// Do not translate "app_name" = "FreshRSS"; "http_protocol" = "http://"; "https_protocol" = "https://"; "refresh_frequency_default_value" = "30"; // Generic text "warning" = "Warning"; "error" = "Error"; "close" = "Close"; // Error Dialog "error_detail_dialog_content" = "Oops… Something wrong happened and we don't know what (⚆_⚆)"; "copy_stacktrace" = "Copy stacktrace to clipboard"; "send_report" = "Send a report"; "detail_error_message" = "If you think this is an error that should be reported hit the '%s' button"; "error_copied_to_clipboard" = "The error has been copied to the clipboard"; "see_error_details" = "Click here to see error details"; // Debug "debug_infos" = "Debug info"; "debug_worker_planned_refreshes" = "Planned refreshes (%d)"; "debug_worker_finished_refreshes" = "Finished refreshes (%d)"; "debug_worker_id" = "ID:"; "debug_worker_state" = "State:"; "debug_worker_tags" = "Tags:"; "debug_work_infos_output_data" = "Output data:"; // Preference keys "refresh_frequency_preference" = "refresh_frequency_preference"; "subscription_section_preference" = "subscription_section_preference"; "retain_scroll_position_preference" = "retain_scroll_position_preference"; "debug_mode_preference" = "debug_mode_preference"; // Login "prompt_login" = "Login"; "api_password" = "API Password"; "action_sign_in" = "Sign in"; "action_enter_credentials" = "Enter login and password"; "error_field_required" = "This field is required"; "prompt_instance" = "Enter your instance URL"; "unreachable_host" = "This host can't be reached"; "invalid_url_error_message" = "This URL is invalid"; "instance_exemple" = "your-instance.com"; "login_progress_text" = "Login to instance\n%s"; "url_nok" = "%1$s does not seem to be a valid web URL. Nevertheless, if you think the configuration is correct, just hit \"%2$s\""; "api_url_invalid_response" = "The FreshRSS API did not respond correctly at %1$s. Please check the URL in a browser. It should return \"%2$s\""; "root_exposed_warning" = "

Your instance does not seem to be properly configured.
Please ensure that only the /p/ folder is publicly accessible.

This application can work correctly with the current configuration, but it is not advisable to keep /p/ parent folder exposed.

Read more"; "freshrss_documentation_url" = "https://freshrss.github.io/FreshRSS/en/admins/03_Installation.html"; "api_access_disabled_warning" = "

The API access on your FreshRSS instance is disabled. To enable it:

  1.  connect to your instance at URL %1$s
  2.  go to the \"%2$s\" section
  3.  check the \"%3$s\" box
"; "connection_password_warning" = "

Please note that the password used here is the API password.

It is configured in the %s section of your FreshRSS settings

"; "bad_credentials_form_error" = "Your credentials are incorrect"; "api_password_misconfiguration_hint" = "Your credentials are incorrect."; "api_password_misconfiguration_long_message" = "

What to do?

  1. Check the spelling of you login.
  2. Ensure the password you entered is the API password.
"; !! DO NOT MAKE A LITERAL TRANSLATION FOR THIS KEY !! This text describe the API passaword configuration section title on the web client. This should be visible at the address `/i/?c=user&a=profile`. Please use the text used by the web client in your target language. Use \u00A0 to add a non-breaking space. "http_api_password_config_section" = "Profile > API Management"; !! DO NOT MAKE A LITERAL TRANSLATION FOR THIS KEY !! This text describe the API passaword configuration section title on the web client. This should be visible at the address `/i/?c=auth`. Please use the text used by the web client in your target language. "http_api_access_option" = "Allow API access"; !! DO NOT MAKE A LITERAL TRANSLATION FOR THIS KEY !! This text describe the API passaword configuration section title on the web client. This should be visible at the address `/i/?c=auth`. Please use the text used by the web client in your target language. "http_api_access_option_section" = "Authentication"; // Subscriptions activity menu "title_favorites" = "Favorites"; "title_all" = "All"; "title_unread" = "Unread"; // Notifications "notification_refresh_title" = "Refreshing your RSS feeds"; "notification_refresh_description" = "FreshRSS is fetching your content from the server"; "notification_refresh_failed_title" = "Refreshing failed"; "notification_refresh_failed_description" = "FreshRSS failed to retrieve content from your FreshRSS server"; "notification_channel_refresh_title" = "Refresh events"; "notification_channel_refresh_description" = "FreshRSS is fetching content from your FreshRSS server"; "notification_channel_errors_title" = "Errors"; "notification_channel_errors_reports_title" = "Errors reports"; "notification_channel_errors_description" = "FreshRSS has encountered an error"; "notification_crash_title" = "FreshRSS has crashed"; "notification_crash_description" = "FreshRSS has encountered an error. Would you like to help improve FreshRSS by sending a report?"; // Strings related to subscriptions "share" = "Share"; "error_invalid_password" = "This password is too short"; "original_page" = "Open"; "mark_read" = "Mark read"; "mark_unread" = "Mark unread"; "mark_read_status_authorization" = "mark this article as %s"; "read" = "read"; "unread" = "unread"; "add_favorite_status" = "add the article %s to your favorites"; "remove_favorit_status" = "remove the article %s from your favorites"; "request_already_ongoing" = "A request is already ongoing. Please retry later."; "unable_to" = "Sorry, the application failed to %s"; "empty_subscriptions_section_favorites" = "You have no favorites yet.\n Why not add one?"; "empty_subscriptions_section_favorites_category" = "You have no favorites in the %s category.\nWhy not add one?"; "empty_subscriptions_section_all" = "It's quite empty here.\nWhy not add a new subscription to get something to read?"; "empty_subscriptions_section_all_category" = "You have no subscriptions in the %s category.\nWhy not add one?"; "empty_subscriptions_section_unread" = "Nothing new to read!\nWhy not visit your local library?"; "empty_subscriptions_section_unread_category" = "Nothing new to read for the %s category.\nWhy not visit your local library?"; "empty_subscription_list" = "There are no articles from %s yet.\nNew articles will probably be published soon."; "empty_subscription_unread_list" = "You've read every article from %s!"; "empty_subscription_favorite_list" = "You have no favorites from %s!"; "human_time_grouping_today" = "Today"; "human_time_grouping_yesterday" = "Yesterday"; "human_time_grouping_this_week" = "This week"; "human_time_grouping_last_week" = "Last week"; "human_time_grouping_this_month" = "This month"; "human_time_grouping_last_month" = "Last month"; "human_time_grouping_this_year" = "This year"; "human_time_grouping_old_articles" = "Old articles"; /* `hello_user`, `good_morning_user`, `good_evening_user` are used differently in two different contexts. When no user is logged in, the `%s` part is replaced by an empty string so that welcoming message is just *Hello* or *Good morning*. When a user is logged in, the `%s` is replaced by a complement that is `greeting_user_complement` resource. That part that may differ depending on the languages. The `%s` part is then replace by the user's login. So, in english, that would be *Good morning, Asha*. */ "hello_user" = "Hello%s"; "good_morning_user" = "Good morning%s"; "good_evening_user" = "Good evening%s"; "greeting_user_complement" = ", %s"; "subscription_categories" = "Categories"; "share_article" = "Share article - %s"; "no_internet_connection_avaible" = "You're not connected to the internet."; // Other messages "title_settings" = "Settings"; "refresh_frequency" = "Refresh frequency"; "refresh_frequency_title" = "Refresh frequency (%s)"; "refresh_frequency_off" = "Off"; "refresh_frequency_30m" = "30 mins"; "refresh_frequency_1h" = "1h"; "refresh_frequency_5h" = "5h"; "refresh_frequency_12h" = "12h"; "refresh_frequency_1d" = "1d"; "freshrss_logo" = "FreshRSS logo"; "user" = "User"; "title_add_subscription" = "Add feed"; "application" = "Application"; "navigation_drawer_open" = "Open drawer"; "navigation_drawer_close" = "Close drawer"; "url_of_feed_or_website" = "URL of feed or website"; "link_to_original_image" = "Link to original image"; "feed_already_subscribed" = "%s is already in your feed.\n\nDid you sleep well last night?\nDo you need a hug? \(^o^)/"; "add_feed_failed_unknown_error" = "This is embarrassing…\n\nNo feed could be added from %s because of an unexpected error (⚆_⚆)"; "no_feed_found" = "Oh no!\n\nI couldn't find a feed at %s!\n\n(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"; "feed_wait" = "Please wait…\nU´ᴥ`U"; "appearance_setting_title" = "Appearance"; "last_sync_a_few_seconds_ago" = "Last sync a few seconds ago"; "last_sync_relative_date_text" = "Last sync about %s ago"; "last_sync_absolute_date_text" = "Last sync on %s"; "retain_scroll_position_preference_title" = "Retain article scroll positions"; "retain_scroll_position_preference_summary" = "If checked, scroll positions will be remembered even after a restart."; "debug_mode" = "Debug mode"; "advanced_preference_section" = "Advanced"; !! DO NOT MAKE A LITERAL TRANSLATION FOR THIS KEY !! You should use the translation used on front-end. It is available here: https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS/blob/edge/app/i18n/en/gen.php The key for this translation is 'default_category'. "default_category" = "Uncategorized"; "notification_permission_required" = "The notification permission must be granted";