// ( $ e - > d o l o s - > s i z e ) "%1 dolo(s)" = "%1 Dolo(s)"; // ( $ d o l o - > c o u n t ) "%1 hits" = "%1 Treffer"; /* ( ' 3 ' ) ( 2 ) */ "%1 hours" = "%1 Stunden"; /* ( ' 3 0 ' ) ( ' 1 5 ' ) ( ' 1 0 ' ) ( ' 5 ' ) */ "%1 minutes" = "%1 Minuten"; "0 dolo(s)" = "0 Dolo(s)"; "1 minute" = "1 Minute"; // ( c o n f i g ( ' c o u n t e r _ d e l a y ' ) "A cookie is set for %1 seconds for each dolo you visit, to prevent counting consecutive visits from the same person, unless you activated the Do-Not-Track header on your browser." = "A cookie is set for %1 seconds for each dolo you visit, to prevent counting consecutive visits from the same person, unless you activated the Do-Not-Track header on your browser."; "About" = "Über"; "Account deletion" = "Account löschen"; "Actions" = "Aktionen"; "Add a category" = "Füge eine Kategorie hinzu"; "Add a dolo" = "Füge ein Dolo hinzu"; "Add a tag" = "Füge einen Tag hinzu"; "Add an application" = "Füge eine Applikation hinzu"; "Administration" = "Administration"; "Advanced settings" = "Erweiterte Einstellungen"; "Aggregate data per" = "Aggregate data per"; // ( $ u s e r - > m a i l ) "An email has been sent to %1 for your account deletion." = "Eine E-Mail wurde an %1 gesendet für deinen Vorgang zur Accountlöschung."; // ( $ m a i l ) "An email has been sent to %1 for your password renewal." = "Eine E-Mail wurde an %1 für deine Passworterneuerung."; "Application name" = "Applikationsname"; "Application name blank or undefined. I refuse to create an application without name." = "Application name blank or undefined. I refuse to create an application without name."; "Application(s)" = "Applikation(en)"; "Applications" = "Applikationen"; "Are you sure you want to delete the application XXXX?" = "Are you sure you want to delete the application XXXX?"; "Are you sure you want to delete the category XXXX?" = "Are you sure you want to delete the category XXXX?"; "Are you sure you want to delete the dolo XXXX?" = "Are you sure you want to delete the dolo XXXX?"; "Are you sure you want to delete the tag XXXX?" = "Bist du sicher, dass du den Tag XXXX löschen möchtest?"; "At least one of the tag you want to use for your dolo does not belong to you." = "At least one of the tag you want to use for your dolo does not belong to you."; "Authentication" = "Authentifikation"; "Author" = "Autor"; "Bad CSRF token!" = "Falscher CSRF Token!"; "But don't worry, Dolomon's statistics are really anonymous." = "But don't worry, Dolomon's statistics are really anonymous."; "But you can also use it to track visits on a page." = "But you can also use it to track visits on a page."; "Can't stop impersonating" = "Can't stop impersonating"; "Cancel" = "Abbruch"; "Categorie(s)" = "Kategorie(n)"; "Categories" = "Kategorien"; "Category" = "Kategorie"; "Category name" = "Kategoriename"; "Category name blank or undefined. I refuse to create a category without name." = "Category name blank or undefined. I refuse to create a category without name."; "Change account details" = "Ändere Accountdetails"; "Change details" = "Ändere Details"; "Change my password" = "Ändere mein Passwort"; "Change password" = "Ändere Passwort"; "Check this to have Dolomon count visits on a website. Dolomon will provide you a code to add to your website (small transparent image)." = "Check this to have Dolomon count visits on a website. Dolomon will provide you a code to add to your website (small transparent image)."; "Children" = "Children"; "Choose a custom address or leave empty to use a random one." = "Wähle eine Adresse oder lass es leer, um eine zufällige zu nutzen"; "Choose a name that will help you to remember the purpose of this URL." = "Wähle einen Namen, der dir hilft, dich an den Zweck dieser URL zu erinnern."; "Clear input" = "Lösche Eingaben"; "Close" = "Schließen"; "Complementary informations or comments." = "Complementary informations or comments."; "Confirm" = "Bestätigen"; "Confirmed" = "Bestätigt"; "Copy dolomon URL" = "Kopiere Dolomon URL"; "Copy image code" = "Kopiere Bildcode"; // ( c o n f i g ( ' k e e p _ h i t s ' ) "Count (on last %1 days)" = "Zähler (der letzten %1 Tage)"; "Create account" = "Erstelle Account"; "Create an application in Dolomon to get credentials to use in WP-Dolomon." = "Erstelle eine Applikation in Dolomon, um die Zugangsdaten für WP-Dolomon zu erhalten."; "Created at" = "Erstellt am"; "Dashboard" = "Dashboard"; "Data export" = "Data export"; "Data import" = "Data import"; "Default" = "Standard"; "Delay after which the dolo stops redirecting visitors (inactive if empty or 0)" = "Delay after which the dolo stops redirecting visitors (inactive if empty or 0)"; "Delay, beginning after the first visit, after which the dolo stops redirecting visitors (inactive if empty or 0)" = "Delay, beginning after the first visit, after which the dolo stops redirecting visitors (inactive if empty or 0)"; "Delete application" = "Lösche Applikation"; "Delete category" = "Lösche Kategorie"; "Delete dolo" = "Lösche Dolo"; "Delete my account" = "Lösche meinen Account"; "Delete tag" = "Lösche Tag"; "Delete user" = "Lösche Benutzer"; "Deploy menu" = "Deploy menu"; "Dolo(s)" = "Dolo(s)"; "Dolomon URL" = "Dolomon URL"; // ( c o n f i g ( ' k e e p _ h i t s ' ) "Dolomon also keeps the Referer header and the date and time of the visit for %1 days." = "Dolomon speichert auch den Referer und Datum und Zeit des Besuchs für %1 Tage."; "Dolomon data export" = "Dolomon data export"; "Dolomon data import" = "Dolomon data import"; // ( u r l _ f o r ( ' h i t ' , { s h o r t = > ' f o o ' } ) "Dolomon gives you an other URL like %1 (but you can choose the URL as long as it's not already taken)" = "Dolomon gives you an other URL like %1 (but you can choose the URL as long as it's not already taken)"; "Dolomon increments counters at each visit." = "Dolomon erhöht Zähler bei jedem Besuch."; "Dolomon is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPLv3, see the LICENSE file." = "Dolomon ist unter den Bedingungen der GNU AGPLv3 lizenziert, siehe Lizenz file."; "Dolomon tracks how many times a link was clicked on." = "Dolomon zählt wie viele Male ein Link geklickt wurde."; "Dolomon treats the jobs without impacting the redirection performances" = "Dolomon behandelt die Jobs ohne die Weiterleitungsperformance zu beeinträchtigen"; "Dolos" = "Dolos"; "Dolos (not renamed but the URL have changed)" = "Dolos (not renamed but the URL have changed)"; "Dolos number" = "Dolos Anzahl"; "Download datas in CSV format" = "Downloade die Daten im CSV Format herunter"; "Email" = "E-Mail"; "Email address" = "E-Mail Adresse"; "Email address already used. Choose another one." = "E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits in Benutzung. Wähle eine andere."; "Error" = "Fehler"; "Expiration setting" = "Ablaufeinstellungen"; "Expired" = "Abgelaufen"; "Expired?" = "Abgelaufen?"; "Export or import data" = "Export or import data"; "Export your data" = "Export your data"; "Exports available to download:" = "Exports available to download:"; "External tools that you allowed to use your Dolomon account" = "Externe Tools, denen du den Zugriff auf deinen Dolomon Account erlaubt hast"; "File to import" = "File to import"; "First name" = "Vorname"; "Free field" = "Freies Feld"; "Go" = "Los"; // ( $ c - > u r l _ f o r ( ' d o w n l o a d _ d a t a ' , t o k e n = > $ e x p o r t - > t o k e n , f o r m a t = > ' j s o n ' ) "Go on %1 to download your data (link available for one week)." = "Go on %1 to download your data (link available for one week)."; // ( $ u s e r - > l o g i n ) "Hello %1," = "Hello %1,"; "Help" = "Hilfe"; "How can I opt-out Dolomon?" = "Wie kann ich Dolomon die Zustimmung verweigern?"; "How do I contact the administrator of this instance?" = "Wie kann ich den Administrator dieser Instanz kontaktieren?"; "How does it work?" = "Wie funktioniert es?"; "How does it works?" = "Wie funktioniert es?"; "However, some elements have been renamed:" = "However, some elements have been renamed:"; "I can't find at least one of the given tag." = "Ich kann nicht einen einzigen der gegebenen Tags finden."; "I can't find the given category." = "Ich kann die gegebene Kategorie nicht finden."; "I forgot my password" = "Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen"; // ( $ c - > u r l _ f o r ( ' r e n e w _ p a s s w o r d ' , { t o k e n = > $ u s e r - > t o k e n } ) "If it's you, please click on this link: %1" = "Wenn du es warst, klicke bitte auf diesen Link: %1"; // ( $ c - > u r l _ f o r ( ' c o n f i r m _ d e l e t e ' , { t o k e n = > $ u s e r - > t o k e n } ) "If want to delete your account, please click on this link: %1" = "Wenn du deinen Account löschen willst, klicke bitte auf diesen Link: %1"; "Impersonate user" = "Impersonate user"; "Impersonating has been stopped" = "Impersonating has been stopped"; "Import data" = "Import data"; "Improper data." = "Improper data."; "In how many days after the first visit will it expire? (optional)" = "Nach wie vielen Tagen ab dem ersten Besuch wird es ablaufen? (optional)"; "In how many days will it expires? (optional)" = "In wievielen Tagen wird es auslaufen? (optional)"; "Initial counter" = "Initialer Zählerstand"; "It means DOwnLOad MONitor." = "Es steht für DOwnLOad MONitor."; "It's quite simple:" = "Es ist recht einfach:"; "Kind regards " = "Viele Grüße\n"; "LDAP" = "LDAP"; "Language" = "Sprache"; // ( c o n f i g ( ' k e e p _ h i t s ' ) "Last %1 days" = "Letzte %1 Tage"; // ( c o n f i g ( ' k e e p _ h i t s ' ) "Last %1 months" = "Letzte %1 Monate"; // ( c o n f i g ( ' k e e p _ h i t s ' ) "Last %1 weeks" = "Letzte %1 Wochen"; "Last login" = "Letzer Login"; "Last name" = "Nachname"; "License" = "Lizenz"; "Loading…" = "Lädt…"; "Login" = "Login"; "Login already taken. Choose another one." = "Login ist bereits in Benutzung. Wähle einen anderen."; "Login or email" = "Login oder E-Mail"; "Logout" = "Ausloggen"; "Make a donation to the author" = "Spende dem Autor"; "Mascot" = "Mascot"; "Modify dolo" = "Modifiziere Dolo"; "My account" = "Mein Account"; "My astonishing application" = "Meine erstaunliche Applikation"; "My awesome category" = "Meine tolle Kategorie"; "My extraordinary dolo" = "Mein außergewöhnliches Dolo"; "My wonderful tag" = "Mein wundervoller Tag"; "Name" = "Name"; "New application name blank or undefined. I refuse to rename the application." = "New application name blank or undefined. I refuse to rename the application."; "New category name blank or undefined. I refuse to rename the category." = "New category name blank or undefined. I refuse to rename the category."; "New tag name blank or undefined. I refuse to rename the tag." = "New tag name blank or undefined. I refuse to rename the tag."; "Next" = "Next"; "No" = "No"; "Number of hits" = "Number of hits"; "Parent" = "Parent"; "Password" = "Password"; "Password renewal" = "Password renewal"; "Password verification" = "Password verification"; "Per year" = "Per year"; // ( $ c - > u r l _ f o r ( ' c o n f i r m ' , { t o k e n = > $ u s e r - > t o k e n } ) "Please click on this link: %1" = "Please click on this link: %1"; "Please confirm your email address" = "Please confirm your email address"; "Please contact the administrator." = "Please contact the administrator."; "Please wait" = "Please wait"; "Please, choose a password with at least 8 characters." = "Bitte wähle ein Passwort mit mindestens 8 Zeichen."; "Previous" = "Vorher"; "Referrer" = "Referrer"; "Register" = "Registrieren"; "Rename application" = "Applikation umbenennen"; "Rename category" = "Kategorie umbenennen"; "Rename tag" = "Tag umbenennen"; "Resend confirmation mail" = "Sende Bestätigungs-E-Mail erneut"; "See job queue" = "See job queue"; "See parent" = "See parent"; "Send me the confirmation mail again" = "Send me the confirmation mail again"; "Send password renewal mail" = "Sende E-Mail zur Passworterneuerung"; "Show category" = "Zeige Kategorie"; "Show children" = "Show children"; "Show dolo" = "Zeige Dolo"; "Show more" = "Zeige mehr"; "Show tag" = "Zeige Tag"; // ( $ c - > u r l _ f o r ( ' / ' ) "Someone asked to delete your account on %1. " = "Jemand beantragte deinen Account auf %1 zu löschen.\n"; // ( $ c - > u r l _ f o r ( ' / ' ) "Someone asked to renew your password on %1. " = "Someone asked to renew your password on %1.\n"; // ( ( $ n a m e , $ n e w n a m e ) "Something went wrong while renaming application %1 to %2" = "Something went wrong while renaming application %1 to %2"; // ( ( $ n a m e , $ n e w n a m e ) "Something went wrong while renaming category %1 to %2" = "Something went wrong while renaming category %1 to %2"; // ( ( $ n a m e , $ n e w n a m e ) "Something went wrong while renaming tag %1 to %2" = "Etwas ging schief während des Umbenennens des Tags von %1 zu %2"; "Sorry, this URL does not exist." = "Enschuldige, aber diese URL existiert nicht."; "Sorry, this URL has expired" = "Entschuldige, aber diese URL ist nicht mehr gültig"; "Sorry, unable to impersonate this user. Contact the administrator." = "Sorry, unable to impersonate this user. Contact the administrator."; "Sources" = "Quellen"; "Standard" = "Standard"; "Start graph at" = "Starte den Graphen ab"; "Stop graph at" = "Stoppe den Graphen ab"; "Stop impersonating" = "Stop impersonating"; "Success" = "Erfolg"; "Tag" = "Tag"; "Tag name" = "Name des Tags"; "Tag name blank or undefined. I refuse to create a tag without name." = "Tag name blank or undefined. I refuse to create a tag without name."; "Tag(s)" = "Tag(s)"; "Tags" = "Tags"; "Target URL" = "Ziel-URL"; "The Dolomon mascot is called Zag. It has been initially designed by Renê Gustavo Miszczak under the name of Red Oso, have been proposed by Cyrille Largillier, is in Public Domain and has been slightly modified for Dolomon." = "The Dolomon mascot is called Zag. It has been initially designed by Renê Gustavo Miszczak under the name of Red Oso, have been proposed by Cyrille Largillier, is in Public Domain and has been slightly modified for Dolomon."; // ( $ u s e r - > l o g i n ) "The account %1 will be deleted in a short time." = "The account %1 will be deleted in a short time."; "The account linked to this email address is not confirmed. Please confirm the account." = "The account linked to this email address is not confirmed. Please confirm the account."; "The account linked to this token is not confirmed. Please confirm the account first." = "The account linked to this token is not confirmed. Please confirm the account first."; // ( ( $ a p p - > n a m e , $ a p p - > a p p _ i d , $ u u i d ) ( ( $ a p p - > n a m e , $ a p p - > a p p _ i d , $ a p p - > a p p _ s e c r e t ) "The application %1 has been successfully created. Please note the credentials below: you won't be able to recover them.