Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/?format=api&page=2
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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                "delete_message": "Deleted translation using Weblate ({{ language_name }})",
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                "pull_message": "Translations update from {{ site_title }}\r\n\r\nTranslations update from [{{ site_title }}]({{ site_url }}) for [{{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}]({{url}}).\r\n\r\n{% if component_linked_childs %}\r\nIt also includes following components:\r\n{% for linked in component_linked_childs %}\r\n* [{{ linked.project_name }}/{{ }}]({{ linked.url }})\r\n{% endfor %}\r\n{% endif %}\r\n\r\nCurrent translation status:\r\n\r\n![Weblate translation status]({{widget_url}})",
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                "commit_message": "Translated using Weblate ({{ language_name }})\r\n\r\nCurrently translated at {{ stats.translated_percent }}% ({{ stats.translated }} of {{ stats.all }} strings)\r\n\r\nTranslation: {{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}\r\nTranslate-URL: {{ url }}",
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                "addon_message": "Update translation files\r\n\r\nUpdated by \"{{ addon_name }}\" hook in Weblate.\r\n\r\nTranslation: {{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}\r\nTranslate-URL: {{ url }}",
                "pull_message": "Translations update from {{ site_title }}\r\n\r\nTranslations update from [{{ site_title }}]({{ site_url }}) for [{{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}]({{url}}).\r\n\r\n{% if component_linked_childs %}\r\nIt also includes following components:\r\n{% for linked in component_linked_childs %}\r\n* [{{ linked.project_name }}/{{ }}]({{ linked.url }})\r\n{% endfor %}\r\n{% endif %}\r\n\r\nCurrent translation status:\r\n\r\n![Weblate translation status]({{widget_url}})",
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                "pull_message": "Translations update from {{ site_title }}\r\n\r\nTranslations update from [{{ site_title }}]({{ site_url }}) for [{{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}]({{url}}).\r\n\r\n{% if component_linked_childs %}\r\nIt also includes following components:\r\n{% for linked in component_linked_childs %}\r\n* [{{ linked.project_name }}/{{ }}]({{ linked.url }})\r\n{% endfor %}\r\n{% endif %}\r\n\r\nCurrent translation status:\r\n\r\n![Weblate translation status]({{widget_url}})",
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                "add_message": "Added translation using Weblate ({{ language_name }})",
                "delete_message": "Deleted translation using Weblate ({{ language_name }})",
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                "addon_message": "Update translation files\r\n\r\nUpdated by \"{{ addon_name }}\" hook in Weblate.\r\n\r\nTranslation: {{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}\r\nTranslate-URL: {{ url }}",
                "pull_message": "Translations update from {{ site_title }}\r\n\r\nTranslations update from [{{ site_title }}]({{ site_url }}) for [{{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}]({{url}}).\r\n\r\n{% if component_linked_childs %}\r\nIt also includes following components:\r\n{% for linked in component_linked_childs %}\r\n* [{{ linked.project_name }}/{{ }}]({{ linked.url }})\r\n{% endfor %}\r\n{% endif %}\r\n\r\nCurrent translation status:\r\n\r\n![Weblate translation status]({{widget_url}})",
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