"section->title" = "Support Framasoft"; "section->lead" = "Because freedom doesn’t mean it’s free…"; "section->text" = "Framasoft is a not-for-profit which can **only** keep running thanks to your donations. Do you like what we do? Do you think we’re going in the right direction? If so, and you’re able to make a donation, we’d very much appreciate it!"; "section->why" = "Why support @:txt.soft?"; "section->money" = "Where is your money going to?"; "section->numbers" = "@:txt.soft in a few numbers"; "section->questions" = "Questions and contact"; "form->step1->title" = "1. I want to give to Framasoft"; "form->step1->monthly" = "Every month"; "form->step1->oneshot" = "Once"; "form->step1->other" = "Other amount (e.g. {n})"; "form->step1->anonymous" = "I want my donation to remain anonymous"; "form->step1->receipt" = "I would like to receive a tax receipt"; "form->step2->title" = "2. I complete my information"; "form->step2->private" = "Confidentiality"; "form->step2->private_tip" = "This information is necessary for practical reasons and in order to issue\na tax receipt.\n\nYou should also know that you can check whether your donation has been\nreceived. in the “[donor list](@:(link.soutenir)/en/stats)” page.\n\nOf course, your first name and last name are anonymized."; "form->step2->type" = "I represent"; "form->step2->part" = "an individual"; "form->step2->corp" = "a company"; "form->step2->corp_tip" = "Company, association, community…"; "form->step2->mecenat" = "If you would like to become a sponsor of @:txt.soft and\n[appear on this page](@:(link.soutenir)/sponsors),\n[contact us](@:(link.contact)/#soutenir)."; "form->step2->society" = "Legal entity"; "form->step2->society_ex" = "e.g. Free Software Foundation"; "form->step2->siren" = "SIREN number"; "form->step2->siren_ex" = "e.g. 123 456 789"; "form->step2->legalStatus" = "Legal status"; "form->step2->legalStatus_ex" = "e.g. SARL, individual company, association…"; "form->step2->nickname" = "Nickname"; "form->step2->nickname_ex" = "e.g. Lady AAL"; "form->step2->lastname" = "Last name"; "form->step2->lastname_ex" = "e.g. Lovelace"; "form->step2->firstname" = "First name"; "form->step2->firstname_ex" = "e.g. Ada"; "form->step2->email" = "E-mail"; "form->step2->email_ex" = "e.g. a.lovelace@example.com"; "form->step2->society_email_ex" = "e.g. contact@fsf.org"; "form->step2->address1" = "Address"; "form->step2->address1_ex" = "e.g. 12 rue de la liberté"; "form->step2->address2" = "Addition of address"; "form->step2->address2_ex" = "e.g. Building VI"; "form->step2->zip" = "Postal code"; "form->step2->zip_ex" = "e.g. 69007"; "form->step2->city" = "City"; "form->step2->city_ex" = "e.g. Lyon"; "form->step2->country" = "Country"; "form->step2->error_empty" = "This field must be filled in."; "form->step2->error_email" = "You must enter a valid email address."; "form->step3->title" = "3. I access the payment"; "form->step3->defisc" = "Information on tax exemption"; "form->step3->defisc_text" = "In France, [thanks to the tax deduction of\n{percent}](@:(link.soutenir)/defiscalisation),\n**your donation of {amount}** will cost you only {defisc}."; "form->step3->cb" = "Credit card"; "form->step3->vir" = "Transfer"; "form->step3->chq" = "Check"; "form->step3->pp" = "Paypal"; "form->step3->i_give" = "I give"; "form->step3->monthly" = "monthly"; "form->step3->now" = "now"; "form->step3->coord" = "Your personal details are noted."; "form->step3->email_send->[0]" = "An email has just been sent to you at the address"; "form->step3->email_send->[1]" = "containing a reminder of the instructions below."; "form->step3->ok" = "Ok, I get it."; "form->step3->modal_vir->by" = "by bank transfer"; "form->step3->modal_vir->no_sepa" = " @:txt.soft does not offer a SEPA form for direct debits, but you can make a donation by bank transfer directly to us.
So you decide the sum, the frequency and you can change it at any time."; "form->step3->modal_vir->to_finish" = " To finalize your donation, please note our bank details:"; "form->step3->modal_vir->ref" = " Also note this payment reference which must be added to the description of the transfer:"; "form->step3->modal_vir->to_bank" = " Then discuss with your bank how to plan the transfer. Some banks can handle this online."; "form->step3->modal_chq->by" = "by check"; "form->step3->modal_chq->to_finish" = " To finalize your donation, please complete your cheque to the order of “Association @:txt.soft” and note this payment reference at the back:"; "form->step3->modal_chq->to_post" = " Then send your cheque to the head office of the association to this mailing address:"; "form->ask->title" = "Questions"; "form->ask->stop" = "Recurring donations can be stopped anytime, just\n[ask us](@:(link.contact)/#soutenir)."; "form->ask->edit" = "If you want to modify your recurring donation, please\n[contact us](@:(link.contact)/#soutenir), we will stop the current\none and you will be able to make a new one."; "form->ask->send" = "Tax receipts (in France only) are sent by postal mail in March/April\n@:year.next (before tax declaration) for @:year.current donations"; "form->ask->moral" = "Financial and activity reports can be found on the\n[not-for-profit page](@:(link.soft)/association)"; "form->ask->alter1" = "For [practical reasons](@:(link.contact)/faq/#dons-alternatifs), we do not\naccept donations from micro-payment platforms (Lilo, Flattr, Tipeee…)\nexcept Liberapay"; "form->ask->lp" = "Make a donation via Liberapay"; "form->ask->alter2" = "We also do not accept donations in crypto-currency (Bitcoin, Ether,\nMonero…) but we carefully observe\n[the Ğ1 free currency](https://duniter.org/fr/comprendre/)."; "form->ask->other" = "If you have more questions, [you\nmay find answers there](@:(link.soutenir)/#questions)…"; "why->maintitle" = "Why support @:txt.soft?"; "why->numbers->title" = "@:txt.soft in {year}"; "why->numbers->subtitle" = "Key metrics"; "why->numbers->list1" = "- {years} years of existence\n- {members} members and {employees} employees\n- {projects} projects ({services} ethical online services)"; "why->numbers->list2" = "- {ucontrib} contributors\n- {usupport} patrons\n- {uvisits} visits per mounth"; "why->numbers->list3" = "- {dlibre} free resources in our directory\n- {dblog}  blog posts\n- {events} events each year to talk and reach different audiences"; "why->numbers->more" = "[Sources](https://framastats.org) — [More infos](questions)"; "why->money->title" = "Find our where your money goes"; "why->money->intro" = "Your donations ensure our independence ({percent}% of our income in {year}).\n\nBecause creating and maintaining ethical digital tools requires\ntime and human talent, the bulk of our time and talent is spent on the\nbudget is used to compensate (as fairly and equitably as possible)\nour employees and service providers.\n\nEach year, our accounts are audited and validated by a statutory auditor.\nindependent accounts (we publish [reports on this\npage](https://framasoft.org/association/))."; "why->money->list->[0]" = "Employees:"; "why->money->list->[1]" = "Servers and domains:"; "why->money->list->[2]" = "Operating expanses:"; "why->money->list->[3]" = "Events and meetings:"; "why->money->list->[4]" = "Communication:"; "why->money->list->[5]" = "Project providers:"; "why->money->list->[6]" = "Banking fees and taxes:"; "why->money->outro" = "(data updated the {date})"; "why->actions->title" = "Thanks to your money…"; "why->actions->list->[0]" = "**Share in person**
Your donations allow us to participate in nearly [one hundred events each year](https://wiki.framasoft.org/evenements). We bring physical tools (Metacards, guides [Résolu], Framabooks, Flyers) to better approach the digital world."; "why->actions->list->[1]" = "**Promoting popular education**
Framasoft is committed to popularizing digital emancipation towards the by contributing to concrete tools made by and for a greater number of people, by contributing to concrete tools made by and for people involved in popular education. [[1](https://framablog.org/2019/12/14/les-metacartes-numerique-ethique-un-outil-qui-fait-envie/)], [[2](https://framablog.org/2020/06/27/resolu-un-pas-de-plus-dans-contributopia/)], [[3](https://framablog.org/2019/11/30/mon-parcours-collaboratif-presenter-des-outils-numeriques-ethiques-a-lesse/)]"; "why->actions->list->[2]" = "**Consolidate what serves you**
The directory [@:txt.libre](@:link.libre), the publishing house [@:txt.book](@:link.book), the [@:txt.blog](@:link.blog), the [@:txt.dio](@:link.dio) services, the actions of [@:txt.cuo](@:link.cuo)... exist only thanks to your support. Bring them to life!"; "why->actions->list->[3]" = "**Contribute to other communities**
We want to put our tools at the service of people who work for a contribution company. Framasoft navigates in an archipelago of communities with similar values, and contributes to common actions in exchange and mutual aid."; "why->actions->list->[4]" = "**Maintain the technical tools**
Framasoft is about fifty open source sites and services, deployed on about thirty servers. Our members ensure the maintenance, the support, the animation and the update. Your donations ensure that it is free of charge for everyone."; "why->actions->list->[5]" = "**Drawing a new digital horizon**
The [MOOC CHATONS](https://mooc.chatons.org), [PeerTube](@:link.joinpeertube), [Mobilizon](@:link.joinmobilizon)… Thanks to your donations, we design and produce user-friendly digital tools, that emancipate themselves from the laws of the economy of attention to better respect what connects us.";