"title" = "Popular Education"; "intro" = "Framasoft claims to be part of the popular education movement: it is together\nthat we develop our knowledge and share our points of view in order to improve society!"; "experience->title" = "Sharing experience"; "experience->conf" = "The members of Framasoft regularly take part in events: workshops, webinars,\nconferences, film-debates…\nWe share our observations, fears and hopes about digital technology and the\nworld it shapes.\n\n- [Discover in videos](https://framatube.org/c/framaconf/videos)\n- [Find us soon](https://mobilizon.fr/@framasoft)"; "experience->blog" = "It is on the Framablog that Framasoft expresses itself the most: press reviews,\nannouncements of the association, interviews, pamphlets, news of the Free Software world…\nWe try to open the Framablog to multiple forms of writing and to various guests.\n\n- [Read the articles](https://framablog.org/)"; "experience->interview" = "Framasoft almost never seeks the attention of the media,\nbecause it's a lot of work!\nHowever, we regularly respond to invitations to share our views\non the centralisation of the web or on emancipatory digital practices.\n\n- [See our interventions](https://wiki.framasoft.org/speakabout)"; "knowledge->title" = "Sharing knowledge"; "knowledge->upload" = "The Université Populaire Libre, Ouverte, Autonome, et Décentralisée aims\nto contribute (on our scale) to making society more just and our world more\nliveable, by focusing on the training of citizens by citizens.\n\n- [Discover UPLOAD's projects](https://upload.framasoft.org)"; "knowledge->dlec" = "Des Livres en Communs is shaking up the codes of publishing by proposing,\nfollowing a call for projects, a grant to authors upstream of the writing\nprocess, and then a publication of the book under an open licence.\nThe first book is currently being created.\n\n- [Learn more about our publishing house](https://deslivresencommuns.org/)"; "knowledge->mooc-chatons" = "This online and autonomous course is open to anyone who wants\nto move towards a shared digital emancipation.\nThe first module “Internet, why and how to take back control” compiles\nour knowledge on the internet, the toxic hegemony of GAFAM and ways out.\n\n- [Start the course online](https://mooc.chatons.org/)"; "spread->title" = "Making information accessible"; "spread->dottube" = "We are working with peer.tube to create a PeerTube showcase with\ninteresting and quality videos.\nSee you in 2023 to see the progress of the project!\n\n- [Watch the first contents](https://peer.tube/)"; "spread->docs" = "From the general documentation of the services we host to the specific\ndocumentation of the software we develop (PeerTube, Mobilizon, Yakforms)…\nEvery year, Framasoft writes, maintains and updates many lines of text!\n\n- [See the documentation](https://docs.framasoft.org)"; "spread->lang" = "The digital world sometimes excludes non-English speakers.\nThat's why Framalang – a self-managed working group – translates English\narticles, websites and books into French.\nThe translations are then published on the Framablog.\n\n- [Participate in Framalang](https://participer.framasoft.org/fr/framalang/index.html)\n- [Read Framalang articles](https://framablog.org/author/framalang-framasoft/)"; "misc->title" = "Other occasional actions"; "misc->mednum" = "In 2020, Framasoft published a directory of free digital support.\nThis “snapshot” lists many profiles, from volunteers of digital integration\nassociations to professionals of free software training.\n\n- [Consult the directory](https://framablog.org/wp-content/uploads/accompagnement-numerique-libre-annuaire.pdf)"; "misc->teleworking" = "Framasoft practices teleworking on a daily basis and uses many free tools to do so.\nThe confinement of 2020 made us want to share our experience on the subject\n(even if it doesn't mean we have all the answers!).\n\n- [Read the memo](https://framasoft.frama.io/teletravail/)"; "misc->resolu" = "[RESOLU] is a guide composed of practical sheets to help social economy\nstructures to adopt free and ethical digital solutions.\nCo-constructed with the CEMÉA movement, this guide can be modified,\nimproved and distributed freely.\n\n- [Discover the guide](https://soyezresolu.org/)";