"\"%{name}\" is already the group name" = "\"%{name}\" is already the group name"; "A collection or an edition from this publisher is missing in the common database?" = "A collection or an edition from this publisher is missing in the common database?"; "A series or a work by this author is missing in the common database?" = "A series or a work by this author is missing in the common database?"; "A shelf name is required" = "A shelf name is required"; "A work of this series is missing in the common database?" = "A work of this series is missing in the common database?"; "API" = "API"; "Active filters" = "Active filters"; "Add a work to this list" = "Add a work to this list"; "Add an edition by its ISBN" = "ISBNで版を追加"; "Add this work to your inventory or to a list" = "Add this work to your inventory or to a list"; "Add to…" = "Add to…"; "Advanced options" = "Advanced options"; "Already have an account?" = "Already have an account?"; "Always dreamed of a collaborative library for your coworking / association / book club? Here it is!" = "仲間どうしの本のクラブのためのみんなで作る図書館を夢見ていたあなた、これこそがそういう場所です!"; "Are you sure you want to delete this statement?" = "Are you sure you want to delete this statement?"; "Articles & videos" = "Articles & videos"; "Biblographic data" = "Biblographic data"; "Can't find what you are searching?" = "Can't find what you are searching?"; "Change author role" = "Change author role"; "Checking for existing items…" = "Checking for existing items…"; "Close map" = "Close map"; "Connect Wikidata account" = "Connect Wikidata account"; "Create a new list" = "Create a new list"; "Create account" = "Create account"; "Create list" = "Create list"; "Ctrl+Enter to send" = "CTRLを押しながらエンターで送信"; "Data common to all editions of this book" = "Data common to all editions of this book"; "Data specific to that particular edition" = "Data specific to that particular edition"; "Deduplicate sub-entities" = "Deduplicate sub-entities"; "Displayed links" = "Displayed links"; "Edit bibliographical info" = "Edit bibliographical info"; "Edit items shelves" = "Edit items shelves"; "Edit items transaction" = "Edit items transaction"; "Edit items visibility" = "Edit items visibility"; "Edit list" = "Edit list"; "Edit list info" = "Edit list info"; "Edit your item \"%{title}\"" = "Edit your item \"%{title}\""; "Editions needing additional information:" = "Editions needing additional information:"; "Enter a list of ISBNs or any text containing ISBNs here" = "Enter a list of ISBNs or any text containing ISBNs here"; "Enter the email address you used to sign up to get a link to reset your password" = "Enter the email address you used to sign up to get a link to reset your password"; "Entities can be merged when one is a duplicate of the other." = "Entities can be merged when one is a duplicate of the other."; "FAQ" = "FAQ"; "Failed to reset password. You can retry below." = "Failed to reset password. You can retry below."; "Fediverse integration" = "Fediverse integration"; "Fetch more" = "Fetch more"; "Filter by" = "Filter by"; "Filter by editions" = "Filter by editions"; "Filter by transaction" = "Filter by transaction"; "Filter…" = "Filter…"; "Friends & Groups" = "友達&グループ"; "Geolocate" = "Geolocate"; "Go to the author's page" = "Go to the author's page"; "Go to the edition's page" = "Go to the edition's page"; "Go to the publisher's page" = "Go to the publisher's page"; "Go to the series' page" = "Go to the series' page"; "Go to the work's page" = "Go to the work's page"; "Group picture" = "Group picture"; "Hide non-selected shelves" = "Hide non-selected shelves"; "I can lend it" = "貸出可能"; "I have it and it's available for:" = "私はこれを持っていて以下のいずれかで提供できます:"; "I'm giving it" = "譲渡可能"; "I'm selling it" = "販売可能"; "ISBNs list" = "ISBNs list"; "Image preview" = "Image preview"; "Include all your present and future groups" = "Include all your present and future groups"; "Inventories" = "Inventories"; "Inventory" = "Inventory"; "Items without shelf" = "Items without shelf"; "Latest created users" = "Latest created users"; "Learn more about %{username}'s item \"%{title}\"" = "Learn more about %{username}'s item \"%{title}\""; "Learn more about Wikidata" = "Learn more about Wikidata"; "List creator" = "List creator"; "List name" = "List name"; "Lists" = "Lists"; "Lists containing this work" = "Lists containing this work"; "Loading %{count} entities: this may take a while" = "Loading %{count} entities: this may take a while"; "Loading map…" = "Loading map…"; "Login & connect your Wikidata account" = "Login & connect your Wikidata account"; "Look who was already there!" = "そこにいる人を見てみてください!"; "Looking for duplicates…" = "Looking for duplicates…"; "Looking for editions…" = "Looking for editions…"; "Merge entities" = "Merge entities"; "Merge history" = "Merge history"; "Merge on Wikdiata" = "Merge on Wikdiata"; "New list name" = "New list name"; "No data could be found for that ISBN." = "No data could be found for that ISBN."; "Number of books found" = "Number of books found"; "Number of books you selected to import" = "Number of books you selected to import"; "Open in advanced list browser" = "Open in advanced list browser"; "Open this link outside" = "Open this link outside"; "Other languages" = "Other languages"; "Other users' inventories" = "Other users' inventories"; "P123" = "P123"; "P136" = "P136"; "P1476" = "原語のタイトル"; "P2635" = "P2635"; "P407" = "言語"; "P571" = "P571"; "P576" = "P576"; "P577" = "出版日"; "P629" = "P629"; "P921" = "P921"; "P98" = "P98"; "PgDn" = "PgDn"; "PgUp" = "PgUp"; "Precise the date to the day" = "Precise the date to the day"; "Precise the date to the month" = "Precise the date to the month"; "Recover previous value:" = "Recover previous value:"; "Remember the books you lend or borrow" = "貸し借りした本を忘れないでください"; "Reset" = "Reset"; "Reset image to it's initial state" = "Reset image to it's initial state"; "Rotate left" = "Rotate left"; "Rotate right" = "Rotate right"; "Search by title, author, ISBN, series, publisher, collection…" = "Search by title, author, ISBN, series, publisher, collection…"; "Search for a location" = "Search for a location"; "Search for works or series" = "Search for works or series"; "Search possible duplicates" = "Search possible duplicates"; "Searching is not possible for this section yet" = "Searching is not possible for this section yet"; "See less editions" = "See less editions"; "See more editions" = "See more editions"; "Select all filters" = "Select all filters"; "Select an edition" = "Select an edition"; "Select the books you want to add" = "Select the books you want to add"; "Select transaction mode" = "Select transaction mode"; "Select who can see this item" = "Select who can see this item"; "Show actions" = "Show actions"; "Show books on a map" = "Show books on a map"; "Show every books on map" = "Show every books on map"; "Show other shelves" = "Show other shelves"; "Show password" = "Show password"; "Show user on map" = "Show user on map"; "Show users who have these editions" = "Show users who have these editions"; "Show users who have these editions on a map" = "Show users who have these editions on a map"; "Show who has this book" = "Show who has this book"; "Sort by" = "Sort by"; "Source:" = "Source:"; "Summary" = "Summary"; "Thank you for your message! Coming back to you shortly" = "メッセージありがとうございます!できるだけ早くお返事します。"; "The books you lend might actually come back now!" = "あなたが貸出した本はきっと返ってくるでしょう!"; "The entity in which it should be merged" = "The entity in which it should be merged"; "The entity that should be merged" = "The entity that should be merged"; "The following data is missing on the Wikidata entity, which of those should be imported to Wikidata?" = "The following data is missing on the Wikidata entity, which of those should be imported to Wikidata?"; "The group description can not be longer than 5000 characters" = "The group description can not be longer than 5000 characters"; "The group name can not be longer than 80 characters" = "The group name can not be longer than 80 characters"; "There is nothing here" = "There is nothing here"; "This person already has that role" = "This person already has that role"; "Too many entities requested (%{entitiesCount}). Only %{limit} are displayed." = "Too many entities requested (%{entitiesCount}). Only %{limit} are displayed."; "View book" = "View book"; "View result" = "View result"; "Visible by" = "Visible by"; "We could not identify this entry in the common bibliographic database. A new entry will be created" = "We could not identify this entry in the common bibliographic database. A new entry will be created"; "Welcome to Inventaire" = "Welcome to Inventaire"; "What's the nearest city?" = "What's the nearest city?"; "Who can see it?" = "誰が見られるようにしますか?"; "Who should be allowed to see it?" = "Who should be allowed to see it?"; "You already have this book in your inventory:" = "You already have this book in your inventory:"; "You need to select items to be able to edit the selection" = "You need to select items to be able to edit the selection"; "Your inventory" = "Your inventory"; "Zoom-in to display more" = "Zoom-in to display more"; "a few words on you?" = "簡単な自己紹介"; "a title is required" = "a title is required"; "accept" = "承諾"; "accept friend request" = "友達リクエストを承認"; "accept invitation" = "招待を受け入れる"; "accept_request" = "%{username} さんのリクエストを承認"; "access your email address" = "access your email address"; "access your username" = "access your username"; "account" = "account"; "actions" = "操作"; "activity" = "活動"; "activity_summary_periodicity_tip" = "活動サマリメールの送付間隔**日**数"; "add" = "追加"; "add a book" = "本を追加"; "add a collection from this publisher" = "add a collection from this publisher"; "add a missing edition" = "add a missing edition"; "add a new book to this shelf" = "add a new book to this shelf"; "add a picture" = "画像を追加"; "add a position" = "add a position"; "add a series from this author" = "この著者のシリーズを追加"; "add a work from this author" = "この著者の作品を追加"; "add a work to this series" = "このシリーズに作品を追加"; "add a work with this subject" = "add a work with this subject"; "add an edition from this publisher" = "add an edition from this publisher"; "add an edition to this collection" = "add an edition to this collection"; "add an edition without an ISBN" = "ISBN無しで版を追加"; "add books" = "add books"; "add books to this shelf" = "add books to this shelf"; "add friend" = "友達申請"; "add group" = "add group"; "add more details" = "add more details"; "add new books" = "add new books"; "add to my inventory" = "自分の書庫に追加"; "add to the series" = "add to the series"; "add_by_barcode_scan" = "本のバーコードをスキャン"; "add_item_text" = "**%{label}** をあなたの書庫に追加中"; "added" = "追加時期"; "added:" = "added:"; "admin" = "管理者"; "admin section" = "管理者セクション"; "admins have to accept or refuse requests to join the group" = "admins have to accept or refuse requests to join the group"; "advice:" = "アドバイス:"; "all" = "all"; "all languages" = "全ての言語"; "all publishers" = "all publishers"; "all_editions_count" = "all_editions_count"; "allow" = "allow"; "alphabetically" = "alphabetically"; "and of what can be done with them:" = "次のようなことができます:"; "anonymized" = "anonymized"; "any year" = "any year"; "any_isbn_text_file" = "any_isbn_text_file"; "anyone can join the group, no admin validation is required." = "anyone can join the group, no admin validation is required."; "appear in search results" = "検索結果に出現"; "archive" = "アーカイブ"; "archived" = "アーカイブ済"; "article" = "記事"; "article_limitation" = "これは本ではなく記事です:あなたの書庫に追加できません"; "articles" = "記事"; "as you are not a member of the group, you can only see members' public books" = "あなたはこのグループのメンバーではないので、メンバーの公開している本だけを見ることができます"; "associated_with_this_movement" = "associated_with_this_movement"; "author" = "著者"; "author picture" = "author picture"; "authorization_request_context" = "authorization_request_context"; "authors" = "著者"; "authors_influenced_by" = "authors_influenced_by"; "authors_or_works_influencing_author" = "authors_or_works_influencing_author"; "available for" = "以下で利用できます"; "back" = "戻る"; "back to your inventory" = "自分の書庫に戻る"; "be careful, those actions might not be reversible" = "be careful, those actions might not be reversible"; "before_accepting_general" = "承認の前に、次の点を議論した方が良いかもしれません:"; "before_accepting_lending_advice" = "この人物を信頼できるかどうかよく分からない場合には、必ず返却して欲しい本は貸出ししないでください。"; "bibliographic databases" = "bibliographic databases"; "blog" = "blog"; "book" = "本"; "book series" = "本のシリーズ"; "book_displayed_unavailable" = "この本は現在利用不可として表示されています"; "books" = "本"; "books successfully added to your inventory" = "books successfully added to your inventory"; "books_by_author" = "%{author} - 本"; "bot" = "bot"; "browse" = "ブラウズ"; "call_to_connect_welcome_message" = "あなたの友達やコミュニティの本による無限の書庫です!"; "call_to_connect_welcome_title" = "Inventaire(書庫管理)にようこそ"; "can you tell us more about this work and this particular edition?" = "can you tell us more about this work and this particular edition?"; "can't delete Wikidata entity" = "can't delete Wikidata entity"; "can't find anyone with that name" = "この名前の人が見当たりません"; "can't reach the server" = "サーバの応答がありません"; "cancel" = "キャンセル"; "cancel friend request" = "友達リクエストをキャンセル"; "cancel request" = "リクエストをキャンセル"; "cant_undo_warning" = "この操作はやり直しできません"; "cascade" = "cascade"; "change edition's work" = "change edition's work"; "change email" = "change email"; "change password" = "パスワードを変更"; "change picture" = "画像を変更"; "change position" = "change position"; "change username" = "change username"; "change visibility:" = "表示切替:"; "character_in" = "character_in"; "chat" = "chat"; "check the documentation" = "check the documentation"; "cites articles" = "cites articles"; "cleanup entity" = "cleanup entity"; "clear" = "clear"; "clear history" = "履歴をクリア"; "clear text" = "clear text"; "close" = "閉じる"; "clue" = "clue"; "coauthors" = "coauthors"; "code" = "コード"; "collection" = "collection"; "collection editor" = "collection editor"; "collection title" = "collection title"; "collections" = "collections"; "color" = "color"; "colorist" = "colorist"; "colorists" = "colorists"; "comic book" = "comic book"; "comic book series" = "コミック本シリーズ"; "comment" = "コメント"; "compact" = "compact"; "confirm" = "確認"; "confirm_reception" = "本の受け取りを確認します"; "confirm_reception_one_way" = "[この本](/items/%{itemId}) はあなたの書庫に追加されます。"; "confirm_returned" = "本の返却を確認"; "confirmation_password_reset_email_sent" = "パスワードリセット用のメールがこのアドレスに送信されました。メールボックスをチェックしてください。"; "context" = "context"; "contribute" = "貢献"; "contribution_ideas" = "contribution_ideas"; "contributions" = "contributions"; "contributions_by" = "contributions_by"; "cookies are disabled" = "クッキーが無効です"; "cookies_are_required" = "正しく動作するための認証にクッキーが必要です。ブラウザの設定を見直してやり直してみて下さい"; "copy work label" = "copy work label"; "couldn't parse emails" = "couldn't parse emails"; "cover" = "カバー"; "create" = "作成"; "create a new author" = "create a new author"; "create a new collection" = "create a new collection"; "create a new edition" = "create a new edition"; "create a new entity" = "create a new entity"; "create a new group" = "create a new group"; "create a new publisher" = "create a new publisher"; "create a new serie" = "create a new serie"; "create a new shelf" = "create a new shelf"; "create a new work" = "create a new work"; "create a password" = "パスワードを作成"; "create all the missing parts" = "create all the missing parts"; "create an account" = "アカウントを作成"; "create and add to your inventory" = "あなたの書庫を作成して追加"; "create and go to the author's page" = "create and go to the author's page"; "create and go to the collection's page" = "create and go to the collection's page"; "create and go to the edition's page" = "create and go to the edition's page"; "create and go to the publisher's page" = "create and go to the publisher's page"; "create and go to the series' page" = "create and go to the series' page"; "create and go to the work's page" = "create and go to the work's page"; "create group" = "グループを作成"; "create selected books" = "create selected books"; "create shelf" = "create shelf"; "created" = "作成済"; "created:" = "作成日:"; "creating bibliographical data" = "creating bibliographical data"; "creating your books" = "creating your books"; "credit/debit card" = "クレジット/デビットカード"; "credits" = "クレジット"; "current password" = "現在のパスワード"; "current password and new password are the same, no need to update" = "current password and new password are the same, no need to update"; "customize editable properties" = "customize editable properties"; "danger zone" = "危険ゾーン"; "data" = "データ"; "data exports" = "データのエクスポート"; "data_loss_at_merge" = "対象エンティティ上に定義済みのプロパティのラベルと主張は失われます"; "data_mismatch" = "%{source} データではないようです"; "date" = "date"; "date of dissolution" = "date of dissolution"; "date of foundation" = "date of foundation"; "day" = "日"; "decline" = "拒否"; "decline_request" = "却下"; "deduplicate" = "deduplicate"; "delete" = "削除"; "delete entity" = "delete entity"; "delete group" = "delete group"; "delete position" = "位置を削除"; "delete your account" = "あなたのアカウントを削除"; "delete_account_confirmation" = "本当にあなたのアカウント\"**%{username}**\"を削除しますか?"; "delete_entity_confirmation" = "delete_entity_confirmation"; "delete_group_confirmation" = "delete_group_confirmation"; "delete_item_confirmation" = "delete_item_confirmation"; "delete_items_confirmation" = "delete_items_confirmation"; "delete_list_confirmation" = "delete_list_confirmation"; "delete_shelf_confirmation" = "delete_shelf_confirmation"; "deleted" = "deleted"; "deleted user" = "deleted user"; "description" = "説明"; "details" = "詳細"; "details_placeholder" = "アイテムや取引についてより詳細に説明したい場合に記述"; "discard friend request" = "友達リクエストを無視"; "discard user's request to join the group" = "グループ参加リクエストを無視"; "discoverability" = "discoverability"; "dismiss" = "dismiss"; "display" = "display"; "display more" = "もっと表示"; "display_mode" = "display_mode"; "display_name" = "display_name"; "distance:" = "距離:"; "documentation" = "documentation"; "donate" = "寄付"; "done" = "done"; "down" = "down"; "download" = "ダウンロード"; "download CSV" = "download CSV"; "download JSON" = "download JSON"; "download your inventory and its associated data (authors, works, publishers, etc.)" = "download your inventory and its associated data (authors, works, publishers, etc.)"; "download your profile" = "download your profile"; "ebooks" = "電子書籍"; "edit" = "編集"; "edit data" = "データを編集"; "edit notes" = "メモを編集"; "edit on Wikidata" = "edit on Wikidata"; "edit profile" = "プロフィールを編集"; "edit selection" = "edit selection"; "edit shelf" = "edit shelf"; "edit the group's position" = "edit the group's position"; "edit your position" = "あなたの位置を編集"; "edit_entity" = "\"%{entity}\" を編集"; "editing_selected_items" = "editing_selected_items"; "edition" = "版"; "edition cover" = "edition cover"; "edition language" = "版の言語"; "edition subtitle" = "edition subtitle"; "edition title" = "版のタイトル"; // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edition_(book) "editions" = "版"; "editions can't be moved to Wikidata for the moment" = "editions can't be moved to Wikidata for the moment"; "editions_prefaced_or_postfaced_by_author" = "editions_prefaced_or_postfaced_by_author"; "editions_translated_by_author" = "editions_translated_by_author"; "editor" = "editor"; "educated_at" = "educated_at"; "elsewhere" = "elsewhere"; "email" = "メールアドレス"; "email address" = "メールアドレス"; "email me when" = "email me when"; "email notifications settings" = "email notifications settings"; "email or password is incorrect" = "メールアドレスかパスワードが間違っています"; "email will not be publicly displayed." = "メールアドレスは公開されません。"; "email_confirmation_error" = "メール確認リクエストは不適切か期限切れです"; "email_confirmation_error_button" = "新しい確認メールを送る"; "email_confirmation_offline_error" = "ログインして新しい確認メールをリクエストしてください"; "email_confirmation_success" = "メール確認が完了しました、ありがとう!"; "email_invitation_sent" = "%{email}に送信されたメール招待状"; "email_wasnt_verified" = "**あなたのメールは認証されませんでした。**
メールボックスに認証メールが見つからない場合は、次のボタンをクリックして新しいリクエストを送信してください:"; "emails" = "メールアドレス"; "emails separated by a comma" = "カンマ区切りのメール"; "empty the queue" = "待ち行列を空にする"; "enter" = "enter"; "enter an image url" = "画像URLを入力"; "entities lists" = "entities lists"; "entity history" = "entity history"; "entity type" = "entity type"; "error" = "エラー"; "ex:" = "例:"; "ex: \"Books for bird watchers\"" = "ex: \"Books for bird watchers\""; "ex: the secret club of Proustian experts" = "例: マルセル・プルースト専門家の秘密クラブ"; "examples" = "examples"; "exchanges" = "交換"; "exchanges_manager_welcome_text" = "ここはあなたが送受信した本のリクエストが表示される場所です。
本のリクエストを送る場合は、本のページに行って「リクエストを送信」をクリックしてください"; "exchanges_manager_welcome_title" = "取引マネージャへようこそ!"; "existing_entity_items" = "あなたの書庫にある所有数: [%{smart_count}](%{pathname})"; "external_shelves_importer" = "external_shelves_importer"; "external_shelves_importer_description" = "external_shelves_importer_description"; "failing_scan_tip" = "スキャナがコードバーを認識しづらい場合は、光量が十分でないか、カメラの性能が不足している場合があります"; "fediversable_description" = "fediversable_description"; "feedback" = "フィードバック"; "feedback_intro" = "バグレポート、絶対に欲しい機能、そしてもしかしたら単に愛を贈りたい?ここではそれができます!"; "feedback_title" = "フィードバックを送る"; "fetching available books…" = "fetching available books…"; "filter" = "filter"; "filters" = "filters"; "find ISBNs" = "find ISBNs"; "find a group nearby" = "find a group nearby"; "find on map" = "find on map"; "first publication date" = "first publication date"; "forgot password" = "パスワードを忘れましたか"; "forgot password?" = "パスワードを忘れた?"; "forgot your password?" = "パスワードを忘れた?"; "friend" = "友達"; "friend request sent" = "friend request sent"; "friend_accepted_request" = "%{username} があなたのリクエストを承認しました"; "friend_accepted_request_notification" = "友達がリクエストを承認した"; "friends" = "友達"; "friends and groups" = "友達とグループ"; "friends and some groups" = "friends and some groups"; "friends requests" = "友達リクエスト"; "friendship_request_notification" = "friendship_request_notification"; "from" = "以下より"; "from a URL" = "URLから"; "from a file" = "ファイルから"; "from:" = "差出人:"; "full-time team" = "常勤チーム"; "funding" = "funding"; "genre" = "genre"; "geolocation" = "位置情報"; "get_involved" = "Inventaire の改善に協力できそうですか?ぜひ参加してください!!"; "giving" = "譲渡"; "giving_personalized" = "%{username} さんが譲渡可能"; "giving_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** さんが譲渡可能"; "global" = "グローバル"; "global match score" = "global match score"; "global menu" = "global menu"; "global_email_toggle_warning" = "global_email_toggle_warning"; "global_notification" = "メール通知を受け取る"; "go get it!" = "取りに行く!"; "go to result's page" = "go to result's page"; "go to the group's inventory" = "go to the group's inventory"; "grid" = "grid"; "group" = "グループ"; "group URL:" = "group URL:"; "group admin" = "group admin"; "group name" = "グループ名"; "group settings" = "group settings"; "group_acceptRequest_notification" = "グループ参加リクエストが承認された"; "group_default_description" = "グループ %{groupName} 内の譲渡、貸出、販売しようとしている本のメンバーを見る"; "group_invite_notification" = "グループ参加に招待された"; "group_invitor" = "%{username} さんがあなたを招待しています"; "group_join_request_notification" = "group_join_request_notification"; "group_kick_confirmation" = "本当に**%{username}** さんをグループから削除しますか?"; "group_make_admin_confirmation" = "本当に**%{username}** さんをグループの管理者にしますか?"; "group_make_admin_warning" = "この操作は取り消しできず、他の管理者であってもこの管理者をグループから削除することはできません"; "group_position_context" = "あなたのグループが特定の場所(大学、コワーキング等)に関連している場合、他のユーザが見つけやすいようにその位置を示すと分かりやすいです"; "group_update_description" = "**%{username}**さんがグループ**%{groupName}** の説明を変更しました"; "group_update_name" = "**%{username}** さんがグループ名を**%{previousValue}** から**%{newValue}** に変更しました"; "group_update_open_false" = "group_update_open_false"; "group_update_open_true" = "group_update_open_true"; "group_update_searchable_false" = "group_update_searchable_false"; "group_update_searchable_true" = "group_update_searchable_true"; "groups" = "グループ"; "has no homonym" = "has no homonym"; "help" = "ヘルプ"; "help other users to understand what this group is about" = "他のユーザにこれがどういうグループなのか分かるようにしてください"; "help translate Inventaire" = "help translate Inventaire"; "hide" = "非表示"; "hide shelves" = "hide shelves"; "history" = "履歴"; "homonyms_count" = "homonyms_count"; "how to contribute" = "貢献方法"; "how_long" = "%{username} さんはその本をどれだけの間保管できますか?"; "how_much" = "価格には同意済みですか?"; "human" = "human"; "human image" = "human image"; "illustrator" = "illustrator"; "illustrators" = "illustrators"; "import" = "インポート"; "import a picture" = "画像をインポート"; "import from a list of ISBNs" = "import from a list of ISBNs"; "import from:" = "import from:"; "import the selection" = "import the selection"; "import this batch" = "このかたまりをインポート"; "in my inventory" = "自分の書庫内"; "in your friends' and groups' inventories" = ":あなたの友達やグループから"; "in your inventory" = "あなたの書庫内に"; "info" = "info"; "inker" = "inker"; "invalid ISBN" = "無効なISBNです"; "invalid email" = "無効なメールアドレス"; "invalid property value" = "invalid property value"; "invalid url" = "無効なURL"; "invalid username" = "無効なユーザ名"; "invalid_isbns_warning" = "invalid_isbns_warning"; "inventaire id" = "書庫ID"; "inventories_activity_summary_notification" = "あなたのネットワークで起きたことのサマリを受け取る"; "inventorize_it" = "自分の書庫に追加"; "inventory lists" = "inventory lists"; "inventorying" = "書庫に収納"; "inventorying_personalized" = "%{username} さんが所蔵"; "inventorying_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** さんが所蔵"; "invitation sent" = "invitation sent"; "invitations" = "招待"; "invite" = "招待する"; "invite by email" = "invite by email"; "invite friends" = "友達を招待"; "invite friends by email" = "invite friends by email"; "invite new members" = "invite new members"; "invited" = "招待済:"; "invp:P2" = "invp:P2"; "isolated editions" = "isolated editions"; "isolated works" = "isolated works"; "it doesn't look like an email" = "メールアドレスではないようです"; "item_request_text_suggestion_giving" = "%{username}さん、こんにちは!この本を貰っても良いですか?"; "item_request_text_suggestion_lending" = "%{username}さん、こんにちは!この本を借りても良いですか?"; "item_request_text_suggestion_selling" = "%{username}さん、こんにちは!この本を買っても良いですか?"; "join group" = "join group"; "join the conversation" = "join the conversation"; "join_open_group_confirmation" = "join_open_group_confirmation"; "join_open_group_warning" = "join_open_group_warning"; "just now" = "just now"; "just_inventorize_it" = "何もしない(単に自分の書庫に追加)"; "keep an inventory of your books" = "自分の書庫を管理しよう"; "km_away" = "距離:%{distance} km"; "km_away_from_you" = "km_away_from_you"; "labs" = "研究室"; "language" = "言語"; "language selector" = "language selector"; "large" = "large"; "large mode" = "large mode"; "last 7 days" = "last 7 days"; "last day" = "last day"; "learn more" = "もっと調べる"; "leave group" = "グループを離脱"; "leave_button_disabled" = "あなたは唯一のグループ管理者なので、他の管理者を指定しないとこのグループを離脱できません"; "leave_group_confirmation" = "本当に**グループ%{groupName} を離脱**しますか?"; "leave_group_warning" = "leave_group_warning"; "legal notice" = "legal notice"; "lending" = "貸出"; "lending_personalized" = "%{username} さんが貸出可能"; "lending_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** さんが貸出可能"; "letterer" = "letterer"; "lexical score" = "lexical score"; "library_or_critic" = "library_or_critic"; "links" = "links"; "list" = "list"; "list_created_by" = "list_created_by"; "listing" = "listing"; "lists" = "lists"; "loading" = "ロード中"; "loading_facets_may_take_a_while" = "loading_facets_may_take_a_while"; "location" = "location"; "login" = "ログイン"; "login to your inventory" = "自分の書庫にログイン"; "login_verb" = "login_verb"; "logout" = "logout"; "main_user_accepted" = "%{username} さんのリクエストを承認しました"; "main_user_cancelled" = "取引をキャンセルしました"; "main_user_confirmed" = "この本を入手したことを確認しました"; "main_user_declined" = "リクエストを却下しました"; "main_user_giving" = "あなたが譲渡可能"; "main_user_lending" = "あなたが貸出可能"; "main_user_requested" = "あなたがリクエストしました"; "main_user_returned" = "あなたは本を取り戻したことを確認しました"; "main_user_selling" = "あなたが販売中"; "make admin" = "管理者を作成"; "make the book's barcode fit in the box" = "make the book's barcode fit in the box"; "make the inventory of your books and mutualize with your friends and communities into an infinite library!" = "あなたの書庫を作成して友達やコミュニティと無限の図書館として相互利用する!"; "manga" = "manga"; "manga series" = "manga series"; "means \"inventory\" in French" = "means \"inventory\" in French"; "member" = "メンバー"; "members" = "メンバー"; "members:" = "メンバー:"; "merge" = "マージ"; "merge & deduplicate works" = "merge & deduplicate works"; "merge homonyms" = "merge homonyms"; "merge selected suggestions" = "merge selected suggestions"; "merge suggestions" = "merge suggestions"; "merge with another entity" = "他のエンティティとマージ"; "merge without importing data" = "merge without importing data"; "merged" = "merged"; "message" = "message"; "month" = "月"; "more" = "詳細"; "more details" = "詳細"; "move the series to Wikidata to be able to add this work" = "move the series to Wikidata to be able to add this work"; "move to Wikidata" = "move to Wikidata"; "multi_barcode_scan_tip" = "multi_barcode_scan_tip"; "my inventory" = "私の書庫"; "name" = "名前"; "narrative_set_in_this_location" = "narrative_set_in_this_location"; "nearby" = "nearby"; "need more information" = "need more information"; "network" = "ネットワーク"; "network_counter_label" = "あなたのネットワーク内"; "new entity" = "新しいエンティティ"; "new password" = "新しいパスワード"; "new_confirmation_email" = "新しい確認メールが送信されました:
メールボックスをチェックしてメールにあるリンクをクリックしてください"; "news" = "ニュース"; "newsletters_notification" = "Inventaire のニューズレターを受け取る"; "next" = "next"; "next action" = "次の操作"; "next category" = "next category"; "next result" = "next result"; "no" = "いいえ"; "no ISBN found" = "no ISBN found"; "no book selected" = "本が選ばれていません"; "no editions found" = "no editions found"; "no homonym found" = "no homonym found"; "no more pending requests" = "保留中のリクエストはありません"; "no notification" = "通知はありません"; "no pending requests" = "保留中のリクエストはありません"; "no position set" = "no position set"; "no result" = "no result"; "no suggestion found" = "no suggestion found"; "no user found" = "no user found"; "no value" = "no value"; "no_transaction" = "このカテゴリは空です"; "not found" = "見つかりません"; "not_imported_books" = "not_imported_books"; "notes" = "notes"; "notes_placeholder" = "あなただけが見ることができます"; "nothing here" = "nothing here"; "notifications" = "通知"; "notifications_description" = "notifications_description"; "num_books" = "%{smart_count} 本 |||| %{smart_count} 本"; "number" = "number"; "number of items in your network" = "number of items in your network"; "number of parts" = "number of parts"; "number of volumes" = "number of volumes"; "number_of_elements_in_the_list" = "number_of_elements_in_the_list"; "offline_help" = "offline_help"; "old_browser_message" = "old_browser_message"; "on_website" = "%{name} について"; "on_wikipedia" = "ウィキペディア上の %{label}"; "ongoing" = "実施中"; "only those who get the link or are invited can find this group" = "リンクを知らされたか招待した人だけがこのグループを見つけられます"; "oops" = "おっと"; "open membership" = "open membership"; "operations" = "operations"; "optional" = "optional"; "or" = "または"; "or email address" = "またはメールアドレス"; "order in the series" = "order in the series"; "ordinal" = "ordinal"; "original language" = "original language"; "other editions" = "other editions"; "other operations:" = "その他の操作:"; "other_user_accepted" = "%{username} さんが承認しました"; "other_user_cancelled" = "%{username} さんが取引をキャンセルしました"; "other_user_confirmed" = "%{username} が本の受取を確認しました"; "other_user_declined" = "%{username} さんがリクエストを却下しました"; "other_user_giving" = "**%{username}** さんが譲渡可能"; "other_user_lending" = "**%{username}** さんが貸出可能"; "other_user_requested" = "**%{username}** さんがリクエストしました"; "other_user_returned" = "%{username} さんが本を取り戻したことを確認しました"; "other_user_selling" = "**%{username}** さんが販売中"; "our love wasn't possible because" = "次の理由で至らない部分があり申し訳ありません"; "owner" = "所有者"; "pages" = "ページ数"; "parts suggestions" = "parts suggestions"; "password" = "パスワード"; "password should be 8 characters minimum" = "パスワードは8文字以上にしてください"; "paste any kind of text containing ISBNs here" = "paste any kind of text containing ISBNs here"; "patch" = "patch"; "penciller" = "penciller"; "pending" = "保留"; "pending friends requests" = "保留中の友達リクエスト"; "pending groups invitations" = "pending groups invitations"; "personalized message" = "パーソナライズされたメッセージ"; "photo credits:" = "写真のクレジット:"; "popularity" = "popularity"; "position" = "位置"; "position is set to" = "position is set to"; "position_privacy_context" = "位置情報を提供すると近所の他の人があなたの公開している本を見たりリクエストしたりできます。"; "position_privacy_tip" = "正確な住所は必要ありません。自宅や職場の近く、あるいは本の交換を気持ち良くできそうなところ、といった選び方で構いません。"; "position_settings_description" = "position_settings_description"; "precise the edition" = "precise the edition"; "presentation" = "presentation"; "previous" = "previous"; "previous category" = "previous category"; "previous result" = "previous result"; "previous searches" = "以前の検索"; "private" = "プライベート"; "private notes" = "プライベートメモ"; "profile" = "プロフィール"; "profile pic" = "プロフィール画像"; "profile picture" = "profile picture"; "public" = "公開"; "publication date" = "publication date"; "publication year" = "publication year"; "published_in" = "published_in"; "publisher" = "出版社"; "read online" = "オンラインで読む"; "read_more_on_wikipedia" = "もっと読むかウィキペディアで編集する"; "receive an email when" = "receive an email when"; "recent changes" = "最近の変更"; "refresh Wikidata data" = "refresh Wikidata data"; "refresh external databases data" = "refresh external databases data"; "refuse" = "拒否"; "remaing characters:" = "remaing characters:"; "remove" = "remove"; "remove filter" = "remove filter"; "remove from group" = "グループから削除"; "removed" = "removed"; "report an error" = "report an error"; "report_an_error_in_entity_data" = "修正の仕方が分からない場合はデータ内のエラーを知らせてください"; "reporter" = "reporter"; "request accepted" = "request accepted"; "request to join group" = "request to join group"; "request to join the group" = "request to join the group"; "request you sent" = "送信済みリクエスト"; "request_new_token" = "パスワードの再リセットをリクエスト"; "requested" = "リクエスト済"; "requests" = "リクエスト"; "requests waiting your approval" = "承認待ちリクエスト"; "required" = "required"; "required properties are missing" = "required properties are missing"; "requires an activated camera" = "requires an activated camera"; "reserved words can't be usernames" = "reserved words can't be usernames"; "reset filter" = "reset filter"; "reset password" = "パスワードをリセット"; "reset password token expired: request a new token" = "reset password token expired: request a new token"; "retry" = "再試行"; "return to the author's page" = "return to the author's page"; "return to the collection's page" = "return to the collection's page"; "return to the edition's page" = "return to the edition's page"; "return to the publisher's page" = "return to the publisher's page"; "return to the series' page" = "return to the series' page"; "return to the work's page" = "return to the work's page"; "roadmap" = "ロードマップ"; "roles" = "roles"; "save" = "保存"; "save position" = "位置を保存"; "saved" = "saved"; "saving would create a new author" = "saving would create a new author"; "saving would create a new collection" = "saving would create a new collection"; "saving would create a new publisher" = "saving would create a new publisher"; "saving would create a new series" = "saving would create a new series"; "saving would create a new work" = "saving would create a new work"; "scan" = "スキャン"; "scan a barcode" = "バーコードをスキャン"; "scanner_disabled_tip_2" = "カメラと[モダン・ブラウザ](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox) が必要です"; "scenarist" = "scenarist"; "scenarists" = "scenarists"; "search" = "検索"; "search by" = "search by"; "search for an entity" = "search for an entity"; "search for users" = "ユーザを探す"; "search group" = "search group"; "search settings" = "search settings"; "search user" = "search user"; "search users" = "search users"; "search_verb" = "search_verb"; "see history on Wikidata" = "see history on Wikidata"; "see more" = "詳細を見る"; "see on Wikidata" = "see on Wikidata"; "see profile" = "プロフィールを見る"; "see_all_listings_by_user" = "see_all_listings_by_user"; "see_all_work_editions" = "see_all_work_editions"; "see_on_website" = "%{website} で見る"; "select" = "選択"; "select a picture" = "画像を選択"; "select all" = "select all"; "select all local entities" = "select all local entities"; "select all local exact matches" = "select all local exact matches"; "select an edition" = "select an edition"; "select shelves to import" = "select shelves to import"; "select the books you want to add" = "追加したい本を選択"; "select the edition to add to my inventory" = "select the edition to add to my inventory"; "select the settings to apply to the selected books" = "選んだ本に適用する設定を選んでください"; "select this edition" = "select this edition"; "select_book" = "select_book"; "select_shelf" = "select_shelf"; "selected" = "選択済"; "selling" = "販売"; "selling_personalized" = "%{username} さんが販売中"; "selling_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** さんが販売中"; "send" = "送信"; "send an email to reset my password" = "メールを送信してパスワードをリセット"; "send email" = "メールを送信"; "send feedback" = "フィードバックを送信"; "send friend request" = "友達リクエストを送信"; "send invitations" = "招待を送る"; "send request" = "リクエストを送信"; "sent" = "送信済"; "separated by a comma" = "separated by a comma"; "serie" = "serie"; "series" = "シリーズ"; "series_singular" = "series_singular"; "set the group's position" = "グループの位置を設定"; "setting a position is required for this action" = "setting a position is required for this action"; "settings" = "設定"; "share" = "シェア"; "share it with your friends and communities" = "友達やコミュニティとシェアしよう"; "shelf" = "shelf"; "shelves" = "shelves"; "shelves_importer_description" = "shelves_importer_description"; "short story" = "short story"; "show" = "表示"; "show authors" = "show authors"; "show descriptions" = "show descriptions"; "show editions" = "show editions"; "show entity history" = "show entity history"; "show more properties" = "show more properties"; "show on map" = "show on map"; "show only main properties" = "show only main properties"; "show shelves" = "show shelves"; "show task" = "show task"; "sign up" = "サインアップ"; "signature" = "signature"; "signup_verb" = "signup_verb"; "skip" = "skip"; "skip to main content" = "skip to main content"; "social networks" = "social networks"; "some groups" = "some groups"; "some of the last books listed" = "最新リストの一部"; "some values aren't Wikidata entities:" = "some values aren't Wikidata entities:"; "something went wrong :(" = "何かうまく行かなかったようです :("; "source" = "ソース"; "sources" = "sources"; "special user" = "special user"; "specify the edition" = "specify the edition"; "status" = "status"; "statuses" = "statuses"; "subject" = "件名"; "subjects" = "subjects"; "success" = "success"; "suggest deletion" = "suggest deletion"; "suggest merge" = "suggest merge"; "switch_to_lang" = "言語を %{language} に切替"; "table" = "table"; "task" = "task"; "that would really help us if you could say a few words about why you're leaving:" = "離脱する理由を簡単に教えてください:"; "that's already your email" = "これは既にあなたのメールアドレスです"; "that's already your username" = "これは既にあなたのユーザ名です"; "the bio can't be longer than 1000 characters" = "自己紹介は1000字以内にしてください"; "the edition new title would be:" = "the edition new title would be:"; "the filter can be a regular expression" = "the filter can be a regular expression"; "the group has a position set" = "グループには位置がセットされています"; "the group's position isn't set yet" = "グループの位置はまだセットされていません"; "the issue was reported" = "the issue was reported"; "the library of your friends and communities" = "友達やコミュニティの図書館"; "this ISBN already exist:" = "this ISBN already exist:"; "this ISBN was already scanned" = "this ISBN was already scanned"; "this book I can lend, this book I can give, this one is for sale…" = "本ごとに譲渡するのか、貸出するのか、販売するのかなどを選べます。"; "this edition is already in the list" = "this edition is already in the list"; "this email is already used" = "このメールアドレスは既に使われています"; "this email is unknown" = "このメールは不明"; "this entity is ready to be imported to Wikidata" = "this entity is ready to be imported to Wikidata"; "this group appears in public search results" = "this group appears in public search results"; "this group appears in search results" = "このグループは検索結果にあります"; "this group is opened to membership without admin validation" = "this group is opened to membership without admin validation"; "this group require admins to validate new memberships" = "this group require admins to validate new memberships"; "this is visible by anyone who can see this item" = "このアイテムを見られる人には誰にでも見えています"; "this property should at least have one value" = "this property should at least have one value"; "this resource doesn't exist or you don't have the right to access it" = "このリソースは存在しないかアクセス権がありません"; "this resource requires to have admin rights to access it" = "this resource requires to have admin rights to access it"; "this username is already used" = "このユーザ名は既に使われています"; "this username isn't available" = "このユーザ名は利用できません"; "this value is already used" = "this value is already used"; "title" = "タイトル"; "title pattern" = "title pattern"; "title_add_layout" = "本を自分の書庫に追加"; "title_add_layout_import" = "コレクションをインポート"; "title_add_layout_scan" = "バーコードをスキャンして本を追加"; "title_add_layout_search" = "本を探す"; "title_exchanges_layout" = "本の譲渡、貸出、販売についてあなたが送受信したメッセージ"; "title_matches_serie_label_tip" = "title_matches_serie_label_tip"; "to:" = "宛先:"; "total" = "total"; "total contributions:" = "total contributions:"; "transaction" = "取引"; "transaction_cancel_confirmation" = "本当にこの取引をキャンセルしますか?"; "transaction_cancel_effects" = "この議論はいったんアーカイブされ、本は利用可能になった時に再表示されます。"; "transaction_cancel_info" = "何らかの理由で取引が始まらない場合は、この後のボタンでキャンセルできます。"; "transaction_finished" = "この取引は完了です"; "transaction_with" = "transaction_with"; "transactions" = "取引"; "translate" = "翻訳"; "translation" = "翻訳"; "translation_completion" = "%{completion}% 完了"; "type" = "type"; "unavailable" = "利用不可"; "undo" = "undo"; "unfriend" = "友達をやめる"; "unfriend_confirmation" = "本当に**%{username}** さんを友達から削除しますか?"; "unknown" = "unknown"; "unselect" = "選択解除"; "unselect all" = "unselect all"; "unselect all filters" = "unselect all filters"; "unselect shelf" = "unselect shelf"; "unverified email" = "unverified email"; "up" = "up"; "update email" = "update email"; "update password" = "パスワードを更新"; "update presentation" = "update presentation"; "update username" = "update username"; "update_on_item_you_requested_notification" = "あなたのリクエストした本に関する交換についての最新情報"; "update_on_your_item_notification" = "あなたの本に関する交換についての最新情報"; "upload and save" = "upload and save"; "upload your books from another website" = "upload your books from another website"; "upload your collection from another website" = "別のウェブサイトからあなたのコレクションをアップロード"; "url" = "URL"; "user" = "ユーザ"; "user profile" = "user profile"; "user_default_description" = "%{username} さんが譲渡、貸出、販売しようとしている本を見る"; "user_made_admin" = "**%{username}** さんがあなたをグループ**%{groupName}** の管理者に指名しました"; "username" = "ユーザ名"; "username can not contain spaces" = "username can not contain spaces"; "username can only contain letters, figures or _" = "ユーザ名に使えるのはアルファベット、数字、半角スペースだけです"; "username can't contain space" = "ユーザ名にはスペースは使えません"; "username or password is incorrect" = "ユーザ名かパスワードが間違っています"; "username should be 2 characters minimum" = "ユーザ名は2文字以上にしてください"; "username should be 20 characters maximum" = "ユーザ名は最大20文字までです"; "username_change_confirmation" = "あなたの現在のユーザ名: **%{currentUsername}**
本当に**%{requestedUsername}**に変えますか?"; "username_change_warning" = "ユーザ名は他の人があなたを探す元になるものなので、あまり頻繁に変えないようにしてください"; "username_tip" = "ユーザ名で使えるのは1から20桁までの英記号か_です。"; "users" = "ユーザ"; "users_count_have_this_book" = "users_count_have_this_book"; "validate" = "確認完了"; "validate and add another book" = "確認して他の本を追加"; "validate user's request to join the group" = "グループ参加リクエストを確認"; "version" = "version"; "visibility" = "表示制御"; "volume" = "volume"; "waiting" = "waiting"; "waiting for admin validation" = "waiting for admin validation"; "waiting_accepted" = "%{username} さんのリクエスト承認待ちです"; "waiting_confirmation" = "%{username} さんの受取確認を待機中"; "waiting_confirmation_one_way" = "確認後には、[この本](/items/%{itemId}) は%{username} さんの書庫に追加されます。"; "waiting_return_confirmation" = "さあ、本を楽しんで下さい!その後は所有者との合意に従って返却してください"; "welcome to your inventory!" = "welcome to your inventory!"; "where_and_when" = "交換はいつどこで行われますか?"; "which edition?" = "which edition?"; "wiki" = "wiki"; "wikidata entities can't link to inventaire entities" = "wikidata entities can't link to inventaire entities"; "wikidata_edit_intro" = "wikidata_edit_intro"; "wikidata_move_intro" = "wikidata_move_intro"; "work" = "work"; "work from which this is an edition" = "work from which this is an edition"; "work image" = "work image"; "works" = "作品"; "works_about_entity" = "works_about_entity"; "works_based_on_work" = "works_based_on_work"; "works_in_this_genre" = "works_in_this_genre"; "works_inspired_by_work" = "works_inspired_by_work"; "works_replying_to_work" = "works_replying_to_work"; "wrong password" = "間違ったパスワード"; "x_days_ago" = "x_days_ago"; "x_hours_ago" = "x_hours_ago"; "x_minutes_ago" = "x_minutes_ago"; "x_months_ago" = "x_months_ago"; "x_seconds_ago" = "x_seconds_ago"; "x_years_ago" = "x_years_ago"; "year" = "年"; "yes" = "はい"; "you are offline" = "you are offline"; "you can't leave the group without naming another admin" = "他の管理者を指名しないとこのグループを抜けられません"; "you have a position set" = "あなたの位置はセットされています"; "you need to be connected to add a book to your inventory" = "書庫に本を追加するにはログインしている必要があります"; "you need to be connected to edit this page" = "このページを編集するには接続している必要があります"; "your friends" = "あなたの友達"; "your friends and communities are the best library" = "友達やコミュニティはベストな図書館です"; "your friends and communities are your best library" = "友達とコミュニティはあなたのベストな図書館です"; "your message" = "あなたのメッセージ"; "your message…" = "your message…"; "your position isn't set yet" = "あなたの位置はまだセットされていません"; "your profile contains information about you" = "your profile contains information about you"; "your request to join is waiting for approval" = "your request to join is waiting for approval"; "your_item_was_requested_notification" = "あなたの本がリクエストされた";