"1st section.Define dates or subjects to choose" = "Defina as datas ou os temas a escoller"; "1st section.Discuss and make a decision" = "Discutir e tomar unha decisión"; "1st section.Do you want to" = "Quere"; "1st section.Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or make a decision quickly and easily. No registration is required." = "Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."; "1st section.Here is how it works:" = "Velaquí como funciona:"; "1st section.Make a poll" = "Cree unha enquisa"; "1st section.Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues" = "Enviar a ligazón da enquisa aos seus amigos ou compañeiros"; "1st section.What is that?" = "De que se trata?"; "1st section.view an example?" = "ver un exemplo?"; "2nd section.CeCILL-B license" = "Licenza CeCILL-B"; "2nd section.Framadate was initially based on " = "Inicalmente Framadate basesouse en "; "2nd section.It is governed by the" = "Framadate está licenciado baixo a"; "2nd section.The software" = "O software"; "2nd section.This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with the following web browsers:" = "Este software require activar JavaScript e o rastro (cookies) activado. É compatíbel cos seguintes navegadores:"; "2nd section.a software developed by the University of Strasbourg. Today, it is devevoped by the association Framasoft." = "software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is developed by the Framasoft association."; "3rd section.Cultivate your garden" = "Cultive o seu xardín"; "3rd section.If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your independence, we help you on:" = "Se quere instalar o software para o seu propio uso e así aumentar a súa independencia, podemos axudarlle a:"; "3rd section.To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply download it, please visit " = "Para participar no desenvolvemento de software, suxerir melloras ou simplemente descargalo, visite "; "3rd section.the development site" = "a páxina de desenvolvemento"; "Admin.Actions" = "Accións"; "Admin.Administration" = "Administración"; "Admin.Author" = "Autor"; "Admin.Back to administration" = "Volver á administración"; "Admin.Change the poll" = "Cambiar a enquisa"; "Admin.Confirm removal of the poll" = "Confirme que quere borrar a enquisa "; "Admin.Deleted the poll" = "Eliminar a enquisa"; "Admin.Email" = "Correo electrónico"; "Admin.Expiration date" = "Data de caducidade"; "Admin.Fail" = "Fallo"; "Admin.Failed:" = "Fallou:"; "Admin.Format" = "Formato"; "Admin.Installation" = "Instalación"; "Admin.Logs" = "Rexistros"; "Admin.Migration" = "Migración"; "Admin.Nothing" = "Nada"; "Admin.Pages:" = "Páxinas:"; "Admin.Poll ID" = "ID da enquisa"; "Admin.Polls" = "Enquisas"; "Admin.Purge" = "Purga"; "Admin.Purge the polls" = "Purgar as enquisas"; "Admin.Purged:" = "Purgadas:"; "Admin.See the poll" = "Ver a enquisa"; "Admin.Skipped:" = "Omitidas:"; "Admin.Succeeded:" = "Con éxito:"; "Admin.Success" = "Éxito"; "Admin.Summary" = "Resumo"; "Admin.Title" = "Título"; "Admin.Votes" = "Votos"; "Admin.polls in the database at this time" = "enquisas na base de datos neste momento"; "Check.Check again" = "Volver verificar"; "Check.Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security." = "Considere activar a extensión OpenSSL de PHP para mellorar a seguridade."; "Check.Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini." = "Considere estabelecer o valor de «date.timezone» en php.ini."; "Check.Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add « php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies can't be accessed through Javascript." = "Considere estabelecer «session.cookie_httponly = 1» no ficheiro php.ini ou engada «php_value session.cookie_httponly1 » no ficheiro «.htaccess» para que as cookies non sexan accesíbeis dende Javascript."; "Check.Continue the installation" = "Continuar coa instalación"; "Check.Cookies are served from HTTP only." = "As cookies sérvense exclusivamente con HTTP."; "Check.Installation checking" = "Verificación da instalación"; "Check.OpenSSL extension loaded." = "Extensión OpenSSL cargada."; "Check.PHP Intl extension is enabled." = "Extensión PHP Intl cargada."; "Check.PHP mbstring extension is enabled." = "Check.PHP mbstring extension is enabled."; "Check.PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)." = "A versión %s de PHP é abondo (Requírese polo menos %s)."; "Check.The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does not exists." = "O directorio do ficheiro de configuración (%s) non ten permisos de escritura e non existe o ficheiro (%s)."; "Check.The config file directory (%s) is writable." = "O directorio do ficheiro de configuración (%s) ten permisos de escritura."; "Check.The config file exists." = "O ficheiro de configuración xa existe."; "Check.The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the installation process." = "O directorio de compilación de modelos (%s) non existe en «%s». Tente de novo o proceso de instalación."; "Check.The template compile directory (%s) is not writable." = "O directorio de compilación de modelos (%s) non ten permisos de escritura."; "Check.The template compile directory (%s) is writable." = "O directorio de compilación de modelos (%s) ten permisos de escritura."; "Check.You need to enable the PHP Intl extension." = "É necesario que active a extensión Intl de PHP."; "Check.You need to enable the PHP mbstring extension." = "Check.You need to enable the PHP mbstring extension."; "Check.Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s." = "A versión de PHP (%s) é moi antiga. Esta aplicación necesita polo menos a versión %s de PHP."; "Check.date.timezone is set." = "date.timezone está estabelecido."; "Comments.Add a comment to the poll" = "Engadir un comentario na enquisa"; "Comments.Comment added" = "Gardouse o comentario"; "Comments.Comments of polled people" = "Comentarios"; "Comments.Remove the comment" = "Retirar o comentario"; "Comments.Send the comment" = "Enviar o comentario"; "Comments.Your comment" = "Comentario"; "Comments.anonyme" = "anónimo"; "Date.Add range dates" = "Engadir intervalo de datas"; "Date.DATE" = "%d/%m/%Y"; "Date.DATETIME" = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"; "Date.DAY" = "%a %e"; "Date.End date" = "Data final"; "Date.FULL" = "%A, %e de %B de %Y"; "Date.MONTH_YEAR" = "%B de %Y"; "Date.Max dates count" = "Pode seleccionar como máximo 4 meses"; "Date.SHORT" = "%A %e %B %Y"; "Date.Start date" = "Data de inicio"; "Date.datepicker" = "yyyy-mm-dd"; "Date.datetime_parseformat" = "Y-m-d"; "Date.dd/mm/yyyy" = "yyyy-mm-dd"; "EditLink.Edit link for poll \"%s\"" = "Ligazón para editar a enquisa «%s»"; "EditLink.Here is the link for editing your vote:" = "Esta é a ligazón para editar o seu voto:"; "EditLink.If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to your email." = "If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to your email."; "EditLink.Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again." = "Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."; "EditLink.REMINDER" = "RECORDATORIO"; "EditLink.Send" = "Enviar"; "EditLink.The email address is not correct." = "The email address is not correct."; "EditLink.Your reminder has been successfully sent!" = "O seu recordatorio foille enviado correctamente!"; "Error.Adding vote failed" = "Produciuse un fallo ao engadir o voto"; "Error.CANT_CONNECT_TO_DATABASE" = "Non é posíbel conectar coa base de datos"; "Error.Can't create an empty column." = "Can't create an empty column."; "Error.Can't create the config.php file in '%s'." = "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."; "Error.Comment failed" = "Produciuse un fallo ao crear o comentario"; "Error.Cookies are disabled on your browser. Theirs activation is required to create a poll." = "Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create a poll."; "Error.Enter a name" = "Introduza un nome"; "Error.Enter a name and a comment!" = "Introduza un nome e un comentario!"; "Error.Enter a title" = "Introduza un título"; "Error.Enter an email address" = "Introduza un enderezo de correo"; "Error.Error on amount of voters limitation : value must be an integer greater than 0" = "Hai un erro na cantidade de votantes: o valor debe ser un enteiro maior que 0 (cero)"; "Error.Error!" = "Erro!"; "Error.Failed to delete all comments" = "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar comentarios"; "Error.Failed to delete all votes" = "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar todos os votos"; "Error.Failed to delete column" = "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar a columna"; "Error.Failed to delete the comment" = "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar o comentario"; "Error.Failed to delete the poll" = "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar a enquisa"; "Error.Failed to delete the vote!" = "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar o voto!"; "Error.Failed to insert the comment!" = "Produciuse un fallo ao inserir o comentario!"; "Error.Failed to save poll" = "Produciuse un fallo ao gardar a enquisa"; "Error.Forbidden!" = "Prohibido!"; "Error.Framadate is not properly installed, please check the \"INSTALL\" to setup the database before continuing." = "Framadate is not properly installed, please see the 'INSTALL' file for instructions on setting up the database before continuing."; "Error.Javascript is disabled on your browser. Its activation is required to create a poll." = "JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."; "Error.MISSING_VALUES" = "Faltan valores"; "Error.Name is limited to 32 characters" = "Error.Name is limited to 32 characters"; "Error.No polls found" = "Non se atopan enquisas"; "Error.Password is empty" = "O contrasinal está baleiro."; "Error.Passwords do not match" = "Os contrasinais non coinciden."; "Error.Poll has been updated before you vote" = "A enquisa actualizouse antes de votar"; "Error.Poll id already used" = "O identificador xa está en uso"; "Error.Something is going wrong..." = "Something has gone wrong..."; "Error.Something is wrong with the format" = "Algo está mal no formato"; "Error.Something is wrong with the format: customized urls should only consist of alphanumeric characters and hyphens." = "Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of alphanumeric characters and hyphens."; "Error.Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or after" = "Algo está mal no formato: o nome non debería ter ningún espazo antes nin despois"; "Error.The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r.stallman@outlock.com) in order to receive the link to your poll." = "The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r.stallman@outlock.com) in order to receive the link to your poll."; "Error.The column already exists" = "A columna xa existe"; "Error.The name is invalid." = "O nome é incorrecto."; "Error.The name you've chosen already exist in this poll!" = "O nome elixido xa existe nesta enquisa!"; "Error.There is a problem with your choices" = "Hai un problema coas súas escollas"; "Error.This id is not allowed" = "Este identificador non está permitido"; "Error.This poll doesn't exist !" = "Esta enquisa non existe!"; "Error.Update vote failed" = "Produciuse un erro ao actualizar o voto"; "Error.You already voted" = "Xa votou"; "Error.You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following edition option:" = "Non pode crear unha enquisa con resultados ocultos coa seguinte opción: "; "Error.You can't select more than %d dates" = "Non pode seleccionar máis de %d datas"; "Error.You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation." = "You haven't filled in the first section of the poll."; "Error.Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry." = "Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."; "FindPolls.Have a good day!" = "Que teña un bo día!"; "FindPolls.Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:" = "Velaquí a lista de enquisas que pode xestionar en %s:"; "FindPolls.If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse of the service, please notify the administrator on %s." = "If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse of the service, please notify the administrator on %s."; "FindPolls.List of your polls" = "Listaxe das súas enquisas"; "FindPolls.PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get back the polls created with your email address." = "PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get back the polls created with your email address."; "FindPolls.Polls sent" = "Enquisas enviadas"; "FindPolls.Send me my polls" = "Enviarme as miñas enquisas"; "Generic.(in the format name@mail.com)" = "(co formato nome@correo.com)"; "Generic.ASTERISK" = "*"; "Generic.Add" = "Engadir"; "Generic.Back" = "Volver"; "Generic.Back to the homepage of" = "Volver á páxina de inicio de"; "Generic.Cancel" = "Cancelar"; "Generic.Caption" = "Título"; "Generic.Choice" = "Escolla"; "Generic.Classic" = "Clásica"; "Generic.Close" = "Pechar"; "Generic.Creation date:" = "Data de creación:"; "Generic.Date" = "Data"; "Generic.Day" = "Día"; "Generic.Description" = "Descrición"; "Generic.Edit" = "Modificar"; "Generic.Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or make a decision quickly and easily." = "Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or make a decision quickly and easily."; "Generic.Home" = "Inicio"; "Generic.Ifneedbe" = "Baixo reserva"; "Generic.Legend:" = "Lenda:"; "Generic.Link" = "Ligazón"; "Generic.Make your polls" = "Faga as súas enquisas"; "Generic.Markdown" = "Markdown"; "Generic.Next" = "Seguinte"; "Generic.No" = "Non"; "Generic.Page generated in" = "A páxina xerouse en"; "Generic.Poll" = "Enquisa"; "Generic.Remove" = "Borrar"; "Generic.Save" = "Gardar"; "Generic.Search" = "Buscar"; "Generic.Time" = "Hora"; "Generic.Validate" = "Validar"; "Generic.Yes" = "Si"; "Generic.Your email address" = "Seu enderezo de correo electrónico"; "Generic.Your name" = "Seu nome"; "Generic.days" = "días"; "Generic.for" = "para"; "Generic.months" = "meses"; "Generic.seconds" = "segundos"; "Generic.vote" = "voto"; "Generic.votes" = "votos"; "Generic.with" = "con"; "Generic.Unknown" = "Generic.Unknown"; "Homepage.Make a classic poll" = "Facer unha enquisa estándar"; "Homepage.Schedule an event" = "Programar unha enquisa"; "Homepage.Where are my polls" = "Onde están as miñas enquisas?"; "Installation.AppMail" = "Enderezo de correo electrónico da persoa administradora"; "Installation.AppName" = "Nome da aplicación"; "Installation.CleanUrl" = "URL limpo"; "Installation.Database" = "Nome da base de datos"; "Installation.DbConnectionString" = "Cadea de conexión"; "Installation.DbPassword" = "Contrasinal"; "Installation.DbPrefix" = "Prefixo"; "Installation.DbUser" = "Persoa usuaria"; "Installation.DefaultLanguage" = "Idioma predeterminado"; "Installation.General" = "Xeral"; "Installation.Install" = "Instalar"; "Installation.MigrationTable" = "Táboa de migración"; "Installation.ResponseMail" = "Correo electrónico para as respostas"; "Language selector.Change the language" = "Mudar idioma"; "Language selector.Select the language" = "Escoller idioma"; "Mail.Author's message" = "Autor da mensaxe"; "Mail.FOOTER" = "«A estrada é longa, máis o camiño é libre ...»
Framasoft vive só das túas doazóns.
Grazas anticipadamente polo teu apoio https://soutenir.framasoft.org"; "Mail.For sending to the polled users" = "Ligazón de participación"; "Mail.Notification of poll: %s" = "Notificación da enquisa: %s"; "Mail.Poll's participation: %s" = "Participación na enquisa: %s"; "Mail.Someone just change your poll available at the following link %s." = "Alguén acaba de mudar a súa enquisa na seguinte ligazón %1$s."; "Mail.Someone just delete your poll %s." = "Alguén acaba de borrar a súa enquisa «%s»."; "Mail.Thanks for filling the poll at the link above" = "Encha a enquisa na ligazón anterior"; "Mail.Thanks for your trust." = "Grazas pola súa confianza."; "Mail.This is the message you have to send to the people you want to poll. Now, you have to send this message to everyone you want to poll." = "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."; "Mail.This message should NOT be sent to the polled people. It is private for the poll's creator. You can now modify it at the link above" = "Non se puido enviar a mensaxe aos participantes da enquisa. Debería mantelo privado.

Pode modificar a súa enquisa na seguinte ligazón de arriba"; "Mail.You have changed the settings of your poll. You can modify this poll with this link" = "Cambiou a configuración da súa enquisa.
Pode modificar esta enquisa con esta ligazón"; "Mail.[ADMINISTRATOR] New settings for your poll" = "[ADMINISTRADOR] Novas configuracións para a súa enquisa"; "Mail.filled a vote. You can find your poll at the link" = "engadiuse un voto.
Pode visitar súa enquisa na seguinte ligazón"; "Mail.hast just created a poll called" = "acaba de crear unha enquisa chamada"; "Mail.updated a vote. You can find your poll at the link" = "actualizouse un voto.
Pode visitar súa enquisa na ligazón"; "Mail.wrote a comment. You can find your poll at the link" = "escribiuse un comentario.
Pode visitar a súa enquisa na ligazón"; "Maintenance.Thank you for your understanding." = "Grazas pola súa compresión."; "Maintenance.The application" = "A aplicación"; "Maintenance.is currently under maintenance." = "neste intre está en mantemento."; "Password.Password" = "Contrasinal"; "Password.Submit access" = "Enviar acceso"; "Password.Wrong password" = "O contrasinal é incorrecto"; "Password.You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll." = "Ten que fornecer un contrasinal para poder participar na enquisa."; "Password.You have to provide a password to access the poll." = "Ten que fornecer un contrasinal para poder acceder á enquisa."; "Poll results.Addition" = "Total"; "Poll results.Best choice" = "A mellor escolla"; "Poll results.Best choices" = "Mellores escollas"; "Poll results.Chart" = "Gráfica"; "Poll results.Display the chart of the results" = "Amosar a gráfica de resultados"; "Poll results.Edit the line: %s" = "Modificar a liña: %s"; "Poll results.Link to edit this particular line" = "Ligazón para modificar esta liña"; "Poll results.Link to edit this particular line has been copied inside the clipboard!" = "A ligazón para modificar esta liña copiouse ó portapapeis!"; "Poll results.Remove the line:" = "Borrar a liña:"; "Poll results.Save the choices" = "Gardar escollas"; "Poll results.Scroll to the left" = "Desprazarse até o final"; "Poll results.Scroll to the right" = "Desprazarse cada a dereita"; "Poll results.The best choice at this time is:" = "Actualmente a mellor escolla é:"; "Poll results.The bests choices at this time are:" = "Actualmente as mellores escollas son:"; "Poll results.Vote ifneedbe for" = "Voto reservado para"; "Poll results.Vote no for" = "Votos «non» para"; "Poll results.Vote yes for" = "Vote «si» para"; "Poll results.Votes of the poll" = "Votos"; "Poll results.polled user" = "usuario enquisado"; "Poll results.polled users" = "usuarios enquisados"; "PollInfo.Admin link of the poll" = "Ligazón de administración para a enquisa"; "PollInfo.Cancel the description edit" = "Cancelar a modificación da descrición"; "PollInfo.Cancel the email address edit" = "Cancelar a modificación do correo electrónico"; "PollInfo.Cancel the expiration date edit" = "Cancelar a modificación da data de caducidade"; "PollInfo.Cancel the name edit" = "Cancelar a modificación do nome"; "PollInfo.Cancel the rules edit" = "Cancelar a modificación das regras"; "PollInfo.Cancel the title edit" = "Cancelar a modificación do título"; "PollInfo.Edit the description" = "Modificar a descrición"; "PollInfo.Edit the email adress" = "Modificar o enderezo de correo electrónico"; "PollInfo.Edit the expiration date" = "Modificar a data de caducidade"; "PollInfo.Edit the name" = "Modificar o nome"; "PollInfo.Edit the poll rules" = "Modificar as regras da enquisa"; "PollInfo.Edit the title" = "Modificar o título"; "PollInfo.Email" = "Correo electrónico"; "PollInfo.Expiration date" = "Data de caducidade"; "PollInfo.Export to CSV" = "Exportar a CSV"; "PollInfo.Initiator of the poll" = "Creador da enquisa"; "PollInfo.No password" = "Sen contrasinal"; "PollInfo.Only votes are protected" = "Só se protexen os votos"; "PollInfo.Password protected" = "O contrasinal está protexido"; "PollInfo.Poll rules" = "Regras da enquisa"; "PollInfo.Print" = "Imprimir"; "PollInfo.Public link of the poll" = "Ligazón pública da enquisa"; "PollInfo.Remove all the comments" = "Borrar todos os comentarios"; "PollInfo.Remove all the votes" = "Borrar todos os votos"; "PollInfo.Remove password" = "Borrar o contrasinal"; "PollInfo.Remove the poll" = "Borrar a enquisa"; "PollInfo.Results are hidden" = "Os resultados son agochados"; "PollInfo.Results are visible" = "Os resultados son visibles"; "PollInfo.Rich editor" = "Editor de texto enriquecido"; "PollInfo.Save the description" = "Gardar a descrición"; "PollInfo.Save the email address" = "Gardar o enderezo de correo electrónico"; "PollInfo.Save the new expiration date" = "Gardar a nova data de caducidade"; "PollInfo.Save the new name" = "Gardar o novo nome"; "PollInfo.Save the new rules" = "Gardar as novas regras"; "PollInfo.Save the new title" = "Gardar o novo título"; "PollInfo.Simple editor" = "Editor de texto simple"; "PollInfo.Title" = "Título da enquisa"; "PollInfo.Votes and comments are locked" = "Os votos e os comentarios están bloqueados"; "PollInfo.Votes protected by password" = "Os votos están protexidos por contrasinal"; "Step 1.All voters can modify any vote" = "As persoas votantes poden modificar calquera voto"; "Step 1.Customize the URL" = "Personalizar o URL"; "Step 1.Go to step 2" = "Ir ao paso 2"; "Step 1.Limit the amount of voters per option" = "Limitar a cantidade de votos por opción"; "Step 1.More informations here:" = "Máis información aquí:"; "Step 1.Only the poll maker can see the poll's results" = "Só pode ver os resultados a persoa que creou a enquisa"; "Step 1.Optional parameters" = "Parámetros opcionais"; "Step 1.Password choice" = "Escolla"; "Step 1.Password confirmation" = "Confirmación"; "Step 1.Permissions" = "Permisos"; "Step 1.Poll creation (1 on 3)" = "Creación da enquisa (1 de 3)"; "Step 1.Poll id" = "Ligazón da enquisa"; "Step 1.Poll id rules" = "O identificador pode conter letras, número e guións «-»."; "Step 1.Poll id warning" = "Ao definir un identificador pode facilitar o acceso á enquisa a persoas non desexadas. Neste caso recoméndase protexela cun contrasinal."; "Step 1.Poll password" = "Contrasinal"; "Step 1.Poll title" = "Título da enquisa"; "Step 1.Required fields cannot be left blank." = "Os campos obrigatorios non poden deixarse en branco."; "Step 1.The results are publicly visible" = "Os resultados son visibles sen contrasinal"; "Step 1.To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format." = "Para facer a descrición máis atractiva, pode usar o formato Markdown."; "Step 1.To receive an email for each new comment" = "Recibir un correo electrónico por cada novo comentario"; "Step 1.To receive an email for each new vote" = "Recibir un correo electrónico por cada novo voto"; "Step 1.Use a password to restrict access" = "Empregar un contrasinal para restrinxir o acceso"; "Step 1.Value Max" = "Valor máximo"; "Step 1.ValueMax instructions" = "votantes por opcións "; "Step 1.Voters can modify their vote themselves" = "As persoas votantes poden modificar seus votos"; "Step 1.Votes cannot be modified" = "Os votos non se poden modificar"; "Step 1.You are in the poll creation section." = "Está na sección de creación da enquisa."; "Step 1.You can enable or disable the editor at will." = "Pode activar ou desactivar o editor a vontade."; "Step 2.Back to step 1" = "Volver ao paso 1"; "Step 2.Go to step 3" = "Ir ao paso 3"; "Step 2 classic.Add a choice" = "Engadir unha opción"; "Step 2 classic.Add a link or an image" = "Engadir unha ligazón ou unha imaxe"; "Step 2 classic.Alternative text" = "Texto alternativo"; "Step 2 classic.It's possible to propose links or images by using" = "Poden engadirse imaxes ou textos empregando"; "Step 2 classic.Poll subjects (2 on 3)" = "Opcións da enquisa (2 de 3)"; "Step 2 classic.Remove a choice" = "Borrar unha opción"; "Step 2 classic.These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both." = "Estes campos son opcionais. Pode engadir unha ligazón, unha imaxe ou ambas."; "Step 2 classic.To make a generic poll you need to propose at least two choices between differents subjects." = "Para crear unha enquisa debería fornecer polo menos dúas opcións diferentes."; "Step 2 classic.URL of the image" = "URL da imaxe"; "Step 2 classic.You can add or remove additional choices with the buttons" = "Pode engadir ou borrar opcións cos botóns"; "Step 2 classic.the Markdown syntax" = "Sintaxe Markdown"; "Step 2 date.Add a day" = "Engadir un día"; "Step 2 date.Add an hour" = "Engadir horas"; "Step 2 date.Choose the dates of your poll" = "Escolla as datas da a súa enquisa"; "Step 2 date.Copy hours of the first day" = "Copiar as horas do primeiro día"; "Step 2 date.For each selected day, you can choose, or not, meeting hours (e.g.: \"8h\", \"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)" = "A cada día seleccionado, pode engadirlle horas (por exemplo «8 horas», «8:30», «8 horas - 10 horas», «noite», etc.)"; "Step 2 date.Poll dates (2 on 3)" = "Datas da enquisa (2 de 3)"; "Step 2 date.Remove a day" = "Borrar un día"; "Step 2 date.Remove all days" = "Borrar todos os días"; "Step 2 date.Remove all hours" = "Borrar todas as horas"; "Step 2 date.Remove an hour" = "Borrar unha hora"; "Step 2 date.Remove this day" = "Borrar este día"; "Step 2 date.To schedule an event you need to propose at least two choices (two hours for one day or two days)." = "Para programar unha enquisa, precisa fornecer polo menos dúas opcións (por exemplo, dúas horas nun día ou dous días)."; "Step 2 date.You can add or remove additionnal days and hours with the buttons" = "Cos botóns pode engadir ou borrar días e horas adicionais"; "Step 3.Archiving date:" = "Data de caducidade:"; "Step 3.Back to step 2" = "Volver ó paso 2"; "Step 3.Confirm the creation of your poll" = "Confirme a creación da súa enquisa"; "Step 3.Create the poll" = "Crear a enquisa"; "Step 3.List of your choices" = "Lista de opcións"; "Step 3.Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will be automatically redirected on the administration page of your poll." = "Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be redirected to the poll's administration page."; "Step 3.Removal date and confirmation (3 on 3)" = "Borrar a data e confirmar (3 de 3)"; "Step 3.Then, you will receive quickly two emails: one contening the link of your poll for sending it to the voters, the other contening the link to the administration page of your poll." = "Despois recibirá dous correos electrónicos: un que contén a ligazón da súa enquisa para o envío as persoas participantes, o outro que contén a ligazón á páxina de administración da enquisa."; "Step 3.You can set a closer archiving date for it." = "Pode indicar unha data de caducidade específica para a enquisa."; "Step 3.Your poll will automatically be archived" = "A súa enquisa será arquivada de xeito automático"; "Step 3.Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days." = "A súa enquisa será arquivada de xeito automático en %d días."; "Step 3.after the last date of your poll." = "despois da última data da súa enquisa."; "adminstuds.Add a column" = "Engadir unha columna"; "adminstuds.All comments deleted" = "Elimináronse todos os comentarios"; "adminstuds.All votes deleted" = "Elimináronse todos os votos"; "adminstuds.As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this button" = "Como persoa administradora, pode mudar todas as liñas desta enquisa con este botón"; "adminstuds.Back to the poll" = "Volver á enquisa"; "adminstuds.Choice added" = "Engadiuse unha opción"; "adminstuds.Column removed" = "Eliminouse a columna"; "adminstuds.Column's adding" = "Engadindo unha columna"; "adminstuds.Comment deleted" = "Eliminouse o comentario"; "adminstuds.Confirm removal of all comments of the poll" = "Confirme que quere borrar todos os comentarios"; "adminstuds.Confirm removal of all votes of the poll" = "Confirme que quere borrar todos os votos"; "adminstuds.Confirm removal of the column." = "Confirme que quere borrar a columna."; "adminstuds.Confirm removal of the poll" = "Confirme que quere borrar a súa enquisa"; "adminstuds.Delete the poll" = "Eliminar a enquisa"; "adminstuds.Finally, you can change the informations of this poll like the title, the comments or your email address." = "Finalmente, pode mudar as propiedades desta enquisa como o título, os comentarios ou o seu enderezo de correo electrónico."; "adminstuds.If you just want to add a new hour to an existant date, put the same date and choose a new hour." = "Se só desexa engadir unha hora a unha data existente, engada a mesma data e elixa unha nova hora."; "adminstuds.Keep comments" = "Conservar os comentarios"; "adminstuds.Keep the comments" = "Conservar os comentarios"; "adminstuds.Keep the poll" = "Conservar a enquisa"; "adminstuds.Keep the votes" = "Conservar os votos"; "adminstuds.Keep this poll" = "Conservar esta enquisa"; "adminstuds.Keep votes" = "Conservar os votos"; "adminstuds.Poll fully deleted" = "A enquisa eliminouse completamente"; "adminstuds.Poll saved" = "A enquisa foi gardada"; "adminstuds.Remove the column" = "Borrar columna"; "adminstuds.Remove the comments" = "Borrar os comentarios"; "adminstuds.Remove the votes" = "Borrar os votos"; "adminstuds.The poll is created." = "Creouse a enquisa."; "adminstuds.Vote added" = "Engadiuse o voto"; "adminstuds.Vote deleted" = "Eliminouse o voto"; "adminstuds.Vote updated" = "Actualizouse o voto"; "adminstuds.You can add a new scheduling date to your poll." = "Pode engadir unha nova data a súa enquisa."; "adminstuds.Your poll has been removed!" = "A súa enquisa foi borrada!"; "adminstuds.and add a new column with" = "e engadir unha nova columna con"; "adminstuds.remove a column or a line with" = "borrar unha columna ou unha liña con"; "studs.Adding the vote succeeded" = "Engadiuse o voto"; "studs.Deletion date:" = "Data de borrado:"; "studs.Download as ical/ics file" = "studs.Download as ical/ics file"; "studs.If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, choose the values that fit best for you and validate with the plus button at the end of the line." = "If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your choice, and submit it with the plus button at the end of the line."; "studs.POLL_LOCKED_WARNING" = "Esta enquisa foi bloqueada pola persoa a cargo da administración. Os votos e comentarios están bloqueados, non se pode participar"; "studs.The poll is expired, it will be deleted soon." = "A enquisa caducou, proximamente será eliminada."; "studs.Update vote succeeded" = "Actualizouse o voto"; "studs.Your vote has been registered successfully, but be careful: regarding this poll options, you need to keep this personal link to edit your own vote:" = "O seu voto gardouse, pero teña en conta que ten que gardar esta ligazón personalizada para poder modificar o seu voto.";