Chaîne mise à jour dans le dépôt |
Chaîne mise à jour dans le dépôt |
While viewers themselves contribute a little additional bandwidth while watching the video in their browsers (mostly during surges), mirroring servers have a much greater uplink and will help your instance with sustained higher concurrent streaming.
Gidheadh, dè thachras ma tha dh’fheumas tu iomadh luchd-cleachdaidh fhrithealadh? Seo far an cuidich gleus co-nasgaidh PeerTube dhut. Ma tha ionstansan eile de PheerTube a’ leantainn ort, tha teans gun do sgàthanaich iad-san cuid dhen ionstans agad! Tha “anabarrachd fhrithealaichean” againn air a’ ghleus seo agus cuiridh e na videothan as fhèillmhoire agad ann an tasgadan ach an gabh barrachd luchd-amhairc fhrithealadh. Ged a chuireas an luchd-amhairc fhèin ris an leud-bhanna nuair a bhios iad a’ coimhead air a’ video sa bhrabhsair aca (gu h-àraidh ri amannan tranga) tha ceangal suas tòrr nas motha aig frithealaichean sgàthanaichte agus cuidichidh sin an ionstans agad nuair a thachras sruthadh mòr maireannach iomadach aig an aon àm.
Shortcut | Action |
? | Open available keyboard shortcuts. |
Alt + Home | Navigate to the first translation in the current search. |
Alt + End | Navigate to the last translation in the current search. |
Alt + PageUp or Ctrl + ↑ or Alt + ↑ or Cmd + ↑ or |
Navigate to the last translation in the current search. |
Alt + PageDown or Ctrl + ↓ or Alt + ↓ or Cmd + ↓ or |
Navigate to the next translation in the current search. |
Ctrl + Enter or Cmd + Enter |
Submit current form; this works the same as pressing Save and continue while editing translation. |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter or Cmd + Shift +Enter |
Unmark translation as Needing edit and submit it. |
Alt + Enter or Option + Enter |
Submit the string as a suggestion; this works the same as pressing Suggest while editing translation. |
Ctrl + E or Cmd + E |
Focus on translation editor. |
Ctrl + U or Cmd + U |
Focus on comment editor. |
Ctrl + M or Cmd + M |
Shows Automatic suggestions tab. |
Ctrl + 1 to
Ctrl + 9 or Cmd + 1 to Cmd + 9 |
Copies placeable of a given number from source string. |
Ctrl + M followed by
1 to 9 or Cmd + M followed by 1 to 9 |
Copy the machine translation of a given number to current translation. |
Ctrl + I followed by
1 to
9 or Cmd + I followed by 1 to 9 |
Ignorer un élément de la liste des contrôles de qualité défaillants. |
Ctrl + J or
Cmd + J |
Shows the Nearby strings tab. |
Ctrl + S or
Cmd + S |
Focus on search field. |
Ctrl + O or Cmd + O |
Copy the source string. |
Ctrl + Y or
Cmd + Y |
Toggle the Needs editing checkbox. |
→ | Browse the next translation string. |
← | Browse the previous translation string. |