"menu->actions" = "Our actions"; "menu->educ-pop" = "Popular education"; "menu->empowerment" = "Digital empowerment"; "menu->archipelago" = "Archipelago"; "menu->roadmap" = "Roadmap 2023-2025"; "menu->services" = "Open services"; "menu->findus" = "Finding us"; "menu->contact" = "Contact us"; "menu->mastodon" = "Mastodon (micro-blog)"; "menu->peertube" = "PeerTube (videos)"; "menu->mobilizon" = "Mobilizon (events)"; "menu->newsletter" = "Newsletter"; "menu->rss" = "RSS feed"; "support->md" = "If we can do all this, it is thanks to you, thanks to your donations!"; "support->btn" = "Make a donation"; "intro->tube->label" = "To watch"; "intro->blog->label" = "To read"; "intro->blog->read" = "Read more on the Framablog"; "prez->title" = "Did you say Framasoft?"; "prez->who" = "### Who?\n\nA non-profit association founded in 2004, financed by your donations,\nwhich is limited to a dozen employees and about thirty volunteers (a group of friends!)"; "prez->what" = "### What?\n\n- who [speaks](@:(link.tube)/c/framaconf/videos)
\n- that publishes [emancipatory content](@:(link.blog))
\n- that hosts [free services](@:(link.dio))
\n- that develops [free software](@:(link.soft)/empowerment#software)
\n- that cooperates [with others](@:(link.soft)/archipelago#partners)
and\n- and which [federates Kittens](@:(link.kittens))"; "prez->why" = "### Why?\n\nTo contribute to a society of social justice where digital technology\nempowers people, against the backdrop of the imaginations of surveillance\ncapitalism."; "prez->title2" = "For whom?"; "prez->whom->[0]" = "People who want to liberate their digital practices."; "prez->whom->[1]" = "Actors of change and social justice."; "prez->whom->[2]" = "The world of popular education that coordinates online."; "known-for->title" = "We are known enough to…"; "known-for->btn" = "Read the article on the Framablog"; "known-for->try" = "Try it"; "known-for->dio" = "Discover other services on Dégooglisons Internet"; "actions->title" = "We take concrete action to…"; "actions->btn" = "Read more"; "actions->empowerment" = "### Digital empowerment\n\n**This is the first time that a group of people have been given the opportunity\nto participate in an online event.**\n\nHosting free and open access online services.
\n→ [Try our free services](https://degooglisons-internet.org)\n\nDevelopment of free and federated software for empowerment.
\n→ [Discover PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org/)
\n→ [Discover Mobilizon](https://joinmobilizon.org/)"; "actions->educ-pop" = "### Popular education\n\n**Popular education is the freedom of everyone to share and access knowledge:\nthe basis for a better world!**\n\nSharing thoughts and initiatives, achievements on digital, commons and social\njustice.
\n→ [Read the Framablog](@:link.blog)\n\nSharing knowledge on digital empowerment in conferences and workshops.
\n→ [See in videos](@:link.tube)"; "actions->archipelago" = "### Archipelago\n\n**In an archipelago where each⋅e is an island (with its own identity) swimming\nin common waters (the same values), cooperating is a matter of course!**\n\nAnimation of the CHATONS collective to facilitate access to other trusted hosts.
\n→ [Find a CHATONS](@:link.chatons)\n\nContributions to projects that drive us (experience sharing, technical\nsupport / communication, etc)
\n→ [Know our partnerships](@:(link.soft)/archipelago)"; "fuel->title" = "Our fuel:
concrete action and the commons"; "fuel->desc" = "Here are some examples of our contributions to the cultural commons:"; "fuel->list->[0]" = "[**Framalibre:**
the free directory](@:link.libre)"; "fuel->list->[1]" = "[**Books in the Commons:**
a publishing house that shakes up the codes](@:link.dlec)"; "fuel->list->[2]" = "[**Memo for (free) telework:**
sharing experiences](https://framasoft.frama.io/teletravail/)"; "fuel->list->[3]" = "[**[Resolved]:**
a guide to freeing up your digital uses](https://soyezresolu.org/)"; "politic->title" = "Isn’t this a bit political?"; "politic->col->[0]" = "At Framasoft, **we dream of a better world**. We don’t want to encourage\na current system that is problematic (surveillance capitalism).\nWe want to contribute to another system, which favours the commons.\nA path of hope, that is!\n\n→ It’s political, because we are going **against the grain of a capitalist\nvision** where personal data is a source of enrichment for multinationals."; "politic->col->[1]" = "→ It’s political because **preserving our freedoms is fundamental** to\nmaintaining a not too shabby democracy.\n\n→ It’s political because we want to **cooperate** with those who defend\nthis vision of the world.\n\nWe have expressed all this clearly and sincerely, in a manifesto:"; "politic->btn" = "Discover our manifesto"; "politic->quote" = "Giving everyone the power to act, through the power to understand!"; "clarification->title" = "Prejudices:
clarification"; "clarification->desc" = "“Framasoft must be neutral”: no! I’m not sure what the problem is,\nbut I’m sure it’s a good one.\n\n“Framasoft should grow”: no more! We value our **small size** which allows\nus to have quality links between members.\n\n“Framasoft does a lot of things, so it has a lot of money”: not true!\nOur association **depends on you**, on your donations.\n\nThe image of Framasoft is sometimes out of step with reality (it happens\neven to the best!).\nWe take stock in a few minutes of video."; "clarification->quote" = "Accompanying those who want to change the world towards digital uses consistent with their values, that’s what we like!"; "clarification->blog" = "We tell you more [on the Framablog](https://framablog.org/2021/11/16/frama-cest-aussi-des-contributions-dans-un-archipel/)"; "events->title" = "See you soon?"; "events->subtitle" = "Here’s where we’ll be meeting soon…"; "events->btn" = "Read more"; "events->all" = "See the list of events where to find us on mobilizon.fr";