"intro->title" = "**De-google-ify Internet** *Tech Care #2*";
"intro->subtitle" = "Taking care of our online services";
"progressbar->title" = "It's thanks to your donations that we'll be able to move forward!";
"donate" = "Donate";
"recurrent" = "Would you like to make a recurring donation or use another payment method?";
"amount" = "Amount (ex : {n})";
"funding->goal" = "on a goal of";
"funding->donators" = "donators";
"funding->days" = "days";
"funding->hours" = "hours";
"funding->deadline" = "before the end of the fundraising";
"funding->ended" = "The fundraising has ended. Thanks to everyone!";
"what->md" = "\"De-google-ify Tech Care\" is the process of caring for our \"De-google-ify Internet\" services\nwhich started in 2023 (and is set to continue!).\nWe would like to free up time to **repair, improve or strengthen** these services\nthat we (and you) find indispensable.\n\nCare means human warmth. \"De-google-ify Tech Care\" also means\n**highlighting all the little hands behind the scenes**,\nwho pamper and cajole, whose expertise is essential so that\nthese healthy tools remain accessible to all.\n\n**This care time also comes at a price, and that's why we're calling on you!**";
"how->md" = "## Tech Care 2024: what's in it for you?\n\nWe've already done a lot of pampering this year, and now it's time to put the spotlight back on it!\n- {icon1} **Some repairs**
\n [Framalistes](@:link.listes), [Framaforms](@:link.forms)\n- {icon2} **Major updates**
\n [Framatalk](@:link.talk), [Framaspace](@:link.space), [PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org/),\n [Mobilizon.fr](https://mobilizon.fr), [mooc.chatons.org](https://mooc.chatons.org),\n [Framapiaf](@:link.piaf), [Framacalc](@:link.calc)\n- {icon3} **Contributions** to the free/libre software that runs our services
\n [Mypads](https://framagit.org/framasoft/Etherpad/ep_mypads) (Framapad),\n [Umap](https://github.com/umap-project/umap/) (Framacartes),\n [Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/) (Framagenda, Frama.space),\n [Sympa](https://www.sympa.org/) (Framalistes)\n- {icon4} **New services**
\n [**Pytition**](https://pytition.org) (will be used for [Framapetitions](https://test.framapetitions.org?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=petitions&mtm_placement=list))
\n **[Framalab](@:link.lab)** (on a trial basis, without support or warranty) : [Alternatives\n to Tricount](https://framalab.org/fr/?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=money&mtm_placement=list#tricount)\n ([I Hate Money](https://ihm.framalab.org/?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons),\n [Spliit](https://split.framalab.org/?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons)),\n [alternatives to Lucidchart](https://framalab.org/fr/?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=draw&mtm_placement=list#lucidchart)\n ([Excalidraw](https://excalidraw.framalab.org/?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons),\n [Draw.io](https://drawio.framalab.org/?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons)),\n [PDF handling](https://framalab.org/fr/?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=pdf&mtm_placement=list#ilovepdf)\n ([Stirling PDF](https://stirling-pdf.framalab.org/?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons),\n [PDF Signature](https://signature-pdf.framalab.org/?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons))
\n **We're working on it** : quickly adapt visuals ([Aktivisda](https://aktivisda.earth)), integrate accounting and membership management into Framaspace ([Paheko](https://paheko.cloud))";
"how->btn1" = "dans {days} jours, nous ouvrons Framagroupes";
"how->btn2" = "Framagroupes is open";
"how->petitions->md" = "## Focus: Framapetitions, a… petitions service!\n\nThere are many petition platforms, but they are rarely based on free code.\nThese platforms are also widely suspected of using your personal details\n(name, email, cause supported) for purposes other than adding your signature to a petition.\n\nFor several years now, we've been supporting an open-source project called Pytition.\nIt's functional, but still needs a lot of work on the visual aspects.\nSupporting us financially means that we can spend time working with the original developer\nto improve Pytition, in collaboration with the original developer, and in the medium term,\nto open an online store, in the medium term, to open up a truly free and open petitions platform,\nwith a guarantee that your data will not be used for commercial purposes.";
"how->petitions->test" = "Test Framapetitions";
"blog->label" = "To read";
"blog->read" = "Read more on the Framablog";
"faq->title" = "Questions you're likely to ask yourself";
"faq->credits" = "Illustration : De-google-ify Tech Care - @:people.revoy (@:license.ccby4)";
"faq->list->[0]->q" = "The €60,000 will go solely to De-google-ify Tech Care?";
"faq->list->[0]->a" = "No! A donation to Framasoft supports all our actions.\nDonations to our association fund all our projects.\nThe care work that we are planning with De-google-ify Tech Care\nis a long-term operation that it is impossible for us to quantify exactly.\nThis care is human, so our calculations can only be estimates\nfor a day's work when ‘everything is going well’!\nWe know that additional maintenance will cost us time, and therefore money.\nWe therefore estimate that in 2024 De-google-ify Tech Care will cost us €60,000 more\nthan in a year when this care would not be a priority\n(‘estimate’, because it's very hard to put a precise figure on a care project),\nand we're challenging you to raise the money in 3 weeks, between now and 2 July.";
"faq->list->[1]->q" = "I was thinking of making a donation at the end of the year. Is it the same for you?";
"faq->list->[1]->a" = "Yes and no. Yes, because a donation at any time of year will fund Framasoft's actions.\nWe can't thank you enough for this!\nAnd no, because we want to carry out 2 experiments using this collection:\n- This is the first test of our association's budget funding\n (96% of which is based on donations). Currently, around 50% of the\n year's donations are made in the last 3 weeks of December.\n ([figures for 2023](https://soutenir.framasoft.org/fr/stats/#2023)).\n So it's ‘a bit stressful’ for us at the end of the year,\n when we can't be sure⋅es to reach our provisional budget before\n the last days of December.\n Highlighting our actions during the year (as with this fundraiser)\n potentially makes you want to support us at a time other than the end of the year.\n We're experimenting with this aspect, and we'll let you know\n if the test is conclusive or not!\n- C’est aussi une manière pour nous de voir si ce dorlotage régulier de\n It's also a way for us to see if you're enthusiastic about\n this regular pampering of our services.\n Let's pamper ourselves, it's a labour of love, a little less attractive\n than a brand new project, but we think it's particularly important.\n Taking part in this fundraising campaign will also help us\n to know whether we're heading in the right direction (or not!).";
"faq->list->[2]->q" = "Will a contribution to this fund-raising campaign be tax-free?";
"faq->list->[2]->a" = "Yes, Framasoft is an association of general interest:\neach donation to the association gives access to an income tax\nreduction of 66% of the amount paid, for French taxpayers.\nWhether your donation is made in May, August or December,\nit can be deducted from your 2024 taxable income on your 2025 tax return.";
"money->title" = "Where does your money go?";
"rewards->title" = "Non-contreparties";
"rewards->subtitle" = "Ce que vos dons financent";
"rewards->label" = "{reward} et plus";
"rewards->more" = "Vous en voulez plus encore ?";
"rewards->donators" = "Contributeur·rices";
"rewards->rwd->[0]->[0]" = "Soit **une facture payée avec attention**";
"rewards->rwd->[0]->[1]" = "Et c’est indispensable à toute association… Un travail de l’ombre qui mérite bien d’être remis en lumière !";
"rewards->rwd->[1]->[0]" = "Soit **45 minutes de bichonnage technique**";
"rewards->rwd->[1]->[1]" = "Page d’accueil, mises à jour ou gestion des mails… Une expertise technique essentielle au quotidien.";
"rewards->rwd->[2]->[0]" = "Soit **4 réponses apportées à vos questions**";
"rewards->rwd->[2]->[1]" = "Notre équipe du support active ses mimines et ses méninges pour vous apporter des solutions pratiques.";
"rewards->rwd->[3]->[0]" = "Soit **une heure d’intervention**";
"rewards->rwd->[3]->[1]" = "Stand, débat ou conférence… Sensibiliser aux enjeux du numérique reste une de nos priorités !";
"rewards->sponsors->[0]->[0]" = "Soit **1 mois de location de serveurs…**";
"rewards->sponsors->[0]->[1]" = "…de Framagroupes et de serveurs relais pour l’envoi des mails. Un petit nid douillet, quoi !";
"rewards->sponsors->[1]->[0]" = "Soit **une demi-journée tous frais payés pour Framasoft**";
"rewards->sponsors->[1]->[1]" = "avec toutes les bonnes conditions pour poursuivre nos actions d’éducation populaire !";
"service->title" = "Lots of services in the works";
"service->more" = "And even more";
"service->access" = "Access the service";
"service->soon" = "Available soon";
"service->know_more" = "Find out more";
"service->even_more" = "Find out even more (in French)";
"service->lab->title" = "Framalab";
"service->lab->subtitle" = "Framasoft's laboratory";
"service->lab->p" = "Framalab is our (almost!) secret laboratory, where you can test the software we evaluate before we make it available to the public.";
"service->lab->blog_anchor" = "framalab";
"service->lab->link" = "https://framalab.org?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=lab";
"service->lab->detail" = "Before we can offer you software in the form of a ‘Frama’ service, such as Framapad or Framadate,\nwe need to test this software technically (is it stable? Is it easy to maintain?\nCan it handle thousands of people every day? etc.). That's what Framalab\nis all about - trying things out, tinkering, breaking things and starting again.\n\nYou can use these softwares online, **THOUGH**, please note that no direct support\nwill be provided by Framasoft for these test services (you can however ask for\nhelp on [Framacolibri](https://framacolibri.org/c/entraide/57) and that we are not\ncommitted to maintaining the services over time. In other words,\nyour data could disappear overnight. We told you, it's for testing :)";
"service->forms->title" = "Liberaforms";
"service->forms->subtitle" = "The successor to Framaforms";
"service->forms->p" = "Yakforms, which currently powers Framaforms, is at the end of its life. We hope to have found a successor.";
"service->forms->blog_anchor" = "liberaforms";
"service->forms->link" = "https://beta.framaforms.org?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=forms";
"service->forms->detail" = "[Framaforms](@:link.forms) will soon be [celebrating its 10th anniversary](https://framablog.org/2016/10/03/degooglisons-saison-3-30-services-alternatifs-aux-produits-de-google-co/).\nHowever, [Yakforms](https://yakforms.org/), the software that powers\nthe service, is coming to the end of its life.\nWe therefore need to find a replacement. Especially as Framaforms is one\nof Framasoft's most-used services (we also devoted considerable energy\nin 2023 to fighting spam).\n\nAfter looking at a dozen or so open-source software packages, we settled\non [Liberaforms](https://liberaforms.org), a Spanish software package that\nmay not be the prettiest (but we're going to work on it :) ) but\nwhich we felt was the most in line with our values.\n\nFor the moment, [we're offering the software on a trial basis](https://beta.framaforms.org?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=forms&mtm_placement=Detail),\nand if the tests are conclusive, we'll start looking at migrating the Framaforms engine.";
"service->aktivisda->title" = "Aktivisda";
"service->aktivisda->subtitle" = "Easily adapt visuals";
"service->aktivisda->p" = "Do you regularly use the same visuals (posters, cards for social networks, etc.)? Make your life easier with Aktivisda.";
"service->aktivisda->blog_anchor" = "aktivisda";
"service->aktivisda->detail" = "[Aktivisda](https://aktivisda.earth/) meets a simple need:\nto add text to visuals.\n\nThe need may seem rather trivial, but in reality it's very useful.\n\nWhether you're a volunteer in a small choir performing 3 concerts\nin a row at different venues, or a [large environmental association](https://extinctionrebellion.aktivisda.earth/fr/)\nthat wants to enable its activists to take action locally,\nAktivisda will be invaluable.\n\nWe're clearly a long way from software like Canva. But we are in discussions with\nits developer, as well as the company that employs him, and we hope that the\nvisibility that Framasoft will help us find the energy (and funding!) to improve it,\nto infinity and beyond.";
"service->space->title" = "Framaspace";
"service->space->subtitle" = "A (Next)cloud that's easier to learn and use";
"service->space->p" = "Let's work together to improve Framaspace, to make it easier for more than 1,000 associations and activist groups to use this free associative cloud.";
"service->space->blog_anchor" = "framaspace-paheko";
"service->space->link" = "https://www.frama.space?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=space";
"service->space->detail" = "[Framaspace](@:link.space) is our alternative to the ‘Big Tech’ clouds\n(Google Drive, Microsoft Teams, Dropbox, etc). Free, but reserved for\nsmall associations and Framaspace is based on open source software\n[Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/).\n\nOur aim is to make these cloud spaces more welcoming for people\ndiscovering Nextcloud for the first time, by helping them to get\nto grips with the tool or by facilitating the migration of their\nexisting data to Framaspace.\n\nAt the same time, your donations will allow us to explore the possibility of\nincreasing the functionalities of Framaspace by adding, for example, accounting\nor membership management tools via the integration of the [Paheko](https://paheko.cloud/) software.";
"service->pad->title" = "MyPads/Framapad improvements";
"service->pad->subtitle" = "Discreet but useful touch-ups";
"service->pad->p" = "We've made a few useful corrections to MyPads.";
"service->pad->blog_anchor" = "mypads";
"service->pad->link" = "https://framapad.org?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=pad";
"service->pad->detail" = "[Mypads](https://mypads.framapad.org/) is a plugin that lets you manage\nyour collaborative documents within [Framapad](@:link.pad).\n\nIt lets you create folders, place documents (‘pads’) in them,\nshare these folders with others, or make them private.\nToday we're announcing a number of improvements to this plugin:\nimproved navigation, global search in folders and pad names, etc.\n\nThis could well be just the first phase of improvements to Mypads,\nand even Framapad. But of course this will depend on your support.";
"service->carbon->title" = "Carbon footprint of associations";
"service->carbon->subtitle" = "Digital isn't automatic";
"service->carbon->p" = "Assessing your association's carbon footprint is good. Finding ways to reduce it is even better.";
"service->carbon->blog_anchor" = "empreinte";
"service->carbon->link" = "https://empreinte.framalab.org?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=carbon";
"service->carbon->detail" = "We are not climatoseptics. We believe that global warming is the mother of all battles.\nWe believe that the response to climate change is first and foremost a political one,\nand we are irritated to see the extent to which public policies are primarily geared\ntowards individual action, sometimes in very guilt-inducing ways, on individual actions.\n\nHowever, in order to deal with a problem properly and respond appropriately,\nit can be useful to have a clear understanding of the issues at stake,\nas well as the levers on which to act.\n\nWith this in mind, Framasoft, in partnership with the [Labos 1point5 research group](https://labos1point5.org),\nhopes to offer, in the medium term, an online application to assess the carbon footprint of one's\nassociation (as well as a simulator to see the impact of each lever that can be activated).";
"service->pdf->title" = "Handling pdf files";
"service->pdf->link" = "https://framalab.org?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=pdf#ilovepdf";
"service->pdf->subtitle" = "Organise, compress and sign your PDFs";
"service->pdf->p" = "Need to add a signature to a PDF? Add pages from another document? Reduce the size of a PDF so that it can be used as a PDF file?";
"service->pdf->blog_anchor" = "pdf";
"service->pdf->detail" = "Ahhhh, PDFs! [An open format](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format),\nwhich is certainly practical for printing, but clearly not suitable for editing.\n\nIf you need to reorganise pages, delete them, add to them, rotate them or sign them,\nit's all over pretty quickly.\n\nWhat's more, sometimes you need to be able to reduce their weight before sending them by email.\nThe two tools we offer are just what you need!";
"service->money->title" = "Alternatives to Tricount";
"service->money->subtitle" = "Sharing expenses between relatives";
"service->money->p" = "Want to go on holiday with friends and not come back as enemies? Need a simple way to manage a budget between flatmates? Then these apps are for you!";
"service->money->blog_anchor" = "tricount-like";
"service->money->link" = "https://framalab.org?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=money#tricount";
"service->money->detail" = "‘Good accounts make good friends’, as the saying goes. It's easy to deduce from this that\nthe reverse can quickly lead you to fall out with your mates, your family, and so on.\n\nFortunately, there are small software programs (free/libre, and which don't give a\ndamn about the content of your data) to manage shared expenses. They're terribly\nsimple and effective: all you have to do is enter all you have to do is enter\neveryone's expenses, say who is affected by the expense in question, and BAM!\nwith one click, they'll tell you ‘Who owes how much to whom?’";
"service->draw->title" = "Alternatives to Visio/Lucidchart";
"service->draw->subtitle" = "Create diagrams on digital whiteboards";
"service->draw->p" = "Need to get an idea down on paper screen? These tools can help you do just that.";
"service->draw->blog_anchor" = "tableauxblancs";
"service->draw->link" = "https://framalab.org?mtm_campaign=Dorlotons&mtm_source=Soutenir%20Dorlotons&mtm_content=draw#lucidchart";
"service->draw->detail" = "Yes, we've seen you, you who are trying to reproduce an organisation chart in LibreOffice\n(or PowerPoint) created by Jean-Mi-from-accounting 6 years ago, or you who want\nto to present your project for an AI-powered-cat-food-dispenser based on a\ndiagram drawn on a pizzeria table, then photographed with a 2009 smartphone.\n\nFortunately, we're offering you the chance to try out (without guarantee\nor support) two tools to meet these needs.";