/* Do not translate */ "app_name" = "app_name"; "http_protocol" = "http_protocol"; "https_protocol" = "https_protocol"; "refresh_frequency_default_value" = "refresh_frequency_default_value"; /* Generic text */ "warning" = "warning"; "error" = "error"; "close" = "close"; /* Error Dialog */ "error_detail_dialog_content" = "error_detail_dialog_content"; "copy_stacktrace" = "copy_stacktrace"; "send_report" = "send_report"; "detail_error_message" = "detail_error_message"; "error_copied_to_clipboard" = "error_copied_to_clipboard"; "see_error_details" = "see_error_details"; /* Debug */ "debug_infos" = "debug_infos"; "debug_worker_planned_refreshes" = "debug_worker_planned_refreshes"; "debug_worker_finished_refreshes" = "debug_worker_finished_refreshes"; "debug_worker_id" = "debug_worker_id"; "debug_worker_state" = "debug_worker_state"; "debug_worker_tags" = "debug_worker_tags"; "debug_work_infos_output_data" = "debug_work_infos_output_data"; /* Preference keys */ "refresh_frequency_preference" = "refresh_frequency_preference"; "subscription_section_preference" = "subscription_section_preference"; "retain_scroll_position_preference" = "retain_scroll_position_preference"; "debug_mode_preference" = "debug_mode_preference"; /* Login */ "prompt_login" = "اسم المستخدم"; "api_password" = "api_password"; "action_sign_in" = "ولوج"; "action_enter_credentials" = "action_enter_credentials"; "error_field_required" = "هذا الحقل لازم"; "prompt_instance" = "prompt_instance"; "unreachable_host" = "unreachable_host"; "invalid_url_error_message" = "invalid_url_error_message"; "instance_exemple" = "your-instance.com"; "login_progress_text" = "جارٍ الاتصال بمثيل الخادم\n%s"; "url_nok" = "url_nok"; "api_url_invalid_response" = "api_url_invalid_response"; "root_exposed_warning" = "root_exposed_warning"; "freshrss_documentation_url" = "freshrss_documentation_url"; "api_access_disabled_warning" = "api_access_disabled_warning"; "connection_password_warning" = "connection_password_warning"; "bad_credentials_form_error" = "bad_credentials_form_error"; "api_password_misconfiguration_hint" = "api_password_misconfiguration_hint"; "api_password_misconfiguration_long_message" = "api_password_misconfiguration_long_message"; !! DO NOT MAKE A LITERAL TRANSLATION FOR THIS KEY !! This text describe the API passaword configuration section title on the web client. This should be visible at the address `/i/?c=user&a=profile`. Please use the text used by the web client in your target language. Use \u00A0 to add a non-breaking space. "http_api_password_config_section" = "http_api_password_config_section"; !! DO NOT MAKE A LITERAL TRANSLATION FOR THIS KEY !! This text describe the API passaword configuration section title on the web client. This should be visible at the address `/i/?c=auth`. Please use the text used by the web client in your target language. "http_api_access_option" = "http_api_access_option"; !! DO NOT MAKE A LITERAL TRANSLATION FOR THIS KEY !! This text describe the API passaword configuration section title on the web client. This should be visible at the address `/i/?c=auth`. Please use the text used by the web client in your target language. "http_api_access_option_section" = "http_api_access_option_section"; /* Subscriptions activity menu */ "title_favorites" = "المفضلات"; "title_all" = "كلها"; "title_unread" = "غير المقروءة"; /* Notifications */ "notification_refresh_title" = "جارٍ إنعاش تدفقات RSS الخاصة بك"; "notification_refresh_description" = "يقوم FreshRSS حاليا بجلب المحتوى مِن خادم FreshRSS الخاص بك"; "notification_refresh_failed_title" = "فشل الإنعاش"; "notification_refresh_failed_description" = "لقد فشل FreshRSS في جلب المحتوى مِن خادم FreshRSS الخاص بك"; "notification_channel_refresh_title" = "أحداث الإنعاش"; "notification_channel_refresh_description" = "يقوم FreshRSS حاليا بجلب المحتوى مِن خادم FreshRSS الخاص بك"; "notification_channel_errors_title" = "الأخطاء"; "notification_channel_errors_reports_title" = "تقارير الأخطاء"; "notification_channel_errors_description" = "لقد صادف FreshRSS خطأ وسيتم إخطارك به"; "notification_crash_title" = "تحطم FreshRSS"; "notification_crash_description" = "notification_crash_description"; /* Strings related to subscriptions */ "share" = "شارك"; "error_invalid_password" = "كلمة السر هذه قصيرة جدا"; "original_page" = "افتح"; "mark_read" = "اعتبره كمقروء"; "mark_unread" = "اعتبره كغير مقروءة"; "mark_read_status_authorization" = "ضع علامة %s على هذا المقال"; "read" = "قُرأ"; "unread" = "غير مقروء"; "add_favorite_status" = "إضافة المقال %s إلى مفضلاتك"; "remove_favorit_status" = "حذف مقال %s من مفضلاتك"; "request_already_ongoing" = "هناك طلب ساري. الرجاء إعادة المحاولة لاحقا."; "unable_to" = "المعذرة، لقد فشل التطبيق في %s"; "empty_subscriptions_section_favorites" = "ليس لديك أية مفضلة بعد.\nلِم لا تقم بإضافة واحدة؟"; "empty_subscriptions_section_favorites_category" = "ليس لديك أية مفضلة بعد في فئة %s.\nلِم لا تقم بإضافة واحدة؟"; "empty_subscriptions_section_all" = "إنّ المكان يبدو فارغا.\nلِم لا تقم بالبحث عن اشتراك قصد الحصول على محتوى للقراءة؟"; "empty_subscriptions_section_all_category" = "ليس لديك أي اشتراك بعد في فئة %s.\nلِم لا تقم بإضافة واحد؟"; "empty_subscriptions_section_unread" = "يا للهول! لقد قُمت بقراءة كل شيء هنا.\nلما لا تذهب إلى المكتبة لقراءة كتاب؟"; "empty_subscriptions_section_unread_category" = "empty_subscriptions_section_unread_category"; "empty_subscription_list" = "empty_subscription_list"; "empty_subscription_unread_list" = "لقد قرأتَ كافة المقالات على تدفق %s!"; "empty_subscription_favorite_list" = "ليس هناك أية مفضلة على تدفق %s!\n"; "human_time_grouping_today" = "اليوم"; "human_time_grouping_yesterday" = "البارحة"; "human_time_grouping_this_week" = "هذا الأسبوع"; "human_time_grouping_last_week" = "الأسبوع الماضي"; "human_time_grouping_this_month" = "هذا الشهر"; "human_time_grouping_last_month" = "الشهر الماضي"; "human_time_grouping_this_year" = "هذا العام"; "human_time_grouping_old_articles" = "المقالات القديمة"; /* `hello_user`, `good_morning_user`, `good_evening_user` are used differently in two different contexts. When no user is logged in, the `%s` part is replaced by an empty string so that welcoming message is just *Hello* or *Good morning*. When a user is logged in, the `%s` is replaced by a complement that is `greeting_user_complement` resource. That part that may differ depending on the languages. The `%s` part is then replace by the user's login. So, in english, that would be *Good morning, Asha*. */ "hello_user" = "مرحبًا%s"; "good_morning_user" = "أسعدت صباحًا%s"; "good_evening_user" = "عمّ مساؤك%s"; "greeting_user_complement" = " %s"; "subscription_categories" = "الفئات"; "share_article" = "شارك مقال %s"; "no_internet_connection_avaible" = "ليس هناك اتصال بالأنترنت حاليا، يرجى إعادة المحاولة لاحقا"; /* Other messages */ "title_settings" = "الإعدادات"; "refresh_frequency" = "تردّد الإنعاش"; "refresh_frequency_title" = "تردّد الإنعاش (%s)"; "refresh_frequency_off" = "معطّل"; "refresh_frequency_30m" = "30 دقيقة"; "refresh_frequency_1h" = "1سا"; "refresh_frequency_5h" = "5سا"; "refresh_frequency_12h" = "12سا"; "refresh_frequency_1d" = "يوم واحد"; "freshrss_logo" = "شعار FreshRSS"; "user" = "المستخدم"; "title_add_subscription" = "إضافة تدفّق"; "application" = "التطبيق"; "navigation_drawer_open" = "افتح الدرج"; "navigation_drawer_close" = "أغلق الدرج"; "url_of_feed_or_website" = "عنوان التدفق أو موقع الويب"; "link_to_original_image" = "الرابط إلى الصورة الأصلية"; "feed_already_subscribed" = "feed_already_subscribed"; "add_feed_failed_unknown_error" = "add_feed_failed_unknown_error"; "no_feed_found" = "no_feed_found"; "feed_wait" = "يرجى الانتظار…\nU´ᴥ`U"; "appearance_setting_title" = "المظهر"; "last_sync_a_few_seconds_ago" = "آخر مزامنة منذ ثواني"; "last_sync_relative_date_text" = "last_sync_relative_date_text"; "last_sync_absolute_date_text" = "آخر مزامنة منذ %s"; "retain_scroll_position_preference_title" = "retain_scroll_position_preference_title"; "retain_scroll_position_preference_summary" = "retain_scroll_position_preference_summary"; "debug_mode" = "debug_mode"; "advanced_preference_section" = "advanced_preference_section"; !! DO NOT MAKE A LITERAL TRANSLATION FOR THIS KEY !! You should use the translation used on front-end. It is available here: https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS/blob/edge/app/i18n/en/gen.php The key for this translation is 'default_category'. "default_category" = "default_category"; "notification_permission_required" = "notification_permission_required";