"news->title" = "{service}, one of several projects"; "news->read" = "Read more"; "how->title" = "{service}, an emancipatory tool"; "how->attention" = "### The economy of your attention\n\nThe {service} is **free, without ads or click traps**.\nOur goal is to host a tool that serves you and does not use you.\n\nContrary to the adage, here, **you are not the product**."; "how->data" = "### Controlling your data\n\n@:txt.soft collects as little data as possible.\n\n**You have complete autonomy over it**.\n\nWe have no interest in tracking your behaviour, nor in exploiting it."; "how->freedom" = "### Respecting your freedoms\n\n{service} is based a Free-libre software¹.\n**Its code is transparent, publicly auditable** and there are no hidden\nfeatures.\n\nIt is built by the community, and everyone is free to fork it and\nlead the project in new directions.\n\n¹ [{software}]({src}) – License {license}"; "how->btn-more" = "Want to go further in coding and autonomy?"; "how->more" = "{service} is an installation of the free software {software} on\nthe @:txt.soft servers.\nIts free license allows you to study its code, contribute to it and\ninstall it on your own server.\n\n- [View and contribute code to {software}]({src})\n- [Read our installation tutorial]({framacloud})\n- [Use the simplified YunoHost installation]({yunohost})"; "why->title" = "Why offer {service}?"; "why->educ-pop" = "### Promoting popular education\n\nUsing {service} is the first step on the road to your digital autonomy.\n\nEntrusting your data to a host implies having reasons to to trust it.\n@:txt.soft commits to clear conditions¹ to host services with respect\nto your integrity.\n\n¹ see [our Terms of Use](@:link.cgu) and [our charter](@:link.charte)"; "why->ecosys" = "### Creating a resilient ecosystem\n\n**@:txt.soft is one of many actors** offering online services hosted\nwith a strong ethic, with the objective of decentralisation.\n\nTo take a step further in your digital emancipation, find the same service\nhosted near you by one of the members of the Collective of independant,\ntransparent, open, neutral and ethical hosters: [the CHATONS]({chatons})!"; "why->commons" = "### Contributing to the digital commons\n\nBehind a service like {service} there is a [political proposal]({politic}):\n**exploring an alternative to surveillance capitalism by experimenting\nwith the contribution society**.\n\nBy offering uses, feedback and contributions to {software}, we participate\nin maintaining the vibrancy of a common resource."; "who->title" = "Who is behind {service}?"; "who->desc" = "{service} is proposed [by a French not-for-profit\nassociation](@:(link.soft)/association): @:txt.soft\n\nCreated in 2004, the association is now dedicated to **popular education\non the challenges of the digital age and the cultural commons**.\nOur small structure (@:metrics.members including @:metrics.employees) is\nknown the De-google-ify Internet project\n(@:metrics.services ethical and alternative online tools)\nand for the development of PeerTube, Mobilizon, etc.\nRecognized as being of general interest **@:txt.soft is funded\nat @:(metrics.ig-pdonation)% by your donations**, which are tax deductible\nfor French taxpayers."; "credits" = "Illustration : {author} ({license})";