show shelves" = "show shelves";
"show task" = "show task";
"sign up" = "registreer";
"signature" = "signature";
"signup_verb" = "signup_verb";
"skip" = "skip";
"skip to main content" = "skip to main content";
"social networks" = "social networks";
"some groups" = "some groups";
"some of the last books listed" = "een selectie van de laatst ingevoerde boeken";
"some values aren't Wikidata entities:" = "some values aren't Wikidata entities:";
"something went wrong :(" = "er is iets verkeerd gegaan :(";
"source" = "bron";
"sources" = "sources";
"special user" = "special user";
"specify the edition" = "specify the edition";
"status" = "status";
"statuses" = "statuses";
"subject" = "onderwerp";
"subjects" = "subjects";
"suggest deletion" = "suggest deletion";
"suggest merge" = "suggest merge";
"switch_to_lang" = "taal veranderen naar %{language}";
"table" = "table";
"task" = "task";
"that would really help us if you could say a few words about why you're leaving:" = "het zou ons echt helpen als je in een paar woorden kon beschrijven waarom je weggaat:";
"that's already your email" = "dat is al je e-mailadres";
"that's already your username" = "dat is al je gebruikersnaam";
"the bio can't be longer than 1000 characters" = "de bio mag niet langer dan 1000 tekens zijn";
"the edition new title would be:" = "the edition new title would be:";
"the filter can be a regular expression" = "the filter can be a regular expression";
"the group has a position set" = "de groep heeft een locatie geselecteerd";
"the group's position isn't set yet" = "de locatie van de groep is nog niet geselecteerd";
"the issue was reported" = "the issue was reported";
"the library of your friends and communities" = "de bibliotheek van je vrienden en communities";
"this ISBN already exist:" = "deze ISBN bestaat al:";
"this ISBN was already scanned" = "this ISBN was already scanned";
"this book I can lend, this book I can give, this one is for sale…" = "dit boek kan ik geven, dit boek kan ik uitlenen, dit boek is te koop…";
"this edition is already in the list" = "this edition is already in the list";
"this email is already used" = "dit e-mailadres is al in gebrui";
"this email is unknown" = "dit e-mailadres is onbekend";
"this entity is ready to be imported to Wikidata" = "this entity is ready to be imported to Wikidata";
"this group appears in public search results" = "this group appears in public search results";
"this group appears in search results" = "deze groep is zichtbaar in zoekresultaten";
"this group is opened to membership without admin validation" = "this group is opened to membership without admin validation";
"this group require admins to validate new memberships" = "this group require admins to validate new memberships";
"this is visible by anyone who can see this item" = "dit is zichtbaar voor iedereen die toegang heeft tot dit item ";
"this property should at least have one value" = "this property should at least have one value";
"this resource doesn't exist or you don't have the right to access it" = "dit object bestaat niet of je hebt er geen toegangsrecht voor";
"this resource requires to have admin rights to access it" = "this resource requires to have admin rights to access it";
"this username is already used" = "deze gebruikersnaam is al in gebrui";
"this username isn't available" = "deze gebruikersnaam is niet beschikbaar";
"this value is already used" = "this value is already used";
"title" = "titel";
"title pattern" = "title pattern";
"title_add_layout" = "voeg een boek toe aan je inventaris";
"title_add_layout_import" = "importeer een collectie";
"title_add_layout_scan" = "voeg een boek toe door de barcode ervan te scannen";
"title_add_layout_search" = "zoek een boek";
"title_exchanges_layout" = "berichten die je verstuurde of ontving over het geven , lenen of verkopen van boeken";
"title_matches_serie_label_tip" = "title_matches_serie_label_tip";
"to:" = "aan:";
"total" = "total";
"total contributions:" = "total contributions:";
"transaction" = "transactie";
"transaction_cancel_confirmation" = "Ben je zeker dat je deze transactie wil annuleren?";
"transaction_cancel_effects" = "De discussie wordt dan gearchiveerd en het boek zal weer op beschikbaar worden gezet.";
"transaction_cancel_info" = "Als voor welke reden dan ook de transactie niet gebeurde kan je die met onderstaande knop annuleren.";
"transaction_finished" = "deze transactie is afgewerkt";
"transaction_with" = "transaction_with";
"transactions" = "transacties";
"translate" = "vertaal";
"translation" = "vertaling";
"translation_completion" = "%{completion}% klaar";
"type" = "type";
"unavailable" = "niet beschikbaar";
"undo" = "undo";
"unfriend" = "ontvriend";
"unfriend_confirmation" = "Wil je echt **%{username}** van je vriendenlijst verwijderen?";
"unknown" = "onbekend";
"unselect" = "deselecteren";
"unselect all" = "alles deselecteer";
"unselect all filters" = "unselect all filters";
"unselect shelf" = "unselect shelf";
"unverified email" = "unverified email";
"up" = "up";
"update email" = "update email";
"update password" = "wachtwoord updaten";
"update presentation" = "update presentation";
"update username" = "update username";
"update_on_item_you_requested_notification" = "updates in een uitwisseling van een boek dat je had aangevraagd";
"update_on_your_item_notification" = "updates in een uitwisseling van een van je boeken";
"upload and save" = "upload and save";
"upload your books from another website" = "upload your books from another website";
"upload your collection from another website" = "upload je verzameling van een andere website";
"url" = "url";
"user" = "gebruiker";
"user profile" = "user profile";
"user_default_description" = "Bekijk de boeken die %{username} wil geven, lenen of verkopen";
"user_made_admin" = "**%{username}** heeft je tot groepsadministrator van **%{groupName}** gepromoot";
"username" = "gebruikersnaam";
"username can not contain spaces" = "username can not contain spaces";
"username can only contain letters, figures or _" = "gebruikersnaam mag enkel letters, cijfers of _ bevatten";
"username can't contain space" = "gebruikersnaam mag geen spaties bevatten";
"username or password is incorrect" = "gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord is fout";
"username should be 2 characters minimum" = "gebruikersnaam moet minimum 2 tekens bevatten";
"username should be 20 characters maximum" = "gebruikersnaam mag maximum 20 tekens bevatten";
"username_change_confirmation" = "Je huidige gebruikersnaam is **%{currentUsername}**
Ben je zeker dat je het wil veranderen naar **%{requestedUsername}**?";
"username_change_warning" = "Je verandert je gebruikersnaam best niet te vaak, aangezien het de manier is waarop anderen je kunnen vinden";
"username_tip" = "gebruikersnaam moet tussen 1 en 20 tekens lang zijn en letters, cijfers of _ bevatten";
"users" = "gebruikers";
"users_count_have_this_book" = "users_count_have_this_book";
"validate" = "bevestig";
"validate and add another book" = "bevestig en voeg nog een boek toe";
"validate user's request to join the group" = "bevestig aanvraag om lid te worden van de groep";
"version" = "version";
"visibility" = "zichtbaarheid";
"volume" = "volume";
"waiting" = "waiting";
"waiting for admin validation" = "waiting for admin validation";
"waiting_accepted" = "aan het wachten tot %{username} de aanvraag accepteert";
"waiting_confirmation" = "aan het wachten op bevestiging dat %{username} het boek ontving";
"waiting_confirmation_one_way" = "Eens bevestigd, zal [het boek](/items/%{itemId}) verplaatst worden naar %{username}'s inventaris.";
"waiting_return_confirmation" = "Geniet van het boek! Daarna kan je het terugsturen zoals je overeenkwam met de eigenaar";
"welcome to your inventory!" = "welcome to your inventory!";
"where_and_when" = "Waar en wanneer zou de uitwisseling moeten gebeuren?";
"which edition?" = "welke editie?";
"wiki" = "wiki";
"wikidata entities can't link to inventaire entities" = "wikidata entities can't link to inventaire entities";
"wikidata_edit_intro" = "wikidata_edit_intro";
"wikidata_move_intro" = "wikidata_move_intro";
"work" = "werk";
"work from which this is an edition" = "work from which this is an edition";
"work image" = "work image";
"works" = "werken";
"works_about_entity" = "works_about_entity";
"works_based_on_work" = "works_based_on_work";
"works_in_this_genre" = "works_in_this_genre";
"works_inspired_by_work" = "works_inspired_by_work";
"works_replying_to_work" = "works_replying_to_work";
"wrong password" = "verkeerd wachtwoord";
"x_days_ago" = "%{smart_count} dag geleden |||| %{smart_count} dagen geleden";
"x_hours_ago" = "%{smart_count} uur geleden |||| %{smart_count} uur geleden";
"x_minutes_ago" = "%{smart_count} minuut geleden |||| %{smart_count} minuten geleden";
"x_months_ago" = "%{smart_count} maand geleden |||| %{smart_count} maanden geleden";
"x_seconds_ago" = "%{smart_count} seconden geleden |||| %{smart_count} seconden geleden";
"x_years_ago" = "%{smart_count} jaar geleden |||| %{smart_count} jaar geleden";
"year" = "jaar";
"yes" = "ja";
"you are offline" = "you are offline";
"you can't leave the group without naming another admin" = "je kan de groep niet verlaten zonder een andere admin aan te duiden";
"you have a position set" = "je hebt een locatie geselecteerd";
"you need to be connected to add a book to your inventory" = "je moet ingelogd zijn om een boek aan je inventaris toe te voegen";
"you need to be connected to edit this page" = "je moet ingelogd zijn om deze pagina bij te werken";
"your friends" = "jouw vrienden";
"your friends and communities are the best library" = "je vrienden en communities zijn de beste bibliotheek";
"your friends and communities are your best library" = "je vrienden en communities zijn je beste bibliotheek";
"your message" = "jouw bericht";
"your message…" = "your message…";
"your position isn't set yet" = "je locatie is nog niet geselecteerd";
"your profile contains information about you" = "your profile contains information about you";
"your request to join is waiting for approval" = "your request to join is waiting for approval";
"your_item_was_requested_notification" = "een van je boeken is aangevraagd geweest";