"why->problems" = "## *What’s the problem?*\n\nThe web giants are so powerful that they exercise **technical, economic,\ncultural and political domination** over our societies.\n\nThese dominations pose many problems for our freedoms:\n- {icon} Surveillance capitalism\n- {icon} Democratic drift\n- {icon} Closure to a single vision of society\n- {icon} Centralization of data and attention"; "why->solutions" = "## *What are the solutions?*\n\nFree software communities offer ethical alternatives to the centralised platforms by the web giants:\n**It is possible to find trusted services** that respect our privacy!\n\nDeconstructing and changing our digital habits also means making efforts on a daily basis.\nHere are some links to help you in your emancipation:\n\n- {icon} Find a trusted web host with [the CHATONS](https://chatons.org/en)\n- {icon} Using a [free service offered by Framasoft](#services) or by [the CHATONS](https://entraide.chatons.org/en/)\n- {icon} Find a free software with [Framalibre](https://framalibre.org) (french only)\n- {icon} Using decentralised social networks in [the Fediverse](https://fediverse.info/explore/projects)"; "why->conf" = "Conference “De-google-ify Internet”"; "why->mooc" = "Do you want to learn more about this topic?\nTake the CHATONS online course “Internet : pourquoi et comment reprendre le contrôle ?” (in french only)."; "entraide" = "The CHATONS also offer this service on\n[entraide.chatons.org](https://entraide.chatons.org/en)"; "search" = "Search (ex: poll, youtube, docs, framapad…)"; "noresults" = "The request does not give any result but there may be a service\nthat will meet your expectations\n[at the CHATONS](https://chatons.org/en/search/by-service)."; "alt" = "## But wasn’t there more before…?\n\nBetween 2014 and 2019, we have made almost 40 online services available\nto users with the De-google-ify Internet campaign.\nIn 2019, we have decided to close or restrict some of these services.
\nFind their alternatives at [alt.framasoft.org](https://alt.framasoft.org)"; "blog->label" = "To read"; "blog->read" = "Read more on the Framablog";